مدیریت شغلی سازمانی و سازگاری شغلی به عنوان مولفه های موثر بر موفقیت و نیت ترک در میان کارمندان چینی
Perceived organizational career management and career adaptability as predictors of success and turnover intention among Chinese employees
Perceived organizational career management and career adaptability as predictors of success and turnover intention among Chinese employees
Risky innovation: The impact of internal and external R & D strategies upon the distribution of returns
Does emotional intelligence moderate the relationship between mental health and job performance? An exploratory study
Integration of Doctors of Chiropractic Into Private Sector Health Care Facilities in the United States: A Descriptive Survey
Human resource management and project based organizing: Fertile ground, missed opportunities and prospects for closer connections
The roles of work and family in men's lives: Testing the social cognitive model of career self-management
Utilizing reliability modeling to analyze United States Air Force officer retention
Attracting men to nursing: Is graduate entry an answer?
Organizational citizenship behaviour of men in nursing professions: Career stage perspectives
Mobile social media usage and academic performance
Career intentions of PhD students in nursing: A cross-sectional survey
Posterior circumflex humeral artery pathology and digital ischemia in elite volleyball: Symptoms, risk factors & suggestions for clinical management
What are business students taught about farming: Do textbooks paint a negative picture?
The importance of soft skills acquisition by teachers in higher education institutions
Survey on the Contemporary Management of Intraoperative Urethral Injuries During Penile Prosthesis Implantation
Accounting and finance in UK universities: Academic labour, shortages and strategies
Finding voice through narrative storytelling: An exploration of the career development of young African females with refugee backgrounds
From classroom to courtside: An examination of the experiential learning practices of sport management faculty
Assessing the seafaring intention of maritime students in Hong Kong
Career exploration and decision-making learning experiences: A test of the career self-management model
Teacher enthusiasm and self-efficacy, student-perceived mastery goal orientation, and student motivation in mathematics classrooms
Feeling good, being good and looking good: Motivations for, and benefits from, project management certification
A qualitative descriptive exploration of the educational and career plans of early career neonatal nurses and midwives: An Irish perspective
How to apply for the academic foundation programme
Determinants of job satisfaction and performance of seafarers
Sanitation management of cooks in childcare centers in South Korea according to working duration and the type of childcare center: Importance-Performance Analysis
Dark side correlates of job reliability and stress tolerance in two large samples
Plausible scenarios for the radiography profession in Sweden in 2025
The effect of stress and dissatisfaction on employees during crisis
Leadership development: Towards a more systematic approach in technology management
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Voice Problems Among Primary School Teachers in India
Hospitality employees promotional attitude: Findings from graduates of a twelve-month management training program
Uncovering obstacles: The exercise of symbolic power in the complex arena of intergenerational family farm transfer
The reality of cross-disciplinary energy research in the United Kingdom: A social science perspective
An empirical investigation of student's motivation towards learning quantitative courses
Personal and Professional Well-Being of Surgical Residents in New England
Motivations and Decisive Factors in Women's Entrepreneurship. A Gender Perspective in Education and Professional Guidance
Using the perceptions of chemical engineering students and graduates to develop employability skills
Attitude of interns towards implementation and contribution of undergraduate Emergency Medicine training: Experience of an Ethiopian Medical School
Career desires and expectations of event management students
A profession but not a career? Work identity and career satisfaction in project management
Aspirations and progression of event management graduates: A study of career development
Sources of self-efficacy and outcome expectations for career exploration and decision-making: A test of the social cognitive model of career self-management
Personal orientation as an antecedent to career stress and employability confidence: The intervening roles of career goal-performance discrepancy and career goal importance
The relationship between education debt and career choices in professional programs
Helping students make progress in their careers: An attribute analysis of effective vs ineffective student development plans
Hospitality service climate, employee service orientation, career aspiration and performance: A moderated mediation model
Exploring preferences for impact versus publications among UK business and management academics
Study of the achievement of university students and their relationship with the selection process
Is this the end? Investigating firm and individual level outcomes post-failure
People with disabilities and sport: An exploration of topic inclusion in sport management
Using the informational interview to get an insight into the profession of a manager
Travel agency managers' perceptions of tourism industry employability
Teachers' self-directed learning and teaching experience: What, how, and why teachers want to learn
Managing internal digital publics: What matters is digital age not digital nativity
Helicopter parents hovering in the workplace: What should HR managers do?
Change-oriented behavior: A meta-analysis of individual and job design predictors
Towards an understanding of talent management as a phenomenon-driven field using bibliometric and content analysis
Guanxi and social capital: Networking among women managers in China and Finland
Moving from job loss to career management: The past, present, and future of involuntary job loss research
The careers of sports graduates: Implications for employability strategies in higher education sports courses
Toward a taxonomy of career studies through bibliometric visualization ☆
From outpost to outback: project career paths in Australia
The psychology of talent management: A review and research agenda
Determinants and outcome of career competencies: Perspectives of hotel managers in China
From hotel career management to employees’ career satisfaction: The mediating effect of career competency
Initiatives and Proposals in Career Management into the Romanian Public Organisations: Mureş County Council Case