Promoting sustainability of automotive products through strategic assortment planning
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Community pharmacy customer segmentation based on factors influencing their selection of pharmacy and over-the-counter medicines
Fuzzy Logic based decision support systems in variant production
Business creation in networks: How a technology-based start-up collaborates with customers in product development
A conjoint analysis to consumer choice in Brazil: Defining device attributes for recognizing customized foods characteristics
Why do consumers prefer static instead of dynamic pricing plans? An empirical study for a better understanding of the low preferences for time-variant pricing plans
Customer reviews are not always informative: The impact of effortful versus heuristic processing
Greetings as a device to find out and establish the language of service encounters in multilingual settings
Benefit analysis of shared depot resources for multi-depot vehicle routing problem with fuel consumption
Dynamic discrete choice model for railway ticket cancellation and exchange decisions
The cost of electric power outages in the residential sector: A willingness to pay approach
Strategic choice and broadband divergence in the transition to next generation networks: Evidence from Canada and the U.S.
Strategic Choice of Sales Channel and Business Model for the Hotel Supply Chain
Pricing privacy the right to know the value of your personal data
Optimizing the return window for online fashion retailers with closed-loop refurbishment
Estimating demand variability and capacity costs due to social network influence: The hidden cost of connection
Analysis of a semi-open queueing network with Markovian arrival process
Optimization of menu-labeling formats to drive healthy dining: An eye tracking study
A latent-class model for estimating product-choice probabilities from clickstream data
Finite time horizon fill rate analysis for multiple customer cases
Does country-of-origin brand personality generate retail customer lifetime value? A Big Data analytics approach
The effect of customer value and power structure on retail supply chain product choice and pricing decisions
Commercial vehicles time of day choice behavior in urban areas
Intertemporal mixed bundling strategy of information products with network externality
Offer Elaboration: New Confidence Indexes to take into account Uncertainty
The impact of operational exposure and value-of-time on customer choice: Evidence from the airline industry
An approximate dynamic programming approach to attended home delivery management
Modelling the preference for business charter in the cross-strait market
Influence of seasoning on vegetable selection, liking and intent to purchase
Prisonerâs dilemma on behavioral choices in the presence of sticky prices: Farsightedness vs. myopia
Adoption of Integrated Lean-Green-Agile Strategies for Modern Manufacturing Systems
Sensory expectations generated by colours of red wine labels
Strategic incentives when supplying to rivals with an application to vertical firm structure
A Response Methodology for Reducing Impacts of Failure Events in Water Distribution Networks
When to introduce an online channel, and offer money back guarantees and personalized pricing?
Decision-making factors of pharmacy customers purchasing over-the-counter complementary and alternative medicine for stress
Least squares approximate policy iteration for learning bid prices in choice-based revenue management
Are the off-grid customers ready to pay for electricity from the decentralized renewable hybrid mini-grids? A study of willingness to pay in rural Bangladesh
Choosing a wrong mobile communication price plan: An empirical analysis of predictors of the degree of tariff misfit among flat rate subscribers in Germany
Accounting for price endogeneity in airline itinerary choice models: An application to Continental U.S. markets
Modeling free-floating car-sharing use in Switzerland: A spatial regression and conditional logit approach
Fuzzy multi-objective sustainable and green closed-loop supply chain network design
Restaurant menu design and more responsible consumer food choice: An exploratory study of managerial perceptions
Customer interface design for customer co-creation in the social era
A planar single-facility competitive location and design problem under the multi-deterministic choice rule

Choosing the right exchange-old-for-new programs for durable goods with a rollover
Restaurant menu re-design as a facilitator of more responsible consumer choice: An exploratory and preliminary study
When Plentiful Platforms Pay Off: Assessment Orientation Moderates the Effect of Assortment Size on Choice Engagement and Product Valuation
Inventory management under price-based and stockout-based substitution
Product, process and customer preference alignment in prefabricated house building
A Possibilistic Approach to Set Achievable and Feasible Goals while Designing Complex Systems
Payment scheme self-selection in the credence goods market: An experimental study
A dynamic taxi traffic assignment model: A two-level continuum transportation system approach
The unsung benefits of wholesale competition to electric utility customers who forgo retail competition
Equilibrium arrival times to queues with general service times and non-linear utility functions
Multi-period optimization with loss-averse customer behavior: Joint pricing and inventory decisions with stochastic demand
New heuristic algorithms for discrete competitive location problems with binary and partially binary customer behavior
Retailer's channel structure choice: Online channel, offline channel, or dual channels?
Website interactivity and brand development of online travel agencies in China: The moderating role of age
Purchase decision regret: Negative consequences of the Steadily Increasing Discount strategy
Disruptive innovation, managerial cognition, and technology competition outcomes
Pharmacy student decision making in over-the-counter medicine supply: A critical incident study
The impact of stereotyping on consumers' food choices
Electricity billing systems and household electricity use behaviour in Ibadan, Nigeria
Customer choice patterns in passenger rail competition
Seat inventory control for sequential multiple flights with customer choice behavior
Green Power voluntary purchases: Price elasticity and policy analysis