An integrated model for solving problems in green supplier selection and order allocation
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Identifying viable nutrient management interventions at the farm level: The case of smallholder organic Basmati rice production in Uttarakhand, India
Leveraging industry standards to improve the environmental sustainability of a supply chain
Indicators to support healthy urban gardening in urban management
Sustainable supply chain management: Confirmation of a higher-order model
The interrelationship of green infrastructure and natural capital
From borders to ecotones Private-public co-management of urban woodland edges bordering private housing
A decision support system based on multisensor data fusion for sustainable greenhouse management
Qualities and functions ascribed to urban cemeteries across the capital cities of Scandinavia
A novel approach for enhancing green supply chain management using converged interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers-grey relation analysis
A comprehensive theoretical framework for examining learning effects in green and conventionally managed hotels
Learning and Action Alliance framework to facilitate stakeholder collaboration and social learning in urban flood risk management
New perspectives for green and sustainable chemistry and engineering: Approaches from sustainable resource and energy use, management, and transformation
Sustainability and innovation in the Brazilian supply chain of green plastic
Influence of governance structure on green stormwater infrastructure investment
The role of socio-economic factors in planning and managing urban ecosystem services
City re-imagined: Multi-stakeholder study on branding Hong Kong as a city of greenery
Water conservation and waste reduction management for increasing guest loyalty and green hotel practices
Challenges of urban green space management in the face of using inadequate data
Effects of customer and cost drivers on green supply chain management practices and environmental performance
Green infrastructure for sustainable urban water management: Practices of five forerunner cities
Green multi-tier supply chain management: An enabler investigation
Performance of green supply chain management: A systematic review and meta analysis
Ecosystem services management: An evaluation of green adaptations for urban development in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Prisoner's dilemma on competing retailers' investment in green supply chain management
A linear regression approach to evaluate the green supply chain management impact on industrial organizational performance
Carbon footprint based green supplier selection under dynamic environment
The effect of farmyard manure on the continued and discontinued use of inorganic fertilizer in Ethiopia: An ordered probit analysis
Mapping ecosystem services on brownfields in Leipzig, Germany
Hydrogenation behavior in rectangular metal hydride tanks under effective heat management processes for green building applications
How green building rating systems affect designing green
Harvest management effects on sugarcane growth, yield and nutrient cycling in Florida and Costa Rica
Planning for a sustainable desert city: The potential water buffering capacity of urban green infrastructure
Examining corporate environmental proactivity and operational performance: A strategy-structure-capabilities-performance perspective within a green context
Energy Management in a Manufacturing Industry through Layout Design
The role of urban green spaces in care facilities for elderly people across European cities
Applying the green Embedded lean production model in developing countries: A case study of china
Re-defining the characteristics of environmental volunteering: Creating a typology of community-scale green infrastructure

Simulation of green roof runoff under different substrate depths and vegetation covers by coupling a simple conceptual and a physically based hydrological model
Geographic information system-based assessment of mitigating flash-flood disaster from green roof systems
Green supply chain performance measures: A review and bibliometric analysis
The moderating role of relational bonding in green supply chain practices and performance
Linking capabilities to green operations strategies: The moderating role of corporate environmental proactivity
Progress made in managing and valuing ecosystem services: a horizon scan of gaps in research, management and governance
What drives green advocacy? A case study of leisure farms in Taiwan
The long-term prospects of citizens managing urban green space: From place making to place-keeping?
Envisioning the invisible: Understanding the synergy between green human resource management and green supply chain management in manufacturing firms in Iran in light of the moderating effect of employees' resistance to change
Green supply chain management practices: Multiple case studies in the Brazilian home appliance industry
Interactions among Inter-organizational Measures for Green Supply Chain Management
Green business park project management: Barriers and solutions for sustainable development
Assessing green human resources management practices in Palestinian manufacturing context: An empirical study
Green supply chain management related performance indicators in agro industry: A review
Green areas management and bioengineering techniques for improving urban ecological sustainability
The role of customer relational governance in environmental and economic performance improvement through green supply chain management
On time-sensitive revenue management in green data centers
Supply chain perspective on competitive strategies and green supply chain management strategies
Green supply chain management: An investigation of pressures, practices, and performance within the Brazilian automotive supply chain
Multi-criteria assessment of the benefits of a supply chain management training considering green issues
An optimization model for green supply chain management by using a big data analytic approach
Monetary value of urban green space as an ecosystem service provider: A case study of urban runoff management in Finland
Green manure as part of organic management cycle: Effects on changes in organic matter characteristics across the soil profile
The relationship between green supply chain management and performance: A meta-analysis of empirical evidences in Asian emerging economies
Environmentally friendly management of dairy supply chain for designing a green products' portfolio
An analysis of institutional pressures, green supply chain management, and green performance in the container shipping context
Understanding influential factors on implementing green supply chain management practices: An interpretive structural modelling analysis
A novel multi-criteria decision framework for evaluating green supply chain management practices
Sustainable supply chain management with pricing, greening and governmental tariffs determining strategies: A game-theoretic approach
Environmental benefits of lean, green and resilient supply chain management: The case of the aerospace sector
The Effect of Environmental Capabilities on Environmental Strategy and Environmental Performance of Korean Exporters for Green Supply Chain Management
Green space benefits for health and well-being: A life-course approach for urban planning, design and management
Green practices and financial performance: A global outlook
Strategic flexibility, green management, and firm competitiveness in an emerging economy
Embeddedness and path dependence of organizational capabilities for mass customization and green management: A longitudinal case study in the machinery industry