The Impact of Telework on Transport Externalities: The Case of Brussels Capital Region
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Avoiding depletion in virtual work: Telework and the intervening impact of work exhaustion on commitment and turnover intentions
Analysis of telecommuting behavior and impacts on travel demand and the environment
Association between vehicle time during pregnancy and mental health among women of different income groups
Changes in Time Use and Their Effect on Energy Consumption in the United States
Dealing with energy crises: Working and living arrangements in peri-urban France
Assessing direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases in road transportation, taking into account the role of uncertainty in the emissions inventory
The dynamics of urban metabolism in the face of digitalization and changing lifestyles: Understanding and influencing our cities
Web-based software-support for collaborative morphological analysis in real-time
Residential relocation and changes in travel behavior: what is the role of social context change?
The relationship between teleworking, traffic and air pollution
Managing flexible work arrangements: Teleworking and output controls
Three Scenario Narratives for a Resource-Efficient and Low-Carbon Europe in 2050
Local government's contribution to low carbon mobility transitions
From invisibility to impact: Recognising the scientific and societal relevance of interdisciplinary sustainability research
How does environmental concern influence mode choice habits? A mediation analysis
A multi-level perspective analysis of urban mobility system dynamics: What are the future transition pathways?
The death of a transport regime? The future of electric bicycles and transportation pathways for sustainable mobility in China
Investigating heterogeneity in social influence by social distance in car-sharing decisions under uncertainty: A regret-minimizing hybrid choice model framework based on sequential stated adaptation experiments
The relationship between public transport and the progressive development of rural areas
An exploration of mammographers' attitudes towards the use of social media for providing breast screening information to clients
The dark side of experiencing job autonomy: Unethical behavior
Energy transition potential in peri-urban dwellings: Assessment of theoretical scenarios in the Swiss context
High Speed Rail commuting impacts on labour migration: The case of the concentration of metropolis in the Madrid functional area
On the social shaping dimensions of smart sustainable cities: A study in science, technology, and society
Sustainable development synergies and their ability to create coalitions for low-carbon transport measures
European cooperative R&D and firm performance: Evidence based on funding differences in key actions
Authentic leadership extends beyond work: A multilevel model of work-family conflict and enrichment
Diagnosis of Educational Needs for the Implementation of Blended Courses Based on the Blended Learning Model. The Case of the Social Sciences Faculty of the National University of Costa Rica
Subjects in the Blended Learning Model Design. Theoretical-Methodological elements
A comprehensive model of regional electric vehicle adoption and penetration
Improving scenario methods in infrastructure planning: A case study of long distance travel and mobility in the UK under extreme weather uncertainty and a changing climate
Smart energy city development: A story told by urban planners
Needed reduction in mobility energy consumption to meet the goal of a 2000-watt society
Access to broadband Internet and labour force outcomes: A case study of the Western Downs Region, Queensland
Participatory visioning in transport backcasting studies: Methodological lessons from Andalusia (Spain)
Future demand for energy services through a quantitative approach of lifestyles
Can new communication technology promote sustainable transport?
Home telework and household commuting patterns in Great Britain
Working from Home: Modeling the Impact of Telework on Transportation and Land Use
Mapping ICT use at home and telecommuting practices: A perspective from work/family border theory
Self-regulation of the academic accounting literature: The case of James Hunton
On the relationships between commuting mode choice and public health
Assessing the impacts of transport policies through energy system simulation: The case of the Medellin Metropolitan Area, Colombia
Information and Communication Technologies Impact on Family Relationship

Do Information and Communications Technologies influence transport demand? An exploratory study in the European Union
Does the Use of Smartphone Influence Travel Outcome? An Investigation on the Determinants of the Impact of Smartphone Use on Vehicle Kilometres Travelled
Duration of commute travel changes in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy using accelerated failure time modeling
Economic crisis and promotion of sustainable transportation: A case survey in the city of Volos, Greece
The adoption of innovations in Brazilian labour courts from the perspective of judges and court managers
Teletrabajo y sostenibilidad empresarial. Una reflexión desde la gerencia del talento humano en Colombia
Assessing the road safety impacts of a teleworking policy by means of geographically weighted regression method
Carbon Footprint as a basis for a cleaner research institute in Mexico
Modeling the Choice of Tele-work and its Effects on Travel Behaviour in Indian context ☆
Rapid change or slow evolution? Changing places of work and their consequences in the UK
Changing commuters’ behavior using rewards: A study of rush-hour avoidance
Substitution between working at home and out-of-home: The role of ICT and commuting costs
The effects of ergonomics training on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of teleworkers
The economic and organizational aspects of telecentres: the Spanish case
Internet: investigating new technology's evolving role, nature and effects on transport
Creating an effective training environment for enhancing telework
Rural areas in the information society: diminishing distance or increasing learning capacity?
Spatial technologies, accessibility, and the social construction of urban space
Research issues regarding societal change and transport
BSCW for disabled teleworkers: usability evaluation and interface adaptation of an internet-based cooperation environment