Relationships between ethical climate, political behavior, ethical leadership, and job satisfaction of operational officers in a wholesale company, Bangkok Metropolitan region
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Exploring the path through which career adaptability increases job satisfaction and lowers job stress: The role of affect ☆
Gender disparity in job satisfaction of Western versus Asian managers
Individual differences in the relationship between satisfaction with job rewards and job satisfaction
Employees' work–family conflict moderating life and job satisfaction
Measuring Employee Expectations in a Strategic Human Resource Management Research: Job Satisfaction
Affective commitment and job satisfaction among non-family employees: Investigating the roles of justice perceptions and psychological ownership
Engagement, empowerment, and job satisfaction before implementing an academic model of shared governance
How does training improve customer service quality? The roles of transfer of training and job satisfaction
A qualitative exploration of day spa therapists' work motivations and job satisfaction
Effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction and patient safety outcomes
Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction
Exploring the job satisfaction and career progression of musculoskeletal physiotherapists working in private practice in Western Australia
Substance use for restaurant servers: Causes and effects
The link between tourism involvement and service performance: Evidence from frontline retail employees
Why does organizational justice matter? Uncertainty management among law enforcement officers
Determinants of job satisfaction and performance of seafarers
Evaluating Association Degree Nursing Faculty Job Satisfaction
The Cost of Caring: An Exploration of Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction, and Job Satisfaction in Pediatric Nurses
Does the effect of power distance moderate the relation between person environment fit and job satisfaction leading to job performance? Evidence from Afghanistan and Pakistan
The role of job satisfaction, work engagement, self-efficacy and agentic capacities on nurses' turnover intention and patient satisfaction
Hotel employee job crafting, burnout, and satisfaction: The moderating role of perceived organizational support
The anticipation and adaptation effects of intra- and interpersonal wage changes on job satisfaction
The relationship between abusive supervision, distributive justice and job satisfaction: A substitutes for leadership approach
Job crafting-satisfaction relationship in electrical/electronic technology education programme: Do work engagement and commitment matter?
A meta-analysis of emotional intelligence effects on job satisfaction mediated by job resources, and a test of moderators
The Role of Personal Characteristics and School Characteristics in Explaining Teacher Job Satisfaction
Sequencing of multi-faceted job satisfaction across business-to-business and business-to-consumer salespeople: A multi-group analysis
The relationship between corporate social responsibility, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment: Case of Pakistani higher education
Burnout and job satisfaction of intensive care personnel and the relationship with personality and religious traits: An observational, multicenter, cross-sectional study
Satisfied naturopathic practitioners? Results from a job satisfaction survey in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Does the proportion of pay linked to performance affect the job satisfaction of general practitioners?
An analysis of the relationship between burnout, socio-demographic and workplace factors and job satisfaction among emergency department health professionals
Novice teachers' job satisfaction and coping strategies: Overcoming contextual challenges at Qatari government schools
Impact of Individual and Employment Variable on Job Satisfaction & Turnover Intention among Sales and Marketing Professionals
The significance of mutual recognition respect in mediating the relationships between trait emotional intelligence, affective commitment and job satisfaction
Effect of the good school toolkit on school staff mental health, sense of job satisfaction and perceptions of school climate: Secondary analysis of a cluster randomised trial
Emergency Radiology Practice Patterns: Shifts, Schedules, and Job Satisfaction
Impact of research collaboration cosmopolitanism on job satisfaction
The dark side of experiencing job autonomy: Unethical behavior
The role of wisdom leadership in increasing job performance: Evidence from the Egyptian tourism sector
Hedonic recall bias. Why you should not ask people how much they earn
Ties that work: Investigating the relationships among coworker connections, work-related Facebook utility, online social capital, and employee outcomes
Fostering employee well-being via a job crafting intervention
The effect of economic cycles on job satisfaction in a two-sector economy
Sources of social support, job satisfaction, and quality of life among childcare teachers
Entrepreneurs innovation bringing job satisfaction, work-family balance, and life satisfaction: In China and around the world
The effect of perceived overqualification on job satisfaction and career satisfaction among immigrants: Does host national identity matter?
Social cognitive predictors of Korean secondary school teachers' job and life satisfaction
Social networks, job satisfaction and job searching behavior in the Chinese labor market
Second career teachers: Job satisfaction, job stress, and the role of self-efficacy
Exploring the relationship between entrepreneurial behavior and teachers' job satisfaction
A moderated mediation model of job stress, job satisfaction, and turnover intention for airport security screeners
Job satisfaction: An evaluation using a fuzzy approach
College nursing faculty job satisfaction and retention: A national perspective
Job satisfaction developmental trajectories and health: A life course perspective
Is the grass greener on the other side? A longitudinal study of the impact of employer change and occupational change on job satisfaction
Validating the Job Satisfaction Survey in voluntary child welfare

Effect of personal and work stress on burnout, job satisfaction and general health of hospital nurses in South Africa
The role of supervisor emotional support on individual job satisfaction: A multilevel analysis
A research regarding the relationship among intensive care nurses' self-esteem, job satisfaction and subjective well-being
Work engagement, social support, and job satisfaction in Portuguese nursing staff: A winning combination
Using goal facilitation theory to explain the relationships between calling and organization-directed citizenship behavior and job satisfaction
Influence of teacher collaboration on job satisfaction and student achievement
The Impact of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction on Workforce Productivity in an Iranian Petrochemical Industry
Are smarter people happier? Meta-analyses of the relationships between general mental ability and job and life satisfaction
Depressive symptoms and the salience of job satisfaction over the life course of professionals
Social media at work: The roles of job satisfaction, employment status, and Facebook use with co-workers
Examining the impact of job embeddedness on salesperson deviance: The moderating role of job satisfaction