Aims of this study were (a) to summarize the psychometric literature on the Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia (MIA), (b) to examine the convergent and discriminant validity of the MIA's Avoidance Alone and Avoidance Accompanied rating scales relative to clinical severity ratings of anxiety disorders from the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS), and (c) to establish a cutoff score indicative of interviewers’ diagnosis of agoraphobia for the Avoidance Alone scale. A meta-analytic synthesis of 10 published studies yielded positive evidence for internal consistency and convergent and discriminant validity of the scales. Participants in the present study were 129 people with a diagnosis of panic disorder. Internal consistency was excellent for this sample, α = .95 for AAC and .96 for AAL. When the MIA scales were correlated with interviewer ratings, evidence for convergent and discriminant validity for AAL was strong (convergent r with agoraphobia severity ratings = .63 vs. discriminant rs of .10–.29 for other anxiety disorders) and more modest but still positive for AAC (.54 vs. .01–.37). Receiver operating curve analysis indicated that the optimal operating point for AAL as an indicator of ADIS agoraphobia diagnosis was 1.61, which yielded sensitivity of .87 and specificity of .73.
A self-report measure of agoraphobic avoidance, the Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia (MIA) was published 25 years ago (Chambless, Caputo, Jasin, Gracely, & Williams, 1985). Since that time, the MIA has been widely used for clinical purposes and for research. According to a PsychInfo search, as of August 6, 2010, the original validation article had been cited 231 times. The measure has been reprinted in a number of compendiums of anxiety disorders measures (e.g., Antony, Orsillo, & Roemer, 2001) and translated into 11 other languages (Dutch, Canadian French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Italian, Russian, and Greek). The MIA includes two agoraphobic avoidance scales. For the Avoidance Accompanied scale, respondents rate 26 items on Likert-type scales ranging from 1 (never avoid) to 5 (always avoid) to indicate how much they avoid various situations due to anxiety or discomfort when they are accompanied by a trusted companion. For the Avoidance Alone scale, respondents rate the same items for the circumstances under which they are alone, plus an additional item for staying home alone. 1 The MIA can be administered in paper or Internet versions with consistent results ( Austin et al., 2006 and Carlbring et al., 2007). A copy of the inventory may be found in the Appendix to this article.
Despite the long-standing and widespread use of the MIA, no summary of psychometric research on its reliability and validity has been published, with the exception of a manual on research on the German version of the scale (Ehlers & Margraf, 1993). Although some publications have had as their avowed purpose examination of the psychometric properties of the MIA, in others such information is buried in reports with another primary aim. Accordingly, a review of the MIA's psychometric features is overdue, and the first purpose of the present paper is to provide such a distillation. The second purpose is to add to the psychometric database in areas where little information on the MIA's performance is available, in particular, the MIA's convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity with reference to diagnosticians’ severity ratings for anxiety disordera and to their diagnosis of agoraphobia.
In a PsychInfo search we located 16 papers in addition to the original validation study (Chambless et al., 1985) in which at least one psychometric property of the MIA was examined. We selected papers published in English, Spanish, or French (the only languages the authors can read), but papers could include data collected with translated versions of the MIA.2 In Table 1, we summarize the results of 10 papers in which data concerning the internal consistency and/or convergent and discriminant validity of the MIA are reported. Using meta-analytic methods for summarizing correlational data (Rosenthal, 1991), we calculated mean reliability and validity coefficients weighted by sample size. Participants in these studies included student and community subjects and patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia or other anxiety disorders. Studies in Table 1 were conducted in the United States (n = 2), Australia (n = 3), Sweden (n = 3), Canada (Anglophone n = 2; Francophone n = 1), and the Netherlands (n = 1). 3