Is it cost-beneficial to society? Measuring the economic worth of dental residency training
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Ammonia production from black liquor gasification and co-gasification with pulp and waste sludges: A techno-economic assessment
Cost-utility analysis in orthopaedic trauma; what pays? A systematic review
The economic burden of child sexual abuse in the United States
Overhauls in water supply systems in Ukraine: A hydro-economic model of socially responsible planning and cost management
Cost and economic potential analysis of a cascading power cycle with liquefied natural gas regasification
Cost-Effectiveness of a Savings-Led Economic Empowerment Intervention for AIDS-Affected Adolescents in Uganda: Implications for Scale-up in Low-Resource Communities
Impact of government subsidies on economic feasibility of offshore wind system: Implications for Taiwan energy policies
Parametric analysis for cost-optimal renewable energy integration into residential buildings: Techno-economic model
Cost assessment and retro-techno-economic analysis of desalination technologies in onshore produced water treatment
Evaluation of economic burden of colonic surgical site infection at a Japanese hospital
A techno-economic assessment of gas-to-liquid and coal-to-liquid plants through the development of scale factors
Energy retrofit alternatives and cost-optimal analysis for large public housing stocks
A Comparison of Different Approaches for Costing Medication Use in an Economic Evaluation
Cost-effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention in men who have sex with men in the UK: a modelling study and health economic evaluation
Economic agglomerations and spatio-temporal cycles in a spatial growth model with capital transport cost
Economic cost and burden of dengue during epidemics and non-epidemic years in Taiwan
Analysis of the impact of technical and economic parameters on the specific cost of electricity production
Economic potential of flexible balloon biogas digester among smallholder farmers: A case study from Uganda
Two weeks of additional standing balance circuit classes during inpatient rehabilitation are cost saving and effective: an economic evaluation
Economic costs of recorded reasons for cow mortality and culling in a pasture-based dairy industry
An Economic Evaluation of the Impact, Cost, and Medicare Policy Implications of Chronic Nonhealing Wounds

Technical, economic and environmental assessment of coagulation/filtration tertiary treatment processes in full-scale wastewater treatment plants
Economic valuation of the existence of the southwestern basin of the Dead Sea in Israel
Examining the economic performance of Chinese farms: A dynamic efficiency and adjustment cost approach
Modelling the economic efficiency of using different strategies to control Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome at herd level
Static analysis of technical and economic energy-saving potential in the residential sector of Xiamen city
Economic and spatial planning for sustainable oil palm biomass resources to mitigate transboundary haze issue
Thermo-economic analysis of a water-heated humidification-dehumidification desalination system with waste heat recovery
Early rehabilitation after lumbar disc surgery is not effective or cost-effective compared to no referral: a randomised trial and economic evaluation
Evaluating the Performance of Alternative Municipal Water Tariff Designs: Quantifying the Tradeoffs between Equity, Economic Efficiency, and Cost Recovery
Cost of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus at individual farm level An economic disease model

Economic evaluation of climate risk adaptation strategies: Cost-benefit analysis of flood protection in Tabasco, Mexico
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet in children: Is it associated with economic cost?
Economic evaluation of childhood epilepsy in a resource-challenged setting: A preliminary survey
Energy, economic, and mitigation cost implications of transition toward a carbon-neutral transport sector: A simulation-based comparison between hydrogen and electricity
Removal efficiency and economic cost comparison of hydrated electron-mediated reductive pathways for treatment of bromate
Economic Utility: Combinatorial Pharmacogenomics and Medication Cost Savings for Mental Health Care in a Primary Care Setting
Strategies for reducing cost by using solar photo-Fenton treatment combined with nanofiltration to remove microcontaminants in real municipal effluents: Toxicity and economic assessment
A medico-economic study of trabectedin compared with end-stage treatment in soft tissue sarcomas
Economic Value and Cost-Effectiveness of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Among Patients With Mild Heart Failure
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Electrical Vehicles in Australia
Reconsidering the estimation of the economic impact of cultural tourism
A Spatial-Based Decision Support System for wood harvesting management in mountain areas
Economic and environmental cost of self-sufficiency - analysis of an urban micro grid
An economic model for the cost of electricity service interruption in South Africa
Energy consumption and economic cost of typical wastewater treatment systems in Shenzhen, China
System-level cost evaluation for economic viability of cellulosic biofuel manufacturing
Cost effective dry anaerobic digestion in textile bioreactors: Experimental and economic evaluation
Analyzing the economic benefit of unmanned autonomous ships: An exploratory cost-comparison between an autonomous and a conventional bulk carrier
Economic impact of lumpy skin disease and cost effectiveness of vaccination for the control of outbreaks in Ethiopia
Hurting without hitting: The economic cost of political tension
Delivering an empowerment intervention to a remote Indigenous child safety workforce: Its economic cost from an agency perspective
Levelized cost analysis of thermoelectric generation in Brazil: A comparative economic and policy study with environmental implications
Cost-effectiveness of silver dressings for paediatric partial thickness burns: An economic evaluation from a randomized controlled trial
Estimating the Cost of Neurosurgical Procedures in a Low-Income Setting: An Observational Economic Analysis
Economic benefit and ecological cost of enlarging tea cultivation in subtropical China: Characterizing the trade-off for policy implications
Epidemiology and economic impact of health careassociated infections and cost-effectiveness of infection control measures at a Thai university hospital
Economic potential of fuel recycling options: A lifecycle cost analysis of future nuclear system transition in China
The Economic Implications of a Reusable Flexible Digital Ureteroscope: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
The arduous quest for translating health care productivity gains into cost savings. Lessons from their evolution at economic scoring agencies in the Netherlands and the US
Economic costs of critical infrastructure failure in bi-national regions and implications for resilience building: Evidence from El Paso–Ciudad Juarez ☆
A taxonomy of the economic costs of family care to adults
Assessment of Health Care and Economic Costs Due to Episodes of Acute Pesticide Intoxication in Workers of Rural Areas of the Coquimbo Region, Chile ☆
The economic costs of avoided deforestation in the developing world: A meta-analysis
A method to determine the economic cost of fouling of gas turbine compressors
Economic cost of fire: Exploring UK fire incident data to develop a design tool
Informing climate adaptation: A review of the economic costs of natural disasters
Assessing the economic costs of a foot and mouth disease outbreak on Brittany: A dynamic computable general equilibrium analysis
Effect of non-standard operating frequencies on the economic cost of offshore AC networks
Minimizing the economic cost and risk to Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Reactor technology. Part 2: The case of designing for flexibility
Minimising the economic cost and risk to accelerator-driven subcritical reactor technology: The case of designing for flexibility: Part 1
The economic cost and control of marine debris damage in the Asia-Pacific region
Allocation of economic costs in trigeneration systems at variable load conditions