Factors Affecting Charismatic Leadership of Primary Schools Principals ☆
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
When leaders victimize: The role of charismatic leaders in facilitating group pressures
Charisma and organizational change: A multilevel study of perceived charisma, commitment to change, and team performance
The role of personal values in the charismatic leadership of corporate managers: A model and preliminary field study
Blazing new trails or opportunity lost? Evaluating research at the intersection of leadership and entrepreneurship
Rare earth minerals, technology metals and extractive landscapes in North Koreaâs web of political life
Populist discourse on a British social media patient-support community: The case of the Charlie Gard support campaign on Facebook
Interregional flows of ecosystem services: Concepts, typology and four cases
The role of interdisciplinary collaboration for stated preference methods to value marine environmental goods and ecosystem services
Permitted to be powerful? A comparison of the possibilities to regulate safety in the Norwegian petroleum and maritime industries
Social forestry movements and science-policy networks: The politics of the forestry incentives program in Guatemala
An economic approach to marine megafauna conservation in the coral triangle: Marine turtles in Sabah, Malaysia
Pollution signature for temperate reef biodiversity is short and simple
Assessing public awareness of marine environmental threats and conservation efforts
The Influence of Organizational External Factors on Construction Risk Management among Nigerian Construction Companies
Improving the sustainability of working landscapes in Latin America: An application of community-based monitoring data on bird populations to inform management guidelines

To Bait or Not to Bait: A Discrete Choice Experiment on Public Preferences for Native Wildlife and Conservation Management in Western Australia
Revisiting gendered assumptions of practitioner power: An exploratory study examining the role of social media expertise
Exploring the links between social metabolism and biodiversity distribution across landscape gradients: A regional-scale contribution to the land-sharing versus land-sparing debate
Transformational leadership: What every nursing dean should know
Transformational leadership and supply chain ambidexterity: Mediating role of supply chain organizational learning and moderating role of uncertainty
Reduction of sea turtle population recruitment caused by nightlight: Evidence from the Mediterranean region
The arts at Facebook: An aesthetic infrastructure for surveillance capitalism
Charismatic leadership: Eliciting and channeling follower emotions
The parakeet protectors: Understanding opposition to introduced species management
Adding small species to the big picture: Species distribution modelling in an age of landscape scale conservation
Leader individual differences, situational parameters, and leadership outcomes: A comprehensive review and integration
Learning from stories of leadership: How reading about personalized and socialized politicians impacts performance on an ethical decision-making simulation
Construct redundancy in leader behaviors: A review and agenda for the future
Biodiversity on the waves of history: Conservation in a changing social and institutional environment in Hungary, a post-soviet EU member state
Manager strategies and user demands: Determinants of cultural ecosystem service bundles on private protected areas
Motivations matter: Behavioural determinants of preferences for remote and unfamiliar environmental goods
Stakeholder perspectives on the importance of rare-species research for deep-sea environmental management
Using globally threatened pelagic birds to identify priority sites for marine conservation in the South Atlantic Ocean
Ecological research questions to inform policy and the management of sandy beaches
Stakeholder involvement and the management of animal genetic resources across the world
Biodiversity and cultural ecosystem benefits in lowland landscapes in southern England
Implementation of Daily Senior Leader Rounds Using a Transformational Leadership Approach
Reconciling community ecology and ecosystem services: Cultural services and benefits from birds in South African National Parks
Marine wildlife as an important component of coastal visits: The role of perceived biodiversity and species behaviour
Mismatches between supply and demand in wildlife tourism: Insights for assessing cultural ecosystem services
Dark side correlates of job reliability and stress tolerance in two large samples
Personal Relationships and Professional Results: The Positive Impact of Transformational Leaders on Academic Librarians
Entrepreneurial orientation and religion: the Pastor as an entrepreneur
The role of wisdom leadership in increasing job performance: Evidence from the Egyptian tourism sector
What can indicators of good environmental status tell us about ecosystem services?: Reducing efforts and increasing cost-effectiveness by reapplying biodiversity indicator data
CEO humility, narcissism and firm innovation: A paradox perspective on CEO traits
Task and person-focused leadership behaviors and team performance: A meta-analysis
Understanding Spatial Variation in the Drivers of Nature-based Tourism and Their Influence on the Sustainability of Private Land Conservation
Earmarking conservation: Further inquiry on scope effects in stated preference methods applied to nature-based tourism
On a unified theory of development: New institutional economics & the charismatic leader
Recruitment in Clinical Trials: The Use of Zelen's Prerandomization in Recent Neurovascular Studies
Leadership improvement and its impact on workplace safety in construction projects: A conceptual model and action research
Leadership and the everyday practice of Consultant Radiographers in the UK: Transformational ideals and the generation of self-efficacy
Effects of attitudes and demography on public support for endangered species conservation
Unmet/met need for contraception and self-reported abortion in Ghana
Motivating users toward continued usage of information systems: Self-determination theory perspective
Development of a Five-Factor Model charisma compound and its relations to career outcomes
A meta-analytic review and future research agenda of charismatic leadership
Large mammal diversity matters for wildlife tourism in Southern African Protected Areas: Insights for management
The circle of life: Rhetoric of identification in Steve Jobs' Stanford speech
Orígenes organizativos y derroteros estatutarios del Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional y el Partido de la Revolución Democrática. Entre carisma y grupos políticos
Recommendations for including surgery on the public health agenda
The awestruck effect: Followers suppress emotion expression in response to charismatic but not individually considerate leadership
The influence of leadership on product and process innovations in China: The contingent role of knowledge acquisition capability
Assessing participatory practices in community-based natural resource management: Experiences in community engagement from southern Africa
Like a phoenix from the ashes. A Weberian analysis of the charismatic CEO routinization