Analysis of stakeholders' involvement in the implementation of the Natura 2000 network in Slovakia
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Professional responses to post bureaucratic hospital reforms and their impact on care provision
Organizational structure, organizational form, and counterproductive work behavior: A competitive test of the bureaucratic and post-bureaucratic views
E-government and organizational change: Reappraising the role of ICT and bureaucracy in public service delivery
Bureaucratic structure and bureaucratic performance in less developed countries
Policy changes resulting in power changes? Quantitative evidence from 25 years of forest policy development in Bangladesh
Are Foreign-Owned Firms More Likely to Pay Bribes than Domestic Ones? Evidence from Emerging Markets
An affordance perspective of enterprise social media and organizational socialization
Politics of getting the numbers right: Community forest inventory of Nepal
Factors influencing public officials' responses to requests for information disclosure
Can environmental agreements represent an opportunity for green jobs? Evidence from two Italian experiences
Factors influencing research collaborations in Kenyan universities
Political regimes, income and health: Evidence from sub-national comparative method
Charting the attitudes of county child protection staff in a post-crisis environment
Mobile phones, institutional quality and entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa
Authors of accountability: Paperwork and social work in contemporary child welfare practice
Managerial learning from social capital during internationalization
The impact of physician-hospital integration on hospital supply management
Opportunity or necessity? Conceptualizing entrepreneurship at African small-scale mines
When structural violences create a context that facilitates sexual assault and intimate partner violence against street-involved young women
An exploratory study of environmental practices in two Brazilian higher education institutions
Legal-sounding bureaucratic re-centralisation of community forestry in Nepal
Dynamic analysis of bureaucratic quality and occupational choice
The effects of bureaucracy on political accountability and electoral selection
Public Policy Reform and Informal Institutions: The Political Articulation of the Demand for Work in Rural India
Urbanization, democracy, bureaucratic quality, and environmental degradation
Do higher government wages induce less corruption? Cross-country panel evidence
Removing user fees for health services: A multi-epistemological perspective on access inequities in Senegal
Exploring the role of bureaucracy in the production of coastal risks, City of Cape Town, South Africa
The Use of Analytic Hierarchy Process for Software Development Method Selection: A Perspective of e-Government in Indonesia
Reforming the public administration: The role of crisis and the power of bureaucracy
Justification and authority in institutional review board decision letters
State capacity and utilities regulation in Brazil: Exploring bureaucracy
The World Bank Improving Environmental and Natural Resource Policies: Power, Deregulation, and Privatization in (Post-Soviet) Armenia
On a unified theory of development: New institutional economics & the charismatic leader
Crossing the Communication Chasm: Challenges and Opportunities in Transitions of Care from the Hospital to the Primary Care Clinic
A resource-based view of utilities: The key-determinant factors for customer prices and organizational costs in the Portuguese water industry
Inter-organisational information sharing in the public sector: A longitudinal case study on the reshaping of success factors
Corruption-oriented model of governance in contemporary Russia
Barriers to unmet needs among mothers of children with disabilities in Kelantan, Malaysia: A qualitative study
Establishing an energy security framework for a fast-growing economy: Industry perspectives from Turkey
The Circle of Hydro-Hegemony between riparian states, development policies and borderlands: Evidence from the Talas waterscape (Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan)
Implementing nature conservation through integrated forest management: A street-level bureaucracy perspective on the German public forest sector
Bribes, bureaucracies, and blackouts: Towards understanding how corruption at the firm level impacts electricity reliability
Bilateral Donors and the Age of the National Interest: What Prospects for Challenge by Development Agencies?
Religion, administration & public goods: Experimental evidence from Russia
Problem definition and information provision by federal bureaucrats
Presidential rhetoric, agency turnover, and the importance of salience to bureaucratic leadership

Blocking, attracting, imposing, and aligning: The utility of ASEAN forest and environmental regime policies for strong member states
Enhancing sustainable mobility: A business model for the Port of Volos
Redressing the balance: Inverted hierarchies in the tourism classroom
The empirical visibility of land use conflicts: From latent to manifest conflict through law enforcement in a national park in Indonesia
Are bureaucrats paid like CEOs? Performance compensation and turnover of top civil servants
Street-level diplomacy? Communicative and adaptive work at the front line of implementing public health policies in primary care
Changing the navigator's course: How the increasing rationalization of healthcare influences access for undocumented immigrants under the Affordable Care Act
Current agri-environmental policies dismiss varied perceptions and discourses on management of traditional rural biotopes
The science-policy interface in fisheries management: Insights about the influence of organizational structure and culture on information pathways
Patient agency and contested notions of disability in social assistance applications in South Africa
Managing coastal pelagic fisheries: A case study of the small-scale purse seine fishery in Kenya
Why do Foresters Plant Trees? Testing Theories of Bureaucratic Decision-Making in Central India
Quand les associations font office de street-level bureaucracy. Le travail quotidien en faveur de l’accès au droit au logement opposable
Minding Weber More Than Ever? The Impacts of State Capacity and Bureaucratic Autonomy on Development Goals
Bureaucracy and Governance in Indonesia: Study on West Sulawesi Province ☆
On the banality of forest governance fragmentation: Exploring ‘‘gecko politics’’ as a bureaucratic behaviour in limited statehood
Bureaucratic reform in post-Asian Crisis Indonesia: The Directorate General of Tax