On the elusive nature of critical (accounting) research
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Empowering indigenous voices in disaster response: Applying the Mauri Model to New Zealand's worst environmental maritime disaster
Many randomized clinical trials may not be justified: a cross-sectional analysis of the ethics and science of randomized clinical trials
When neighboring disciplines fail to learn from each other: The case of innovation and project management research
Land Use and Land-use Changes in Life Cycle Assessment: Green Modelling or Black Boxing?
Business network becoming: Figurations of time, change and process
Constructive knowledge and the justified true belief paradigm
On legitimacy in impact assessment: An epistemologically-based conceptualisation
Is know a semantic universal? Shiru, wakaru and Japanese ethno-epistemology1
Developing a business analytics methodology: A case study in the foodbank sector

Representing autism: Challenges of collective representation in German and Israeli associations for and of autistic people
Research methodology for the development of a framework for managing post-disaster housing reconstruction
Critical rationalism as a theoretical framework for futures studies and foresight
Constructivism and personal epistemology development in undergraduate chemistry students
Policy borrowing in the gulf cooperation council countries: Cultural scripts and epistemological conflicts
Investigating relations between beliefs about justification for knowing, interest, and knowledge across two socio-scientific topics
The history of science as the progress of the human spirit: The historiography of astronomy in the eighteenth century
A psycho-ethical approach to personality disorders: The role of volitionality
Removing user fees for health services: A multi-epistemological perspective on access inequities in Senegal
A student-facilitated community-based support group initiative for Mental Health Care users in a Primary Health Care setting
Attention and cognitive penetrability: The epistemic consequences of attention as a form of metacognitive regulation
Fields of conflict: A political ecology approach to land and social transformation in the colonial Andes (Cuzco, Peru)
Infant feeding: Medicalization, the state and techniques of the body
Reflecting on personal and professional energy stories in energy demand research
Perception matrices: An adaptation of repertory grid technique
A hybrid-epistemological approach to climate change research: Linking scientific and smallholder knowledge systems in the Ecuadorian Andes
Clinical outcome measurement: Models, theory, psychometrics and practice
Accepting the unknowables of entrepreneurship and overcoming philosophical obstacles to scientific progress
Transfer of nurse education to universities under a model of person-centred care: A consequence of changes in Spanish society during the democratic transition
Paleopathological rigor and differential diagnosis: Case studies involving terminology, description, and diagnostic frameworks for scurvy in skeletal remains
The four knowledges of transport planning: Enacting a more communicative, trans-disciplinary policy and decision-making
On the Science of Consciousness: Epistemological Reflections and Clinical Implications
The idea of food as commons or commodity in academia. A systematic review of English scholarly texts
Parsing Competitive Dialogue in Public-Private Partnerships: Emergence of Capability Search
Developing a dance movement therapy approach to qualitatively analyzing interview data
The evaluation of measurement uncertainties and its epistemological ramifications
What affects learner's higher-order thinking in technology-enhanced learning environments? The effects of learner factors
Anxious relationships: The unmarked futures for post-normal scenarios in anticipatory systems
Design Research: Aesthetic Epistemology and Explanatory Knowledge
The return of behaviourist epistemology: A review of learning outcomes studies
The many encounters of Thomas Kuhn and French epistemology
Revisiting policy epistemologies on urban informality: Towards a post-dualist view
How objectivity undermines the study of personhood: Toward an intersubjective epistemology for psychological science
Narrative: An ontology, epistemology and methodology for pro-environmental psychology research
Supporting the human life-raft in confronting the juggernaut of technology: Jens Rasmussen, 19611986
Quantum epistemology from subquantum ontology: Quantum mechanics from theory of classical random fields
Studying scientific thought experiments in their context: Albert Einstein and electromagnetic induction
The ontology of teaching in transcultural contexts: Four voices of competence
Performing colonisation: The manufacture of Black female bodies in tourism research
Reframing tourism distribution - Activity Theory and Actor-Network Theory
Towards a participative approach for adapting multimodal digital books for deaf and hard of hearing people
Critical meta-analysis of servitization research: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions
Reflexions on the relationships between history and psychiatry
What are the levels and mechanisms/processes of language evolution?
How folk linguistic methods can support critical sociolinguistics
Embracing uncertainty in value-based selling by means of design thinking
Collaborative Adaptive Rangeland Management Fosters Management-Science Partnerships
The possible source of the causal time arrow in geo-historical explanations
Understanding socio-cultural dimensions of environmental decision-making: A knowledge governance approach
Historical and conceptual aspects of motor disorders in the psychoses
From dichotomy to duality: Addressing interdisciplinary epistemological barriers to inclusive knowledge governance in global environmental assessments
Competencias más importantes para la disciplina administrativa en Colombia
Discourses of transdisciplinarity: Looking Back to the Future
The global financial crisis: Essay on the possibility of substantive change in the discipline of finance
Democratizing the scientific space: The constellation of new epistemic strategies around the emerging metaphor of socially embedded autonomy
Theory of and within foresight — “What does a theory of foresight even mean?”
Integrating knowledge: Challenges raised by the “Inventory of Synthesis”