Loss and gain cycles? A longitudinal study about burnout, engagement and self-efficacy
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Asian international students’ socio-cultural adaptation: Influence of multicultural personality, assertiveness, academic self-efficacy, and social support
Teenage goals and self-efficacy beliefs as precursors of adult career and family outcomes
Measuring entrepreneurial self-efficacy to understand the impact of creative activities for learning innovation
Career adaptability, job search self-efficacy and outcomes: A three-wave investigation among Chinese university graduates
A cross cultural study of antecedents on career preparation behavior: Learning motivation, academic achievement, and career decision self-efficacy
Cloud computing: A social cognitive perspective of ethics, entrepreneurship, technology marketing, computer self-efficacy and outcome expectancy on behavioural intentions
The influence of prior subject knowledge, prior ability and work experience on self-efficacy
Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale — Short Form: A Rasch analysis of the Portuguese version
Improving perceived entrepreneurial abilities through education: Exploratory testing of an entrepreneurial self efficacy scale in a pre-post setting
What drives purchase intention in the context of online content services? The moderating role of ethical self-efficacy for online piracy
Enhancing customer self-efficacy in co-producing service experiences
Modeling the effect of self-efficacy on game usage and purchase behavior
Social support reciprocity and occupational self-efficacy beliefs during mothers' organizational re-entry
The long arm of job insecurity: Its impact on career-specific parenting behaviors and youths' career self-efficacy
Behavioral intention formation in knowledge sharing: Examining the roles of KMS quality, KMS self-efficacy, and organizational climate
General self-efficacy's effect on career choice goals via vocational interests and person–job fit: A mediation model
Taken out of context? Cross-level effects of between-person self-efficacy and difficulty on the within-person relationship of self-efficacy with resource allocation and performance
In the eye of the beholder: How regulatory focus and self-efficacy interact in influencing opportunity recognition
Testing the effects of congruity, travel constraints, and self-efficacy on travel intentions: An alternative decision-making model
A model of adolescents' online consumer self-efficacy (OCSE)
Linking ethical leadership to employee performance: The roles of leader–member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identification
The impact of supervisory mentoring on personal learning and career outcomes: The dual moderating effect of self-efficacy
Motivation, self-efficacy, and risk attitudes among entrepreneurs during transition to a market economy
Relation of interest and self-efficacy occupational congruence and career choice certainty
The relation among coalminer’s self-efficacy, safety attitude and risk-taking behavior
The role of leadership self-efficacy and stereotype activation on cardiovascular, behavioral and self-report responses in the leadership domain
The role of personality in the selection of a major: With and without vocational self-efficacy and interests
Confidence mediates how investment knowledge influences investing self-efficacy
The mediating roles of career self-efficacy and career decidedness in the relationship between contextual support and persistence ☆
Self-efficacy, overconfidence, and the negative effect on subsequent performance: A field study
Industry placement, authentic experience and the development of venturing and technology self-efficacy
Cross-cultural training, expatriate self-efficacy, and adjustments to overseas assignments: An empirical investigation of managers in Asia
Acculturation, self-efficacy and social support among Chinese immigrants in Northern Ireland
Development of a cultural self-efficacy scale for adolescents (CSES-A)
The role of self-efficacy, goal, and affect in dynamic motivational self-regulation
Formation of e-satisfaction and repurchase intention: Moderating roles of computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety
Cognitive engagement with a multimedia ERP training tool: Assessing computer self-efficacy and technology acceptance
Personality, career decision self-efficacy and commitment to the career choices process among Chinese graduate students ☆
The longitudinal impact of self-efficacy and career goals on objective and subjective career success
Role ambiguity and self-efficacy: The moderating effects of goal orientation and procedural justice
Longitudinal relations of self-efficacy to outcome expectations, interests, and major choice goals in engineering students ☆
The contrasting interaction effects of improvisational behavior with entrepreneurial self-efficacy on new venture performance and entrepreneur work satisfaction
Knowledge sharing behavior in virtual communities: The relationship between trust, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations ☆
A cyclic model of information seeking in hyperlinked environments: The role of goals, self-efficacy, and intrinsic motivation
Delineating the effects of general and system-specific computer self-efficacy beliefs on IS acceptance
A contingency model of computer and Internet self-efficacy
The effect of training in verbal self-guidance on the self-efficacy and performance of Native North Americans in the selection interview
To what extent does performance-related feedback affect managers’ self-efficacy?
Collective efficacy beliefs in student work teams: Relation to self-efficacy, cohesion, and performance
The relationship of ethnic identity, career decision-making self-efficacy and outcome expectations among Latino/a high school students ☆
Transformation abroad: Sojourning and the perceived enhancement of self-efficacy
Evaluation of an intervention to increase non-traditional career interests and career-related self-efficacy among middle-school adolescents
Young workers’ job self-efficacy and affect: Pathways to health and performance
An empirical investigation of sources of application-specific computer-self-efficacy and mediators of the efficacy—performance relationship
Internet self-efficacy and electronic service acceptance
An investigation of effort–accuracy trade-off and the impact of self-efficacy on Web searching behaviors
The relationship between career motivation and self-efficacy with protégé career success
The relation of self-efficacy and interests: a meta-analysis of 60 samples
Self-efficacy and interest: Experimental studies of optimal incompetence
Effects of parental job insecurity and parenting behaviors on youth’s self-efficacy and work attitudes
Technology enabled work: The role of self-efficacy in determining telecommuter adjustment and structuring behavior
Predicting the use of web-based information systems: self-efficacy, enjoyment, learning goal orientation, and the technology acceptance model
Self-efficacy and successful school-to-work transition: A longitudinal study
Goal assignment and performance: Assessing the mediating roles of goal commitment and self-efficacy and the moderating role of power distance
Family Interaction Patterns as Predictors of Vocational Identity and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy
Educational Aspirations: The Contribution of Personality, Self-Efficacy, and Interests
Papayas and pedagogy: geographically dispersed teams and Internet self-efficacy
Are work stress relationships universal? A nine-region examination of role stressors, general self-efficacy, and burnout
Role of Self-Efficacy, Stress, Social Integration, and Family Support in Latino College Student Persistence and Health
Big five personality and cultural relocation factors in Vietnamese Australian students’ intercultural social self-efficacy
Sources of Social Self-Efficacy Expectations: Their Measurement and Relation to Career Development
The Role of Decision Influence and Team Performance in Member Self-Efficacy, Withdrawal, Satisfaction with the Leader, and Willingness to Return ☆ ☆☆
Evaluation of an Intervention to Increase Realistic Self-Efficacy and Interests in College Women