The influence of academic discipline on empathy and psychopathic personality traits in undergraduate students
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The Impact of Telework on Transport Externalities: The Case of Brussels Capital Region
Can Microsoft Academic assess the early citation impact of in-press articles? A multi-discipline exploratory analysis
Burnout, Moral Distress, WorkLife Balance, and Career Satisfaction among Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Professionals
Empirical validation of operating discipline as a leading indicator of safety outputs and plant performance
School resource officers, safety, and discipline: Perceptions and experiences across racial/ethnic groups in Minnesota secondary schools
A novel hybrid priority discipline for multi-class secondary users in cognitive radio networks

Internal and external discipline: The effect of project leadership and government monitoring on the performance of publicly funded R&D consortia
Theory versus practice in the human factors and ergonomics discipline: Trends in journal publications from 1960 to 2010
Introducing data-driven learning to PhD students for research writing purposes: A territory-wide project in Hong Kong
Violence against children in Afghanistan: Concerns and opportunities for positive change
A foundational framework for smart sustainable city development: Theoretical, disciplinary, and discursive dimensions and their synergies
Computational guidance for planetary powered descent using collaborative optimization
Discipline and desire: On the relative importance of willpower and purity in signaling virtue
Experiences and results from interdisciplinary collaboration: Utilizing qualitative information to formulate disaster risk reduction measures for coastal regions
Energy use characteristics and benchmarking for higher education buildings
Neighborhood crime undermines parenting: Violence in the vicinity of households as a predictor of aggressive discipline
Intergenerational transmission of harsh discipline: The moderating role of parenting stress and parent gender
Airline capacity discipline in the U.S. domestic market
Non-lane-discipline-based car-following model under honk environment
Maternal negative emotional expression and discipline in Beijing, China: The moderating role of educational attainment
Cybersecurity education: Evolution of the discipline and analysis of master programs
When neighboring disciplines fail to learn from each other: The case of innovation and project management research
Understanding domestic air-conditioning use behaviours: Disciplined body and frugal life
Running, health and the disciplining of women's bodies: The influence of technology and nature
Lack of eye discipline during headers in high school girls soccer: A possible mechanism for increased concussion rates
The art of not being caught: Temporal strategies for disciplining unfree labour in Singaporeâs contract migration
An approach to teaching critical thinking across disciplines using performance tasks with a common rubric
Disability rights in Higher Education Programs: The case of medical schools and other health-related disciplines
An investigation on the skewness patterns and fractal nature of research productivity distributions at field and discipline level
Addressing Graduate Competencies: Understanding the Contextual Factors Impacting the Engineering Discipline
How credible is a too-big-to-fail policy? International evidence from market discipline
Rehabilitation in momentum of Norwegian coordination reform: From practices of discipline to disciplinary practices
Anthropometric parameters and leg power performance in fencing. Age, sex and discipline related differences
Understanding Design Methods - using Explanatory Videos for Knowledge Transfer in Engineering Disciplines
Police and social work preventions of offending among at-risk youth in Shanghai
Radiation Dosage for Percutaneous PAD Treatment is Different in Cardiovascular Disciplines: Results From an Eleven Year Population Based Registry in the Metropolitan Area of Hamburg
The effect of blended learning on student performance at course-level in higher education: A meta-analysis
Kind discipline: Developing a conceptual model of a promising school discipline approach
The language of English academic lectures: The case of field of study in highlighting importance
Market discipline in the Latin American banking system: Testing depositor discipline, borrower discipline, and the internal capital market hypothesis
A Survey of Parents' Perceptions and Use of Time-out Compared to Empirical Evidence
Maternal understanding of child discipline and maltreatment in the United States, South Korea, and Japan
Academic salary compression across disciplines and over time
Retrial queue with discipline of adaptive permanent pooling
Kalmanâs Expanding Influence in the Econometrics Discipline
Reciprocal Enforcement and Other Collateral Issues With Licensure Discipline
Self-efficacy, self-discipline and academic performance: Testing a context-specific mediation model
Generalized Model of Cyclic Dispatching Discipline in Mobile Robots Based on Swarm Systems
Engagement in public relations discipline: Themes, theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches
Wing aerostructural optimization using the Individual Discipline Feasible Architecture
Child language and parent discipline mediate the relation between family income and false belief understanding
Is the Use of Physical Discipline Associated with Aggressive Behaviors in Young Children?
Linking scientific disciplines: Hydrology and social sciences
Bank rescues and bailout expectations: The erosion of market discipline during the financial crisis
The role of negative parental attributions in the associations between daily stressors, maltreatment history, and harsh and abusive discipline
Is accounting an applied discipline? An institutional theory assessment of the value of faculty accounting-related work experience in the academic labor market
Internal governance and performance: Evidence from when external discipline is weak
Defining greenspace: Multiple uses across multiple disciplines
Itâs not what you eat but how and that you eat: Social media, counter-discourses and disciplined ingestion among amateur competitive eaters
International business & family business: Potential dialogue between disciplines
The effectiveness of wikis for project-based learning in different disciplines in higher education
Growth or Decline? A Longitudinal Analysis of Factors Affecting the Institutional Trajectories of Five Design Disciplines in the United States*
“What about the box?” Some thoughts on the possibility of ‘corruption prevention’, and of ‘the disciplined and ethical subject’
Competencias más importantes para la disciplina administrativa en Colombia
Preventing corruption within government procurement: Constructing the disciplined and ethical subject