در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Oil prices, exchange rates and stock markets under uncertainty and regime-switching
Closer monetary union and product market integration in emerging economies: Evidence from the Common Monetary Area in Southern Africa
Financial liberalization and cross-border market integration: Evidence from China's stock market
Monetary policy uncertainty and the market reaction to macroeconomic news

Bond market evidence of time variation in exposures to global risk factors and the role of US monetary policy
Unemployment and optimal exchange rate in an open economy
Does Gold act as a Safe haven against Exchange Rate Fluctuations? The case of Pakistan Rupee
Inflation targeting and exchange rate management in less developed countries
Yield curve interactions with the macroeconomic factors during global financial crisis among Asian markets
International trade and carbon emissions: The role of Chinese institutional and policy reforms
Exchange rate fluctuations, oil price shocks and economic growth in a small net-importing economy
Asymmetric real exchange rates and poverty: The role of remittances
Operational and financial hedging: Evidence from export and import behavior
Extreme co-movements and dependencies among major international exchange rates: A copula approach
Economic evaluation of gridconnected photovoltaic systems viability under a new dynamic feedin tariff scheme: A case study in Iran
International money supply and real estate risk premium: The case of the London office market
Emerging market corporate bond yields and monetary policy
The impact of setting negative policy rates on banking flows and exchange rates
The effects of government spending shocks on the trade account balance in Korea
Boom-and-bust cycles in emerging markets: How important is the exchange rate?
Monetary policy transmission in Bangladesh: Exploring the lending channel
An exchange market pressure measure for cross country analysis
Do domestic bond markets participation help reduce financial dollarization in developing countries?
Asymmetric exchange rate pass-through in an emerging market economy: The case of Mexico
Central banks and macroeconomic policy choices: Relaxing the trilemma
Financial intermediation, real exchange rates, and unconventional policies in an open economy
The impact of uncertainty on professional exchange rate forecasts
Endogenous elasticities and the impact of the real exchange rate on structural economic dynamics
Does Money Have a Role in Monetary Policy for Price Stability under Inflation Targeting in Thailand?
Internal imbalances in the monetary union with asymmetric openness
Exchange rate expectations and economic policy uncertainty
Exchange rate and macroeconomic adjustment in southern eurozone countries
Determinants of discretionary fiscal policy in Central and Eastern Europe
Understanding crude oil import demand behaviour in Africa: The Ghana case
Oil price and exchange rate co-movements in Asian countries: Detrended cross-correlation approach
Spillovers of U.S. unconventional monetary policy to emerging markets: The role of capital flows
Reserve accumulation and exchange rate policy in China: The authoritarian elite's aim of political survival
Exchange rate dynamics and stock prices in small open economies: Evidence from Asia-Pacific countries
Economic costs of alternative monetary policy responses to speculative currency attacks
Time-inconsistency and expansionary business cycle theories: What does matter for the central bank independenceâinflation relationship?
The relationship between exchange rates and interest rates in a small open emerging economy: The case of Romania
Can monetary policy cause the uncovered interest parity puzzle?
Reserve accumulation and exchange rate policy in China: The authoritarian elite's aim of political survival
Monetary policy, exchange rate fluctuation, and herding behavior in the stock market
Exchange rate pass through, cost channel to monetary policy transmission, adaptive learning, and the price puzzle
Exchange rate pass-through in emerging countries: Do the inflation environment, monetary policy regime and central bank behavior matter?
Exchange rate expectations since the financial crisis: Performance evaluation and the role of monetary policy and safe haven
Sustainability of macroeconomic policies in selected MENA countries: Post financial and debt crises
A study on the effects of exchange rate and foreign policies on Iranians dates export
Competitiveness divergence in the Eurozone: The need for symmetric adjustment
Customs unions, currency crises, and monetary policy coordination: The case of the Eurasian Economic Union
Federal reserve's policy, global equity markets, and the local monetary policy stance
Twin deficits and the sustainability of public debt and exchange rate policies in Lebanon ☆
Exchange rate policy and export performance in a landlocked developing country: The case of Nepal
Input substitution, export pricing, and exchange rate policy ☆
Optimal exchange rate policy for a small oil-exporting country: A dynamic general equilibrium perspective