The paper addresses a conceptual framework for collaborative product design and related manufacturing system development, operations and maintenance. The framework consists of (1) a conceptual model for collaboration among autonomous manufacturing work systems and (2) an ICT platform which supports collaborative operations over the web. The framework improves visibility, understanding and control of the processes involved and on a practical level provides a platform on which geographically distributed operations can be conducted effectively. The system is developed as an integrated prototype web application. The case study presents the implementation of the concept in the development, operations and maintenance of manufacturing cells for die-casting of aluminum and magnesium components for automotive industry.
There is a steady growing pressure on companies, urged
by the world wide competition, to streamline operations
involving product and product related manufacturing system
design, product manufacturing and system maintenance.
The picture of a stand-alone company that is linked to its
customers and suppliers only by delivery and procurement
of products is no longer valid [I]T.h e customer-supplier
relationship has undergone a substantial transformation
from the traditional, simple buy-sell relationship toward the
current one, which is focused on partnership.
To realize these trends and to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness in business and manufacturing activities the
collaboration has been recognized as one of the most
critical factors [2]. E-collaboration and collaborative systems
have opened the possibility for geographically dispersed
teams to work together by supporting communication,
coordination and cooperation [3].
In order to reach the competitive level of performances in
terms of reactivity, productivity, product quality and system
availability, companies, especially SMEs, are motivated to
join collaborative networks. On the one hand companies
focus on their own competencies. On the other hand, they
acquire complementary expertise and resources over collaborative
networks. Thus, companies cooperate vertically
along supply chains and horizontally among peers [4].
The research is focused on collaborative product design,
and related manufacturing system development and its
operations. These processes and their interrelations are
complex due to incomplete data and knowledge, combinatorial
explosion of states, and dynamic changes in the
environment [5]. They are performed by several partners in
timely and geographically distributed manner.
Let us consider the relationship between a customer and a
manufacturing equipment supplier. The customer is primary
focused on a product which he delivers just-in-time to
his customer. Therefore, he requires not just a manufacturing
equipment supplier but a partner who would develop,
manufacture, install, put the equipment into operations
and, later on, who would offer support in operations in
terms of process optimization, maintenance, system improvement,
upgrading, reconfiguration, etc.
In the paper a conceptual framework for collaboration in a
network is proposed. It is implemented in an industrial
network interconnecting a die-casting producer, a manufacturing
system manufacturer and various service providers.
product design and related manufacturing system
development and operations is proposed. The framework
provides a unique basis for an effective integration and
cooperation of teams and autonomous manufacturing work
systems in order (1) to design and develop a high tech
product from an idea to a prototype, (2) to develop an
appropriate manufacturing system, and (3) to produce and
deliver the product on the markets, collaboratively.
The integration and cooperation is carried out by the virtual
coordination unit and the communication portal, which
provides generic integration interfaces with common data
and knowledge bases, common applications and web
The framework consists of the model for collaborative
ADMS operations and the ICT collaboration platform. It
enables collaboration among partners of a production
network in timely and geographically distributed manner.
The model for collaborative ADMS operations is characterized
by the three levels decision structure, i.e. operational
level, coordination level and strategic level. On the operational
level the AWS as the generic building block is introduced.
Its key characteristics are autonomy and visibility.
The coordination level coordinates work processes and
actors in the network.
For the implementation of the conceptual framework the
ICT collaborative manufacturing platform is developed. The
generic module for surveillance, monitoring and remote
control is introduced. The module enables the visibility of
AWS in the network and represents a typical building block
of the framework implementation.
The distinguished properties of the framework are (1)
autonomy and visibility of the building blocks, i.e. AWSs,
(2) virtual coordination of processes from conceptual design
to manufacture and (3) the three level management
structure of collaboration within the production network.
In addition to the conceptual framework that is elaborated
and is being tested and validated in industry, several
framework functionalities, e.g. performance assessment of
AWS and the network, knowledge elicitation and integration,
web based maintenance service, are to be developed
in the future research work.