Retention of IT professionals: Examining the influence of empowerment, social exchange, and trust ☆
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Bicycle lessons, activity participation and empowerment
Air passengers' shopping motivation and information seeking behaviour
The impacts of perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment on job performance: The mediating effects of organizational citizenship behavior
A conceptual framework of the impact of NPD project team and leader empowerment on communication and performance: An alliance case context
ERP-based simulation as a learning environment for SME business
Patterns of empowerment and leadership style in project environment
Empowerment: The experience of Recovery Camp for people living with a mental illness
Engagement, empowerment, and job satisfaction before implementing an academic model of shared governance
Participatory rural appraisal as an educational tool to empower sustainable community processes
Empowering supervision and service sabotage: A moderated mediation model based on conservation of resources theory
The impact of channel integration on consumer responses in omni-channel retailing: The mediating effect of consumer empowerment
Effects of a Social Empowerment Intervention on Economic Vulnerability for Adolescent Refugee Girls in Ethiopia
Perceived leader behavioral integrity and employee voice in SMEs travel agents: The mediating role of empowering leader behaviors
Empowering Malian women living with HIV regarding serostatus disclosure management: Short-term effects of a community-based intervention
Longitudinal analysis of the impact of economic empowerment on risk for intimate partner violence among married women in rural Maharashtra, India
Investigating the factor structure and validity of the family empowerment scale for parents of children with emotional disturbance in middle school
Association of risk exposure, organizational identification, and empowerment, with safety participation, intention to quit, and absenteeism
Effectiveness of a patient-centred, empowerment-based intervention programme among patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: A randomised controlled trial
Empowering clinical supervisors to flourish though critical companionship
Empowerment and legitimization of effected communities in post-disaster reconstruction
Empowering local governments in making cities resilient to disasters: research methodological perspectives
Power and empowerment: How Asian solo female travellers perceive and negotiate risks
Imputing missing data in non-renewable empower time series from night-time lights observations
Is womenâs empowerment associated with political knowledge and opinions? Evidence from rural Mali
Post-conflict ruptures and the space for women's empowerment in Bangladesh
The relation between patient education, patient empowerment and patient satisfaction: A cross-sectional-comparison study
Gender and capacity building: A multi-layered study of empowerment
Impact of family empowerment model on satisfaction and childrenâs length of stay in hospital
An empirical test of the Health Empowerment Model: Does patient empowerment moderate the effect of health literacy on health status?
Womenâs Age at First Marriage and Long-Term Economic Empowerment in Egypt
Effects of organic farming on the empowerment of women: A case study on the perception of female farmers in Odisha, India
On the merits of coherent leadership empowerment behaviors: A mixture regression approach

Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability: Complementary Strategies Toward Rights-based Development in Health?
A psychological empowerment approach to online knowledge sharing
Stakeholder empowerment through participatory planning practices: The case of electricity transmission lines in France and Norway
Place attachment and empowerment: Do residents need to be attached to be empowered?
The organizational evolution, systematic construction and empowerment of Langde Miao's community tourism
Use of a patient empowerment tool for hand hygiene
Empowering Indonesian women through building digital media literacy
A latent profile analysis on patient empowerment programme in a Hong Kong primary care setting
Effects of health empowerment intervention on resilience of adolescents in a tribal area: A study using the Solomon four-groups design
A question of capacities? Community resilience and empowerment between assets, abilities and relationships
Transition dynamics in state-influenced niche empowerments: Experiences from India's electricity sector
Family empowerment and quality of life of parents raising children with Developmental Disabilities in 78 Japanese families
Empowering youth sport environments: Implications for daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and adiposity
Delivering an empowerment intervention to a remote Indigenous child safety workforce: Its economic cost from an agency perspective
Crowdsourcing in a time of empowered stakeholders: Lessons from crowdsourcing campaigns
The Mediating Effect of Social Capital on the Relationship Between Public Health Managers' Transformational Leadership and Public Health Nurses' Organizational Empowerment in Korea Public Health
Amazon entrepreneurs: Womenâs economic empowerment and the potential for more sustainable land use practices
Patient empowerment and engagement with a health infomediary
Celebrating the 21st anniversary of empowerment evaluation with our critical friends
How willing/unwilling are luxury hotels' staff to be empowered? A case of East Malaysia
Why is Empowerment Important in Big Data Analytics?
Empowerment evaluation: Exemplary is its openness to dialogue, reflective practice, and process use
Buddhist nuns in Nepal and women's empowerment: A biographical approach
Option repricing, corporate governance, and the effect of shareholder empowerment
Assessing the effectiveness of empowerment on service quality: A multi-level study of Chinese tourism firms
Expert or peer? Understanding the implications of virtual advisor identity on emergency rescuer empowerment in mobile psychological self-help services
Distance education and diabetes empowerment: A single-blind randomized control trial
Towards an empowerment framework for evaluating mobile phone use and impact in developing countries
On the historical roots of women's empowerment across Italian provinces: religion or family culture?
Foresight for all: Co-elaborative scenario building and empowerment
Parenting self-efficacy and empowerment among expectant mothers with substance use disorders
Empowering the empowered? Slum tourism and the depoliticization of poverty
Understanding women's empowerment and its determinants in post-communist countries: Results of Azerbaijan national survey
Womenâs empowerment and gender equity in agriculture: A different perspective from Southeast Asia
Connections count: How relational embeddedness and relational empowerment foster absorptive capacity
Empowerment within brand communities: Overcoming the Achilles’ Heel of scale-free networks ☆
Leadership empowerment behaviour on safety officer and safety teamwork in manufacturing industry
Measuring empowerment in an eastern context: Findings from Japan