Flexible job shop scheduling problem for parallel batch processing machine with compatible job families
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
An investigation of ensemble combination schemes for genetic programming based hyper-heuristic approaches to dynamic job shop scheduling
A guided local search with iterative ejections of bottleneck operations for the job shop scheduling problem
A hybrid local-search algorithm for robust job-shop scheduling under scenarios
Scheduling of unit-length jobs with cubic incompatibility graphs on three uniform machines
A two-stage optimization method for energy-saving flexible job-shop scheduling based on energy dynamic characterization
A new double flexible job-shop scheduling problem integrating processing time, green production, and human factor indicators
Incentive compatible mechanisms for scheduling two-parameter job agents on parallel identical machines to minimize the weighted number of late jobs
Minimizing total carbon footprint and total late work criterion in flexible job shop scheduling by using an improved multi-objective genetic algorithm
Solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
Quantum genetic algorithm based scheduler for batch of precedence constrained jobs on heterogeneous computing systems
Scheduling cooperative gantry cranes with seaside and landside jobs

Integrated decision making for parts ordering and scheduling of jobs on two-stage assembly problem in three level supply chain
Cost optimization for deadline-aware scheduling of big-data processing jobs on clouds
An effective hybrid multi objective evolutionary algorithm for solving real time event in flexible job shop scheduling problem
An integrated approach for scheduling health care activities in a hospital
A green scheduling algorithm for flexible job shop with energy-saving measures
Scheduling with job-splitting considering learning and the vital-few law
A probabilistic approach to the Stochastic Job-Shop Scheduling problem
Robust scheduling to minimize the weighted number of late jobs with interval due-date uncertainty
Staff scheduling in job rotation environments considering ergonomic aspects and preservation of qualifications
Efficient jobs scheduling approach for big data applications
Heuristics for a flowshop scheduling problem with stepwise job objective function
Two stage particle swarm optimization to solve the flexible job shop predictive scheduling problem considering possible machine breakdowns
Solving a Multi-periods Job-shop Scheduling Problem using a Generic Decision Support Tool
Scheduling flexible job-shops with transportation times: Mathematical models and a hybrid imperialist competitive algorithm
Walking and jobs: A comparative analysis to explore factors influencing flexible and fixed schedule workers, a case study of Rasht, Iran
Emergency Radiology Practice Patterns: Shifts, Schedules, and Job Satisfaction
A simulation-based study of dispatching rules in a dynamic job shop scheduling problem with batch release and extended technical precedence constraints
Competitive two-agent scheduling with deteriorating jobs on a single parallel-batching machine
Multi Agent model based on Chemical Reaction Optimization with Greedy algorithm for Flexible Job shop Scheduling Problem
Algorithms for job scheduling problems with distinct time windows and general earliness/tardiness penalties
Scheduling unrelated parallel batch processing machines with non-identical job sizes and unequal ready times
Integrated lot sizing and energy-efficient job shop scheduling problem in manufacturing/remanufacturing systems
Complexity analyses for multi-agent scheduling problems with a global agent and equal length jobs
Two-agent scheduling on a single parallel-batching machine with equal processing time and non-identical job sizes
An effective multi-objective discrete virus optimization algorithm for flexible job-shop scheduling problem with controllable processing times
A hybrid harmony search algorithm with efficient job sequence scheme and variable neighborhood search for the permutation flow shop scheduling problems
Optimized Thermal-Aware Job Scheduling and Control of Data Centers
On the generalization of constraint programming and boolean satisfiability solving techniques to schedule a resource-constrained project consisting of multi-mode jobs
An Efficient Algorithm for Scheduling a Flexible Job Shop with Blocking and No-Wait Constraints*

An improved island model memetic algorithm with a new cooperation phase for multi-objective job shop scheduling problem
Evaluating the Robustness of Production Schedules using Discrete-Event Simulation
Priority-driven spatial resource sharing scheduling for embedded graphics processing units
Scheduling selfish jobs on multidimensional parallel machines
Parallel-machine scheduling of deteriorating jobs with potential machine disruptions
Scheduling of online compute-intensive synchronized jobs on high performance virtual clusters
Optimizing the sum of maximum earliness and tardiness of the job shop scheduling problem
A reinforcement learning approach to parameter estimation in dynamic job shop scheduling

Hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm with a rescheduling strategy for solving flexible job shop scheduling problems
A batch-oblivious approach for Complex Job-Shop scheduling problems
Modelling and scheduling multi-objective flow shop problems with interfering jobs
Minimizing earliness and tardiness costs in scheduling jobs with time windows
An improved biogeography-based optimization for achieving optimal job shop scheduling solutions
Online algorithms for scheduling on batch processing machines with interval graph compatibilities between jobs
Cyclic job shop robotic cell scheduling problem: Ant colony optimization
A novel mathematical model and multi-objective method for the low-carbon flexible job shop scheduling problem
Design of job rotation schedules managing the exposure to age-related risk factors
Match-up scheduling of mixed-criticality jobs: Maximizing the probability of jobs execution
Game theory based real-time multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling considering environmental impact
Investigation of reconfiguration effect on makespan with social network method for flexible job shop scheduling problem
An energy-efficient multi-objective optimization for flexible job-shop scheduling problem
Energy-aware stochastic scheduler for batch of precedence-constrained jobs on heterogeneous computing system
Integrating employee timetabling with scheduling of machines and transporters in a job-shop environment: A mathematical formulation and an Anarchic Society Optimization algorithm
An effective ant colony optimization algorithm for multi-objective job-shop scheduling with equal-size lot-splitting
Scheduling nonpreemptive jobs on parallel machines subject to exponential unrecoverable interruptions
Approximation algorithms for scheduling jobs with release times and arbitrary sizes on batch machines with non-identical capacities
Flexible job shop scheduling under condition-based maintenance: Improved version of imperialist competitive algorithm