Theorising about barriers to open e-learning systems in public administrations
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Modern Technologies of E-learning and its Evaluation of Efficiency
E-learning system use and its outcomes: Moderating role of perceived compatibility
Green Information Technology influence on car owners’ behavior: Considerations for their operative support in collaborative eLearning and social networks
E-inclusion Modeling for Blended e-learning Course ☆
E-learning Systems Based on Cloud Computing: A Review ☆
How to build an e-learning product: Factors for student/customer satisfaction
Effect of an e-Learning Tool on Expectations and Satisfaction Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Data mining for modeling students performance: A tutoring action plan to prevent academic dropout
Improving resident's skills in the management of circulatory shock with a knowledge-based e-learning tool
Mining temporal characteristics of behaviors from interval events in e-learning
Ballet E-learning using fuzzy set induced posture recognition by piece-wise linear approximation of connected components
Developing digital educational materials for nursing and sustainability: The results of an observational study
To gamify or not to gamify? An experimental field study of the influence of badges on motivation, activity, and performance in an online learning course
Staying motivated to e-learn: Person- and variable-centred perspectives on the longitudinal risks and support
Assessment of digital literacy and use of smart phones among Central Indian dental students
Optimal pricing in e-commerce based on sparse and noisy data
A multi-constraint learning path recommendation algorithm based on knowledge map
Student continuance of learning management system use: A longitudinal exploration
Student profiling in a dispositional learning analytics application using formative assessment
A cognitive assistant for learning java featuring social dialogue
Prerequisites between learning objects: Automatic extraction based on a machine learning approach
The role of textbook learning resources in e-learning: A taxonomic study
Facilitating learning through an international virtual collaborative practice: A case study
An affective and Web 3.0-based learning environment for a programming language
An evolutionary approach for personalization of content delivery in e-learning systems based on learner behavior forcing compatibility of learning materials
Students epistemological frames and their interpretation of lectures in advanced mathematics
Social tagging strategy for enhancing e-learning experience
Youth e-participation as a pillar of sustainable societies
How do medium naturalness, teaching-learning interactions and Students' personality traits affect participation in synchronous E-learning?
Gaussian derivative models and ensemble extreme learning machine for texture image classification
Basic Japanese Grammar and Conversation e-learning through Skype and Zoom Online Application
Acute pain in the emergency department: Effect of an educational intervention
A proposed paradigm for smart learning environment based on semantic web
Trade-off between interoperability and data collection performance when designing an architecture for learning analytics
Modern optimization algorithms for fault location estimation in power systems
Knowledge transmission model with consideration of self-learning mechanism in complex networks
Link practical-oriented research and education: New training tools for a sustainable use of plant protection products
An intelligent cloud-based data processing broker for mobile e-health multimedia applications
E-assessment of online academic courses via students' activities and perceptions
Superior Gain in Knowledge by Podcasts Versus Text-Based Learning in Teaching Orthopedics: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Combining trust and skills evaluation to form e-Learning classes in online social networks
E-learning success determinants: Brazilian empirical study
Personalized assessment model for alphabets learning with learning objects in e-learning environment for dyslexia
The effects of neurologic assessment E-learning in nurses
A comprehensive adaptive system for e-learning of foreign languages
Perceptions about and attitude toward the usage of e-learning in corporate training
User Satisfaction Model for e-Learning Using Smartphone
E-Learning for Employability Skills: Students Perspective
Exploring the role of e-learning readiness on student satisfaction and motivation in flipped classroom
A Conceptual Model Participatory Engagement Within E-learning Community
e-Learning readiness amongst nursing students at the Durban University of Technology
Effects of different interactions on students' sense of community in e-learning environment
The impact of initial learning experience on digital services usage diffusion: A field study of e-services in Lebanon
Experiential and authentic learning approaches in vaccine management
Comprehensive classification of collaboration approaches in E-learning
Validation of the three web quality dimensions of a minimally invasive surgery e-learning platform
Augmented reality and pedestrian navigation through its implementation in m-learning and e-learning: Evaluation of an educational program in Chile
A hybrid knowledge-based recommender system for e-learning based on ontology and sequential pattern mining

Instance-based ontology matching for e-learning material using an associative pattern classifier
Implementing the adapted physical education E-learning program into physical education teacher education program
Konzeption und Implementierung eines neuartigen E-Learning-Moduls mit EbM-Lerninhalten im Fach Zahnerhaltungskunde
The efficacy of an e-learning prevention program for substance use among adolescents with intellectual disabilities: A pilot study
Internet cognitive failure relevant to users' satisfaction with content and interface design to reflect continuance intention to use a government e-learning system
Mixed e-learning and virtual reality pedagogical approach for innovative hydrogen safety training of first responders
Learning from the surgeons real perspective First-person view versus laparoscopic view in e-learning for training of surgical skills? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Discover learning path for group users: A profile-based approach
The Tutor's Roles and Functions in Online Education. Qualitative Study Within the Context of Worker Training