Wild native trees in tropical homegardens of Southeast Mexico: Fostered by fragmentation, mediated by management
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Is there a tree economics spectrum of decomposability?
What does interdisciplinarity look like in practice: Mapping interdisciplinarity and its limits in the environmental sciences
Of embodied emissions and inequality: Rethinking energy consumption
An Ecosystem Service Value Chain Analysis Framework: A Conceptual Paper
Trends in global research in deforestation. A bibliometric analysis
Valuing environmental education as a cultural ecosystem service at Hudson River Park
Navigating collaborative networks and cumulative effects for Sustainable Seas
Natural Capital as an Economic Concept, History and Contemporary Issues
Brown parents, green dads: Gender, children, and environmental taxes
The state of environmental sustainability considerations in mining
Critical thresholds in ecological restoration to achieve optimal ecosystem services: An analysis based on forest ecosystem restoration projects in China
A Scheme for a Sustainable Urban Water Environmental System During the Urbanization Process in China
Modelling Multi-regional Ecological Exchanges: The Case of UK and Africa
Adaptive Policy Framework through the Lens of the Viability Theory: A Theoretical Contribution to Sustainability in the Anthropocene Era
Enclosing the Urban Commons: Crises for the Commons and Commoners
Natural capital utilization based on a three-dimensional ecological footprint model: A case study in northern Shaanxi, China
Mainstream economics toolkit within the ecological economics framework
Incorporating Ecosystem Health and Fire Resilience Within the Unified Economic Model of Fire Program Analysis
Phasing Out Mercury? Ecological Economics and Indonesia's Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector
The Institutional Work of Payments for Ecosystem Services: Why the Mundane Should Matter
How does environmental regulation affect production location of non-carbon ecological footprint?
The role of interdisciplinary collaboration for stated preference methods to value marine environmental goods and ecosystem services
Traps and Sustainable Development in Rural Areas: A Review
Design, implementation, and evaluation of an inverted (flipped) classroom model economics for sustainable education course
Capabilities, Identity, Aspirations and Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Framework
A coevolutionary perspective on the adoption of sustainable land use practices: The case of afforestation on degraded croplands in Uzbekistan
Ecological Macroeconomic Models: Assessing Current Developments
Sustainability as a Fair Bequest: An Evaluation Challenge
People matter in animal disease surveillance: Challenges and opportunities for the aquaculture sector
Estimation problems for uncertain nonlinear dynamical systems with ellipsoidal state constraints
Spatially explicit return on investment to private forest conservation for water purification in Indiana, USA
Exploring Futures for Amazonia's Sierra del Divisor: An Environmental Valuation Triadics Approach to Analyzing Ecological Economic Decision Choices in the Context of Major Shifts in Boundary Conditions
Understanding ecosystem services adoption by natural resource managers and research ecologists
Agent-based modelling for ecological economics: A case study of the Republic of Armenia
A revisited conceptualization of plastic pollution accumulation in marine environments: Insights from a social ecological economics perspective
Common Patrimony: A Concept to Analyze Collective Natural Resource Management. The Case of Water Management in France
The Hotelling Rule for Entropy-constrained Economic Growth
Equity-based Natural Resource Allocation for Infrastructure Development: Evidence From Large Hydropower Dams in Africa and Asia
Wetland mitigation banking: Negotiations with stakeholders in a zone of ecological-economic viability
Synergies and trade-offs in renewable energy landscapes: Balancing energy production with economics and ecosystem services
A place-based approach to payments for ecosystem services
Stochastic frontier analysis of productive efficiency in China's Forestry Industry
Time-delayed biodiversity feedbacks and the sustainability of social-ecological systems
Comparing linear and circular supply chains: A case study from the construction industry
A Theoretical Review of Ecological Economic Thinking amongst Professionals in the Built Environment
Community-weighted mean of leaf traits and divergence of wood traits predict aboveground biomass in secondary subtropical forests
Managing small natural features: A synthesis of economic issues and emergent opportunities
Farm-level Economic Analysis - Is Conservation Agriculture Helping the Poor?
Conservation implications of wildlife translocations; The state's ability to act as conservation units for wildebeest populations in South Africa
Conceptualising a biophilic services model for urban areas
Incorporating economics into fisheries management frameworks in Australia
Economic trade-offs of hydrophytes and neighbouring terrestrial herbaceous plants based on plant functional traits
Optimal environmental road pricing and daily commuting patterns

Using State and Transition Models to Show Economic Interdependence of Ecological Sites at the Ranch Level
The Kenneth E. Boulding Memorial Award 2014: Ecological economics: A personal journey
Beyond environmental and ecological economics: Proposal for an economic sociology of the environment ☆
The second generation of ecological economics: How far has the apple fallen from the tree?
Ecological economics, Marxism, and technological progress: Some explorations of the conceptual foundations of theories of ecologically unequal exchange