Monetary policy and macroeconomic stability in Latin America: The cases of Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Monetary policy and happiness: Preferences over inflation and unemployment in Latin America
A macroeconometric framework for monetary policy evaluation: A case study of Pakistan
Optimal monetary policy reaction function in a model with target zones and asymmetric preferences for South Africa
Robust central banking under wage bargaining: Is monetary policy transparency beneficial?
Inflation persistence, inflation expectations, and monetary policy in China
The effects of the monetary policy regime shift to inflation targeting on the real interest rate in the United Kingdom
The term structure of CD rates and monetary policy transmission
Fiscal and monetary policies and the cost of sudden stops
Wage-setting patterns and monetary policy: International evidence
Federal reserve monetary policy and the non-linearity of the Taylor rule
Optimal monetary policy regime for oil producing developing economies: Implications for post-war Iraq
Fluctuation dynamics in US interest rates and the role of monetary policy
Stock market conditions and monetary policy in a DSGE model for the U.S.
Optimal fiscal and monetary policy when money is essential
The impact of monetary policy shocks on stock prices: Evidence from Canada and the United States
One nation under the fed? The asymmetric effects of US monetary policy and its implications for the United States as an optimal currency area
Does money matter for the identification of monetary policy shocks: A DSGE perspective
On the firm-level implications of the Bank Lending Channel of monetary policy
Optimal monetary policy in the generalized Taylor economy
What Drives Monetary Policy in Post-Crisis East Asia? Interest Rate or Exchange Rate Monetary Policy Rules
Some empirical evidence on the effects of U.S. monetary policy shocks on cross exchange rates
The asymmetric effects of oil price and monetary policy shocks: A nonlinear VAR approach
Does better information about foreign shocks improve monetary policy?
The role of liquidity constraints in the response of monetary policy to house prices
Monetary policy and stock returns: Financing constraints and asymmetries in bull and bear markets
The effect of bank ownership and deposit insurance on monetary policy transmission
A New Keynesian model for analysing monetary policy in Mainland China
The role of house prices in the monetary policy transmission mechanism in small open economies
Interest rate deregulation: Monetary policy efficacy and rate rigidity
Investor sentiment and the stock market’s reaction to monetary policy
The impact of monetary policy on oil process parameters and market expectations
Monetary Policy in Russia: Identifying exchange rate shocks
The effect of monetary policy on real house price growth in South Africa: A factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) approach
Exchange rate movements and monetary policy in Brazil: Econometric and simulation evidence
Evaluating the effect of monetary policy on unemployment with alternative inflation forecasts
Monetary policy during speculative attacks: Are there adverse medium term effects?
The dynamic effects of monetary policy: A structural factor model approach
What can Taylor rules say about monetary policy in Latin America?
Overnight monetary policy in the United States: Active or interest-rate smoothing?
Impact of credit spreads, monetary policy and convergence trading on swap spreads
Deep habits and the dynamic effects of monetary policy shocks
Excess liquidity, bank pricing rules, and monetary policy
Interest rate pass-through in Europe and the US: Monetary policy after the financial crisis
Monetary policy with heterogeneous agents and borrowing constraints
Bank loans and the effects of monetary policy in China: VAR/VECM approach
Interest rate pass-through, monetary policy rules and macroeconomic stability
Learning about monetary policy rules when the cost-channel matters
QUEST III : An estimated open-economy DSGE model of the euro area with fiscal and monetary policy
Forecasting ECB monetary policy: Accuracy is a matter of geography
Bank behavior, incomplete interest rate pass-through, and the cost channel of monetary policy transmission
The identification of fiscal and monetary policy in a structural VAR
Nonlinearity in monetary policy: A reconsideration of the opportunistic approach to disinflation
The stabilization bias and robust monetary policy delegation
Monetary policy and the exchange rate: Evidence from a two-country model
Monetary policy and the transition costs of a labor market reform
How monetary policy committees impact the volatility of policy rates
A reputation strategic model of monetary policy in continuous-time
Announcements and the effectiveness of monetary policy: A view from the US prime rate
The role of banks in the monetary policy transmission in the new EU member states
Monetary analysis and monetary policy in the euro area 1999–2006