Individual differences in the relationship between satisfaction with job rewards and job satisfaction
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Determination of transmission factors in beta radiation beams
Students' motivation and subjective task value of participating in online and blended learning environments
Dynamical and statistical downscaling of seasonal temperature forecasts in Europe: Added value for user applications
Comparing the effect of geometry on the stress-strain response of isolated corrugation structures and corrugation reinforced composite structures
A scheduling perspective on the monetary value of improving process control
Multi-objective optimisation of steam methane reforming considering stoichiometric ratio indicator for methanol production
Work and family transitions and the self-rated health of young women in South Africa
"I'm nobody's Mum in this university": The gendering of work around student writing in UK higher education
Factors associated with final year nursing students' desire to work in the primary health care setting: Findings from a national cross-sectional survey
Dynamic parameter estimation and identifiability analysis for heterogeneously-catalyzed reactions: Catalytic synthesis of nopol
Trajectories of knowledge and desire: Multilingual women scholars researching and writing in academia
Shape optimization and experimental validation of a drag vertical axis wind turbine
Influence of irradiance and irradiation on characteristic parameters for a solar air collector prototype
Fine- and hyperfine structure investigations of the even-parity configuration system of the atomic holmium
Experimental and numerical assessment of the work of fracture in injection-moulded low-density polyethylene
Random crystal field effects on the integer and half-integer mixed-spin system
Attention! Can choices for low value food over high value food be trained?
Revealed social preference for ecosystem services using the eco-price
Much ado about mice: Standard-setting in model organism research
Protecting the natural and cultural heritage of local landscapes: Finding substance in law and legal decision making
A failure analysis of concrete composites incorporating fly ash during torsional loading
Risk- and value-based management for non-life insurers under solvency constraints
Safety performance assessment among control room operators based on feature extraction and genetic fuzzy system in the process industry
Influence of chloride ion on depassivation of passive film on galvanized steel bars in concrete pore solution
Further insights into thermoelectric properties of nonstoichiometric titanium oxide fabricated by high pressure and high temperature
Algorithmic and logical characterizations of bisimulations for non-deterministic fuzzy transition systems
An optimization model to measure utility of joint and solo activities
On the ductility of alpha titanium: The effect of temperature and deformation mode
Upper limb disorders and hand-arm vibration risks with hand-held olive beaters
Do precious and industrial metals act as hedges and safe havens for currency portfolios?
Product-specific Process Time Estimation from Incomplete Point of Production Data for Mass Customization

#Communing affiliation: Social tagging as a resource for aligning around values in social media
Flexible value creation: Conceptual prerequisites and empirical explorations in open workshops
The promise of Best Value Procurement: Governance and (in)stability of specifications within an innovative biogas project
The comminution energy-size reduction of the Bond Mill and its relation to Vickers Hardness
Productivity Benefits of Medical Care: Evidence from US-Based Randomized Clinical Trials
The association between long work hours and leisure-time physical activity and obesity
What drives future business leaders? How work values and gender shape young adults' entrepreneurial and leadership aspirations
Value of Myocardial Work Estimation in the Prediction of Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
The continuing education on personal work values of general nurses working in hospitals of the Czech Republic: A Euclidean distance-based measure
Navigating the boundaries between home, work and school. Teaching values and literacies in VET
Channel equalization and beamforming for quaternion-valued wireless communication systems
The development of work values during the transition to adulthood: A two-country study
Understanding the burden of government oversight on engineering work: Adding empirical data to the debate
The effects of generational work values on employee brand attitude and behavior: A multi-group analysis
Personal Digital Assistant-Based Self-Work Sampling Study of Pediatric Interns Quantifies Workday and Educational Value
Critical Competencies for the Innovativeness of Value Creation Champions: Identifying Challenges and Work-integrated Solutions
Is accounting an applied discipline? An institutional theory assessment of the value of faculty accounting-related work experience in the academic labor market
The hidden power of memory-work for hospitality and tourism researchers
Environmental assessment of the entire pork value chain in Catalonia A strategy to work towards Circular Economy
Work Sequence Analysis and Computer Simulations of Value Flow and Workers Relocations: A Case Study
Long Term Prognostic Value of a Negative Work-Up for Acute Coronary Disease in Emergency Department Chest Pain Patients Without Known Coronary Artery Disease: A Cohort Study
Cell formation in a cellular manufacturing system using simulation integrated hybrid genetic algorithm
Values and behaviors of effective lean managers: Mixed-methods exploratory research
The mismanaged soul: Existential labor and the erosion of meaningful work
A time allocation model considering external providers
Work values and the transition to work life: A longitudinal study
Reinforcement or compensation? The effects of parents' work and financial conditions on adolescents' work values during the Great Recession ☆
Weber, Marx, and work values: Evidence from transition economies
Ethical contexts and employee job responses in the hotel industry: The roles of work values and perceived organizational support
Generational differences in work values and attitudes among frontline and service contact employees
The role of career values for work engagement during the transition to working life
Stability and change in work values: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
Socioanalytic theory and work behavior: Roles of work values and political skill in job performance and promotability assessment
Integrating work and basic values into the Spherical Model of Interests
Personality and values as predictors of medical specialty choice
Intrinsic work value–reward dissonance and work satisfaction during young adulthood