Therapeutic group therapy improved self-efficacy of school age children
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The effects of employees' creative self-efficacy on innovative behavior: The role of entrepreneurial leadership
The moderating effect of managers' leadership behavior on salespeople's self-efficacy
Self-efficacy, self-care and glycemic control in Saudi Arabian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional survey
The trickle-down of work engagement from leader to follower: The roles of optimism and self-efficacy
Career adaptability and plateaus: The moderating effects of tenure and job self-efficacy
Yoga to Enhance Self Efficacy: An Intervention for At-risk Youth
Self-efficacy vs. action orientation: Comparing and contrasting two determinants of goal setting and goal striving
The dynamic role of perceived threat and self-efficacy in motivating terrorism preparedness behaviors
Outcome of the solution-focused self-efficacy enhancement group intervention for adolescents in foster care setting
Parents' and early adolescents' self-efficacy about anger regulation and early adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problems: A longitudinal study in three countries
Randomized Controlled Trial of a Prenatal Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Intervention in Primiparous Women in Iran
Intramural sports' participation produce self-efficacy in hospitality leaders
Intraprofessional Simulation's Impact on Advanced Practice and Baccalaureate Student Self-Efficacy
Teaching in ethnically diverse classrooms: Examining individual differences in teacher self-efficacy
Relationships Among Perceived Functional Capacity, Self-Efficacy, and Disability After Dysvascular Amputation
Understanding the link between contingency management and smoking cessation: The roles of sex and self-efficacy
Development and Validation of a Tool to Measure Dietitians' Self-Efficacy with Using Mobile Health Apps in Dietetic Practice
Top-down or bottom-up? Prospective relations between general and domain-specific self-efficacy beliefs during a work-family transition
Measuring self-efficacy, executive function, and temporal discounting in Kenya
Exercise self-efficacy in adults with congenital heart disease
Academic self-efficacy, growth mindsets, and university students' integration in academic and social support networks
Good-vs. poor-trial feedback in motor learning: The role of self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation across levels of task difficulty

The relationship between motherchild discrepancies in educational aspirations and children's academic achievement: The mediating role of children's academic self-efficacy
Arbi Care application increases preschool childrenâs hand-washing self-efficacy among preschool children
Relations among math self efficacy, interest, intentions, and achievement: A social cognitive perspective
Examining relationships between socio-demographics and self-efficacy among registered nurses in Australia
A quantitative longitudinal study to explore factors which influence maternal self-efficacy among Chinese primiparous women during the initial postpartum period
Teacher enthusiasm and self-efficacy, student-perceived mastery goal orientation, and student motivation in mathematics classrooms
Exercise self-efficacy correlates in people with psychosis
Self-affirmation improves self-control over snacking among participants low in eating self-efficacy
Examining how the personality, self-efficacy, and anticipatory cognitions of potential entrepreneurs shape their entrepreneurial intentions
Family support and maternal self-efficacy of adolescent mothers
How competent do teachers feel instructing self-regulated learning strategies? Development and validation of the teacher self-efficacy scale to implement self-regulated learning
Psychological Safety, Self-Efficacy, and Speaking Up in Interprofessional Health Care Simulation
Social support and depression among Chinese adolescents: The mediating roles of self-esteem and self-efficacy
Exchanging social support on online teacher groups: Relation to teacher self-efficacy
Internalizing and externalizing symptoms among Palestinian adolescents from Israel as consequences of their exposure to community violence: Are they moderated by their self-efficacy and collective efficacy?
What role does self-efficacy play in developing cultural intelligence from social media usage?
Students take the lead for learning in practice: A process for building self-efficacy into undergraduate nursing education
Antecedents of job search self-efficacy of Syrian refugees in Greece and the Netherlands
Reciprocal effects between self-efficacy and achievement in mathematics and reading
Negative emotions and behaviour: The role of regulatory emotional self-efficacy
Depressive symptoms, post-traumatic stress symptoms and suicide risk among graduate students: The mediating influence of emotional regulatory self-efficacy
Adaptation of the contraceptive self-efficacy scale for heterosexual Mexican men and women of reproductive age
Student Facilitation of Simulation Debrief: Measuring Reflective Thinking and Self-Efficacy
Self-efficacy, depression and self-care activities of people with type 2 diabetes in Turkey
Racial and ethnic differences in breastfeeding, maternal knowledge, and self-efficacy among low-income mothers
The relationship between trauma centrality, self-efficacy, posttraumatic stress and psychiatric co-morbidity among Syrian refugees: Is gender a moderator?
Second career teachers: Job satisfaction, job stress, and the role of self-efficacy
Emotional intelligence and social skills on self-efficacy in Secondary Education students. Are there gender differences?
Development of a Menu Board Literacy and Self-efficacy Scale for Children
Teacher value for professional development, self-efficacy, and student outcomes within a digital mathematics intervention
The role of patient education and physician support in self-efficacy for skin self-examination among patients with melanoma
Social support, self-efficacy and gender as predictors of reported stress among inpatient caregivers
An examination of the relationship between social self-efficacy and personal growth initiative in international context
Co-creating rubrics: The effects on self-regulated learning, self-efficacy and performance of establishing assessment criteria with students

Self-concept mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and abstinence motivation as well as self-efficacy among drug addicts
Self-efficacy and quality of life in adults who stutter
Perfectionism and work-family conflict: Self-esteem and self-efficacy as mediator
Self-efficacy and self-care behaviours among adults with type 2 diabetes
Self-efficacy, self-discipline and academic performance: Testing a context-specific mediation model
Turkish validity and reliability of the Diabetes Self-Efficacy Scale
Psychometric Properties of the Korean Version of the Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale
Self-efficacy, aspirations, and residential placement outcomes: Why belief in a prosocial self matters
Does self-efficacy causally influence initial smoking cessation? An experimental study
Self-efficacy and Coping as Correlates of Migrant Safe Sexual Behavior to Prevent HIV
Synchronous and time-lagged effects between occupational self-efficacy and objective and subjective career success: Findings from a four-wave and 9-year longitudinal study ☆
Career adaptability and academic satisfaction: Examining work volition and self efficacy as mediators
Anticipated job benefits, career aspiration, and generalized self-efficacy as predictors for migration decision-making
Perceived customer showrooming behavior and the effect on retail salesperson self-efficacy and performance
Influence of place-based senses of distinctiveness, continuity, self-esteem and self-efficacy on residents' attitudes toward tourism
Career optimism: The roles of contextual support and career decision-making self-efficacy ☆
Job search self-efficacy: Reconceptualizing the construct and its measurement
Asian international students’ socio-cultural adaptation: Influence of multicultural personality, assertiveness, academic self-efficacy, and social support