Globalization and the decline in labor shares: Exploring the relationship beyond trade and financial flows
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Control of corruption, international investment, and economic growth Evidence from panel data
Employment and weight status: The extreme case of body concern in South Korea
External shocks, financial volatility and reserve requirements in an open economy
Religiosity as a bridge or barrier to immigrant childrenâs educational achievement?
Service and policy considerations when working with highly mobile homeless youth: Perspectives from the frontlines
Protection of trade secrets and capital structure decisions
English just is not enough!: Neoliberalism, class, and children's study abroad among Korean families
Highly skilled migrants entering the labour market: Experiences and strategies in the contested field of overqualification and skills mismatch
Real estate production, geographies of mobility and spatial contestation: A two-case study in Santiago de Chile
Regional state capacity and the optimal degree of fiscal decentralization
Stasis, dynamism and emergence of the e-mobility system in China: A power relational perspective
Intellectual property rights protection, labour mobility and wage inequality
Organization capital, labor market flexibility, and stock returns around the world
Occupational specificity: A new measurement based on training curricula and its effect on labor market outcomes
Downpayment, mobility and default: A welfare analysis
Intergenerational social mobility and religious ecology: Disaggregating the conservative Protestant bloc
Path dependence in occupational careers: Understanding occupational mobility development throughout individuals' careers
Income redistribution and public goods provision under tax competition
What is new about covered interest parity condition in the European Union? Evidence from fractal cross-correlation regressions
Hydrogen refuelling station infrastructure roll-up, an indicative assessment of the commercial viability and profitability in the Member States of Europe Union
Does ethnic identity influence migrants' settlement intentions? Evidence from three cities in Gansu Province, Northwest China
Margin of safety: Life history strategies and the effects of socioeconomic status on self-selection into accounting
Elastic attention, risk sharing, and international comovements
Estimation of global rebound effect caused by energy efficiency improvement
Process optimization for large-scale hydrogen liquefaction
Private financing and mobility management of road network with tradable credits
Family linkages, social interactions, and investment in human capital: A theoretical analysis
Economy-wide effects of international and Russia's climate policies
Relative improvements in road mobility as compared to improvements in road accessibility and economic growth: A cross-country analysis
How social structure changes in Chinese global cities: Synthesizing globalization, migration and institutional factors in Beijing
An adaptive hawkes process formulation for estimating time-of-day zonal trip arrivals with location-based social networking check-in data
Heterogeneity in the intergenerational transmission of education and second generation rural-urban migrants
Predicting remobilization characteristics of cobalt in riparian soils in the Miyun Reservoir prior to water retention
Thirty years after privatization: A survey of Icelandic small-boat fishermen
A multi-actor multi-criteria transit system selection model: A case study of Bangkok feeder system
Social capital and entrepreneurial mobility in early-stage tourism development: A case from rural China
The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle and capital mobility: The role of the recent financial crisis
Is the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle still with us? National saving-investment dynamics and international capital mobility: A panel data analysis across EU member countries
Human capital spill-overs and the geography of intergenerational mobility
Change or continuity? Intergenerational social mobility and post-communist transition
Distinctive and comparative places: Alternative narratives of distinction within international student mobility
Road infrastructure and the share of labor income: Evidence from Chinas manufacturing sector
Do preferential trade agreements contribute to the development of trade? Taking into account the institutional heterogeneity
Central banks and macroeconomic policy choices: Relaxing the trilemma
A long shadow: Cultural capital, techno-capital and networking skills of college students
European unemployment revisited: Shocks, institutions, integration
Possibilities of Using Traffic Planning Software in Bratislava
Optimal real estate capital durability and localized climate change disaster risk
Lifting peripheral fortunes: Upgrading transit improves spatial, income and gender equity in Medellin
Building an optimal hydrogen transportation system for mobility, focus on minimizing the cost of transportation via truck
Does the social context help with understanding and predicting the choice of activity type and duration? An application of the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Nested Extreme Value model to activity diary data
Regional integration, capital mobility and financial intermediation revisited: Application of general to specific method in panel data
Official financial flows, capital mobility, and global imbalances ☆

Does economic integration stimulate capital mobility? An analysis of four regional economic communities in Africa ☆
Re-examining the Feldstein–Horioka and Sachs' views of capital mobility: A heterogeneous panel setup