Dynamics and factors of inflation convergence in the European union
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Sovereign default, exit and contagion in a monetary union
Default risk, sectoral reallocation, and persistent recessions
Does income inequality lead to banking crises in developing countries? Empirical evidence from cross-country panel data
Better safe than sorry? CEO inside debt and risk-taking in bank acquisitions
Efficiency or speculation? A time-varying analysis of European sovereign debt
Bank supply shocks and the substitution between bank and nonbank debt
Empirical analysis of the international public covered bond market
The missing spillover of base expansion into monetary aggregates: Is there a puzzle?
On the dynamics of sovereign debt in China: Sustainability and structural change
A model of currency crises with heterogeneous market beliefs
A sliding windows approach to analyse the evolution of bank shares in the European Union
Varieties of indebtedness: Financialization and mortgage market institutions in Europe
Measuring systemic vulnerability in European banking systems
Shareholders valuation of long-term debt and decline in firms' leverage ratio
Transmission of liquidity shocks: Evidence on cross-border bank ownership linkages
Optimal investment risks and debt management with backup security in a financial crisis
Intraday dynamics of credit risk contagion before and during the euro area sovereign debt crisis: Evidence from central Europe
International evidence on firm level decisions in response to the crisis: Shareholders vs. other stakeholders
Why prices don't respond sooner to a prospective sovereign debt crisis
Financial development and income distribution inequality in the euro area
Time-varying co-movement of the prices of three metals and oil: Evidence from recursive cointegration
Financial Market Spillovers during the Quantitative Easing Programmes of the Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009) and the European Debt Crisis
Systemic risk in clearing houses: Evidence from the European repo market
Does the source of debt financing affect default risk?
The interbank network across the global financial crisis: Evidence from Italy
Dividend policy: Shareholder rights and creditor rights under the impact of the global financial crisis
Macroeconomic imbalances and business cycle synchronization. Why common economic governance is imperative for the Eurozone
An empirical investigation of herding in the U.S. stock market
The value of restrictive covenants in the changing bond market dynamics before and after the financial crisis
Modelling European sovereign bond yields with international portfolio effects
Volatility spillovers and determinants of contagion: Exchange rate and equity markets during crises
Current account imbalances: A new approach to assess external debt sustainability
Dynamic of consumer groups and response of commodity markets by principal component analysis
The effect of the behavior of an average consumer on the public debt dynamics
Sustainability of macroeconomic policies in selected MENA countries: Post financial and debt crises
Financial intermediaries instability and euro area macroeconomic dynamics
How does long-term finance affect economic volatility?
Determinants of discretionary fiscal policy in Central and Eastern Europe
Structural vulnerability and resilience to currency crisis: Foreign currency debt versus export
Sovereign credit rating determinants: A comparison before and after the European debt crisis
The EU debt crisis: Testing and revisiting conventional legal doctrine
Liquidity Commonality in Foreign Exchange Markets During the Global Financial Crisis and the Sovereign Debt Crisis: Effects of Macroeconomic and Quantitative Easing Announcements
The impact of the European sovereign debt crisis on banks stocks. Some evidence of shift contagion in Europe
Debt correlations in the wake of the financial crisis: What are appropriate default correlations for structured products?
Do financial crises alter the dynamics of corporate capital structure? Evidence from GCC countries
Predicting sovereign debt crises: An Early Warning System approach
Banking and sovereign debt crises in a monetary union without central bank intervention
Risk assessment on euro area government bond markets The role of governance
Derivatives-hedging, risk allocation and the cost of debt: Evidence from bank holding companies
Discount rate or cash flow contagion? Evidence from the recent financial crises
Debt-overhang banking crises: Detecting and preventing systemic risk
Estimating Malmquist productivity indexes using probabilistic directional distances: An application to the European banking sector
Financial Markets and the Global Debt Crisis: Toward a New Architecture for A More Reliable Financial Sector*
Inflation, deflation, and uncertainty: What drives euro-area option-implied inflation expectations, and are they still anchored in the sovereign debt crisis? ☆
The importance of trade and capital imbalances in the European debt crisis
Sovereign public debt crisis in Europe. A network analysis
Equity returns in the banking sector in the wake of the Great Recession and the European sovereign debt crisis