Efficiency & Sustainability Model to Design and Manage Two-stage Logistic Networks
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Toward a framework for an undergraduate academic tourism curriculum in Indonesian Universities: Some perspectives from stakeholders
Natural disasters and agricultural protection: A panel data analysis
Smart but unhappy: Independent-school competition and the wellbeing-efficiency trade-off in education
Global networks as a mode of balance for exploratory innovations in a late liberalizing economy
Joint load balancing and energy saving algorithm for virtual network embedding in infrastructure providers
On the macro-economic impact of bioenergy and biochemicals Introducing advanced bioeconomy sectors into an economic modelling framework with a case study for the Netherlands
Managing tensions in a social enterprise: The complex balancing act to deliver a multi-faceted but coherent social mission
Implementing flexible demand: Real-time price vs. market integration
Optimal pricing strategy under trade-in program in the presence of strategic consumers
Exchange rate fluctuations, oil price shocks and economic growth in a small net-importing economy
Business cycles, informal economy, and interest rates in emerging countries

Trade-off between blue and grey water footprint of crop production at different nitrogen application rates under various field management practices
Impact of optimal false data injection attacks on local energy trading in a residential microgrid
What's the point? The contribution of a sustainability view in contaminated site remediation
The effect of wind energy production on cross-border electricity pricing: The case of western Denmark in the Nord Pool market
Breaking down the bullion. The compliance of bullion-currencies with official weight-systems in a case-study from the ancient Near East
Submarine power cable between Europe and North America: A techno-economic analysis
The Eurozone (Expected) Inflation: An Option's Eyes View
Distributed evolutionary algorithm for co-optimization of building and district systems for early community energy masterplanning
The effects of government spending shocks on the trade account balance in Korea
Economics of social trade-off: Balancing wastewater treatment cost and ecosystem damage
Biased data revisions: Unintended consequences of China's energy-saving mandates
Fuel saving strategies in the Andes: Long-term impacts for Peru, Colombia and Ecuador
Salt-bridge dynamics in intrinsically disordered proteins: A trade-off between electrostatic interactions and structural flexibility
Current account and real exchange rate changes: The impact of trade openness
An improved energy efficient quality of service routing for border gateway protocol
Decoupling or delusion? Measuring emissions displacement in foreign trade
Do inward looking trade policies affect poverty and income inequality? Evidence from Indonesia's recent wave of rising protectionism
A fuzzy set-based approach to data reconciliation in material flow modeling
How crude oil prices shape the global division of labor
Effect of exchange rate volatility on trade in Sub-Saharan Africa
Distributed flow network control with demand response via price adjustment
Are global shocks leading indicators of currency crisis in Viet Nam?
Investor sentiment and country exchange traded funds: Does economic freedom matter?
The effect of process management on different types of innovations: An analytical modeling approach
The efficacy of liberalization and privatization in introducing competition into European natural gas markets
Economic and technical challenges of flexible operations under large-scale variable renewable deployment
A learning system for automatic Berg Balance Scale score estimation
Econometric analysis of 15-minute intraday electricity prices
Land management influences trade-offs and the total supply of ecosystem services in alpine grassland in Tibet, China
UK trade balance with its trading partners: An asymmetry analysis
The terms of trade, the external balance, and the size of the net foreign asset position
Asymmetric effects of exchange rate changes on Turkish bilateral trade balances
The Japanese trade balance and asymmetric effects of yen fluctuations: Evidence using nonlinear methods
Do exchange rate changes improve the trade balance: An asymmetric nonlinear cointegration approach
The ameliorated trade-off between commuting efficiency and jobs-housing balance in a green-belted city: Lessons from Seoul
Balancing growing global bioenergy resource demands - Brazil's biomass potential and the availability of resource for trade
A method to solve the efficiency-accuracy trade-off of multi-harmonic balance calculation of structures with friction contacts
Synergies and trade-offs in renewable energy landscapes: Balancing energy production with economics and ecosystem services
Feasibility of Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Low Voltage Electrical Distribution Networks
The USBangladesh commodity trade: An asymmetry analysis
Commercial and biophysical deficits in South America, 19902013
The influence of financial conditions on optimal ordering and payment policies under progressive interest schemes
Reverse adaptive krill herd locally weighted support vector regression for forecasting and trading exchange traded funds
Revisiting China-Africa trade from an environmental perspective
Co-optimized trading of wind-thermal-pumped storage system in energy and regulation markets
Multi-market demand response using economic model predictive control of space heating in residential buildings
A decomposition-based multi-objective optimization for simultaneous balance computation and transformation in signed networks
Colombia: inserción y desequilibrios comerciales en la Cuenca del pacífico*
Optimal trade-off planning for wind-solar power day-ahead scheduling under uncertainties
Trade imbalances within the euro area and with respect to the rest of the world
Are trading imbalances indicative of private information? ☆