Contract preference with stochastic cost learning in a two-period supply chain under asymmetric information
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Market performance implications of modularization: Evidence from global auto firms operating in China
Strategies for Buyer Supplier Relationship Improvement: Scale Development and Validation
The determinants for adoption of energy supply contracting: Empirical evidence from the Swiss market
A rise of state activism in a competitive industry: The case of Russian retail trade law of 2009
Competitive retail electricity market under continuous price regulation
Research on low-carbon strategies in supply chain with environmental regulations based on differential game
Optimal procurement decision with a carbon tax for the manufacturing industry
Pricing and sourcing strategies for competing retailers in supply chains under disruption risk
Distributionally robust equilibrium for continuous games: Nash and Stackelberg models
Architectural innovation and the emergence of a dominant design: The effects of strategic sourcing on performance
The role of a solutions salesperson: Reducing uncertainty and fostering adaptiveness
Improving supply chain performance by Supplier Development program through enhanced visibility
Coordinating a dual-channel supply chain with price discount contracts under carbon emission capacity regulation
Accounting, performance measurement and fairness in UK fresh produce supply networks
Competitors contained? Manufacturer strategies in the global rare earth value chain: Insights from the magnet filament
Contracts versus trust for transfers of ecosystem services: Equity and efficiency in resource allocation and environmental provision
Strategic technology policy as a supplement to renewable energy standards
Trade credit and product market power during a financial crisis
The influence of reputation on supplier selection: An empirical study of the European automotive industry
Electric power bidding model for practical utility system
The role of suppliers in enabling differing innovation strategies of competing multinationals from emerging and advanced economies: German and Chinese automotive firms compared
Is there a sweet spot in ethical trade? A critical appraisal of the potential for aligning buyer, supplier and worker interests in global production networks
A conditional value-at-risk based methodology to intermediate-term planning of crude oil tanker fleet
The impact of fragmentation, exchange fees and liquidity provision on market quality
Capacity investment in supply chain with risk averse supplier under risk diversification contract
Trust in local food networks: The role of trust among tourism stakeholders and their impacts in purchasing decisions
Supply chain collaboration aligns order-winning strategy with business outcomes
Consequence of sequential trade interventions: Evidence from the U.S. coated paper products
A multiple criteria supplier segmentation using outranking and value function methods
Supplying bio-compressed natural gas to the transport industry in Ireland: Is the current regulatory framework facilitating or hindering development?
Modeling supplier capacity allocation decisions
Indirect exports and wholesalers: Evidence from interfirm transaction network data
Integrated Energy Services for the industrial sector: an innovative model for sustainable electricity supply
Resilient supply chain network design under competition: A case study
Pricing and coordination with consideration of piracy for digital goods in supply chains
Supply chain contamination: An exploratory approach on the collateral effects of negative corporate events
Market and welfare effects of renewable portfolio standards in United States electricity markets
The efficacy of liberalization and privatization in introducing competition into European natural gas markets

Optimal inventory decisions under vendor managed inventory: Substitution effects and replenishment tactics
Joint pricing and inventory problem with price dependent stochastic demand and price discounts
An integrated framework for sustainable supplier selection and evaluation in supply chains
The use of asset specific investments to increase customer dependence: A study of OEM suppliers
Sourcing strategies under agglomeration economies, capacity risks and retail competition
A hybrid agent-based computational economics and optimization approach for supplier selection problem
Strategic procurement in spot and forward markets considering regulation and capacity constraints
Optimal pricing and alliance strategy in a retailer-led supply chain with the return policy: A game-theoretic analysis
Can payments for ecosystem services schemes mimic markets?
Financial risk, inventory decision and process improvement for a firm with random capacity
An analysis of intellectual property licensing strategy under duopoly competition: Component or product-based?
Capacity allocation under downstream competition and bargaining
Performance feedback and supplier selection: A perspective from the behavioral theory of the firm
The supply-side of environmental sustainability and export performance: The role of knowledge integration and international buyer involvement
Asymmetric relationships with symmetric suppliers: Strategic choice of supply chain price leadership in a competitive market
Dual sourcing under suppliers' capacity investments
Resilient procurement planning for supply chains: A case study for sourcing a critical mineral material
A game equilibrium model of a retail electricity market with high penetration of small and mid-size renewable suppliers
To collaborate or not to collaborate: Prompting upstream eco-efficient innovation in a supply chain
Environmental values and customer-perceived value in industrial supplier relationships
Dynamics of service definitions—An explorative case study of the purchasing process of professional ICT-services
The external effect of marketing accountability in business relationships: Exploring the role of customer perceived value
Drivers and performance implications of international key account management capability
Outsourcing to a non-developed supplier market: The importance of operational aspects in outsourcing
To competitively tender or to negotiate – Weighing up the choices in a mature market