An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing the Development of Positioning Strategy
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Can Social Media Marketing Improve Customer Relationship Capabilities and Firm Performance? Dynamic Capability Perspective
Contribution of talent analytics in change management within project management organizations The case of the French aerospace sector
Mediation effect of business process and supply chain management capabilities on the impact of IT on firm performance: Evidence from Chinese firms ☆
Power distribution algorithm based on game theory in the femtocell system
Project capabilities for operational outcomes in inter-organisational settings: The case of London Heathrow Terminal 2

Multi-timescale power and energy assessment of lithium-ion battery and supercapacitor hybrid system using extended Kalman filter
Fit for purpose quality management system for military forensic exploitation
Enabling situation awareness with supply chain event management
Multi-constrained ascent guidance for solid propellant launch vehicles
Potential impacts of agricultural land use on soil cover in response to bioenergy production in Canada
Relationship between innovation capability, innovation type, and firm performance
Cyber-attack path discovery in a dynamic supply chain maritime risk management system
Multifunctional epoxy/carbon fiber laminates for thermal energy storage and release
Exploring the dynamics of project management office and portfolio management co-evolution: A routine lens
Examining social capital, organizational learning and knowledge transfer in cultural and creative industries of practice
The impact of free healthcare on women's capability: A qualitative study in rural Burkina Faso
Why is a change of company pricing policy so hard to implement?
It's a match! Choosing information processing mechanisms to address sustainability-related uncertainty in sustainable supply management
Socio-economic, technological and environmental drivers of spatio-temporal changes in fishing pressure
Integration of product development capability and supply chain capability: The driver for high performance adaptation
Evaluation and analysis of soil migration and distribution characteristics of heavy metals in iron tailings
Risk modelling as a tool to support natural hazard risk management in New Zealand local government
Onboard guidance system design for reusable launch vehicles in the terminal area energy management phase
Dimensions of destination competitiveness: Analyses of protected areas in Spain
A preliminary spatial quantification of the soil security dimensions for Tasmania
Building networks into discovery: The link between entrepreneur network capability and entrepreneurial opportunity discovery
Change program management: Toward a capability for managing value-oriented, integrated multi-project change in its context
Capability of the Polish legal system to introduce the ecosystem services approach into environmental management
Exploring Determinants of Semantic Web Technology Adoption from IT Professionals Perspective: Industry Competition, Organization Innovativeness, and Data Management Capability
Effects of risks on the performance of business process outsourcing projects: The moderating roles of knowledge management capabilities
Home country uncertainty and the internationalization-performance relationship: Building an uncertainty management capability
Knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation: Role of knowledge management capability in France-based multinationals
Implementation processes of online and offline channel conflict management strategies in manufacturing enterprises: A resource orchestration perspective
Waste management performance in Italian provinces: Efficiency and spatial effects of local governments and citizen action
Managing distance in international purchasing and supply: a systematic review of literature from the resource-based view perspective
Multi-network multi-message social media message dissemination problem for emergency communication
Revisiting the information audit: A systematic literature review and synthesis
Cumulative manufacturing capabilities in Europe: Integrating sustainability into the sand cone model
Chinese expatriate management in emerging markets: A competitive advantage perspective
Social management capability, human migration and the global mining industry
A new knowledge sourcing framework for knowledge-based engineering: An aerospace industry case study
Barriers to the Circular Economy Integration of Perspectives and Domains
Framing maturity based on sustainable operations management principles
Does environmental management capability of Chinese industrial firms improve the contribution of corporate environmental performance to economic performance? Evidence from 2010 to 2015
Assessing the influence of supply chain collaboration value innovation, supply chain capability and competitive advantage in Taiwan's networking communication industry
Exploring the efficacy of nanofluids for lithium-ion battery thermal management
Linking capabilities to green operations strategies: The moderating role of corporate environmental proactivity
Service supply chain management process capabilities: Measurement development
The role of process innovativeness in the development of environmental innovativeness capability
Building innovation capability: The role of top management innovativeness and relative-exploration orientation
Incumbent capability enhancement in response to radical innovations
The persistency and volatility of the firm R&D investment: Revisited from the perspective of technological capability
Critical processes of knowledge management: An approach toward the creation of customer value
Model based process assessment for public financial and physical resource management processes
Institutional pressures, sustainable supply chain management, and circular economy capability: Empirical evidence from Chinese eco-industrial park firms
Unpacking systemic innovation capacity as strategic ambidexterity: How projects dynamically configure capabilities for agricultural innovation
Challenges and prospects of applying asset management principles to highway maintenance: A case study of the UK
Product variety management and supply chain performance: A capability perspective on their relationships and competitiveness implications
Information system project's sustainability capabality levels
A Unified Management and Control Model of Demand-side Resources
Effects of product lifecycle management systems on new product development performance
Social Media and the Emergence of Reflexiveness as a New Capability for Open Strategy
Power capability prediction for lithium-ion batteries based on multiple constraints analysis
The influence of organizational learning capability and organizational creativity on organizational innovation of Universities in East Java, Indonesia
Determinants of top management's capability to identify core employees
Towards a thick understanding of sustainability transitions — Linking transition management, capabilities and social practices
Knowledge Management Capability Level Assessment of the Higher Education Institutions: Case Study from Mongolia ☆
Knowledge management capabilities and firm performance: A test of universalistic, contingency and complementarity perspectives
Supply management capabilities, routine bundles and their impact on firm performance
Drivers and performance implications of international key account management capability
Supply chain management capability of small and medium sized family businesses in India: A multiple case study approach
Investing in disaster management capabilities versus pre-positioning inventory: A new approach to disaster preparedness