The strategic value of data resources in emergent industries
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A look upstream: Market restructuring, risk, procurement contracts and efficiency
Retail consumers and risk in centralized energy auctions for indexed long-term contracts in Chile
Does tax avoidance behavior affect bank loan contracts for Chinese listed firms?
Survival, expectations, and employment: An inquiry of refugees and immigrants to the United States
Finding cooperators: Sorting through repeated interaction
The impact of different contract structures on IT investment in logistics outsourcing
Convergent iteration in Sobolev space for time dependent closed quantum systems
Towards the systematic analysis of non-functional properties in Model-Based Engineering for real-time embedded systems
Can group incentives alleviate moral hazard? The role of pro-social preferences
Incomplete contracting, renegotiation, and expectation-based loss aversion
Hidden action and outcome contractibility: An experimental test of moral hazard theory
Pricing, collection, and effort decisions with coordination contracts in a fuzzy, three-level closed-loop supply chain
Psychological contract model for knowledge collaboration in virtual community of practice: An analysis based on the game theory
Disentangling the impact of cost transparency on cooperation efficiency in exchange partnerships
Land ownership and technology adoption revisited: Improved maize varieties in Ethiopia
The effect of customer value and power structure on retail supply chain product choice and pricing decisions
Designing supply contracts for the sustainable supply chain using game theory
Can financial innovation succeed by catering to behavioral preferences? Evidence from a callable options market
Friend or foe: Customer-supplier relationships and innovation
Information revelation in the Property Right Theory of the firms
Small but attractive: Dimensions of new venture employer attractiveness and the moderating role of applicants' entrepreneurial behaviors
Integrated game-theory modelling for multi enterprise-wide coordination and collaboration under uncertain competitive environment
Stochastic contraction based online estimation of second order wiener system
Tax bargains in unlikely places: The politics of Zambian mining taxes
Hospitality employees promotional attitude: Findings from graduates of a twelve-month management training program
Robust distributed model predictive control of constrained dynamically decoupled nonlinear systems: A contraction theory perspective
Fundamental indexation: An application to the Nordic wholesale electricity market
The Choice of Exclusive Dealing: Economic Rationales and Evidence from French Retail Chains
Impact of specific investments, governance mechanisms and behaviors on the performance of cooperative innovation projects
Institutional incentives in circular economy transition: The case of material use in the Dutch textile industry
Rethinking relevance: Repetition priming reveals the psychological reality of adaptive specializations for reasoning
Evolution of national port governance and interport competition in Chile
Technical efficiency, unions and decentralized labor contracts
Price setting in the retail electricity market under the Bertrand competition
Why do loans contain covenants? Evidence from lending relationships
Decisions making in information security outsourcing: Impact of complementary and substitutable firms
Repayment flexibility in microfinance contracts: Theory and experimental evidence on take up and selection
Agency and strategic contracts: Theory and evidence from R&D agreements in the pharmaceutical industry
The impact of clawback provisions on information processing and investment behaviour
Structural synthesis of parallel manipulators with coupling sub-chains
Forgiving is good for health and performance: How forgiveness helps individuals cope with the psychological contract breach
An application of normative decision theory to the valuation of energy efficiency investments under uncertainty

On the fast track? Using standard contracts in publicprivate partnerships for sports facilities: A case study
Evaluating foreign market entry mode theories from a hotel industry perspective
Oil risk contracts, business conduct and performance patterns: Data panel analysis
Recent experiences of copper on the Shanghai futures exchange: Some lessons for warehouse monitoring
On Existence of Separable Contraction Metrics for Monotone Nonlinear Systems*
Determinants of control structure choice between entrepreneurs and investors in venture capital-backed startups
Using risk sharing contracts for supply chain risk mitigation: A buyer-supplier power and dependence perspective
Assessing the impacts of transaction costs and rapid growth on local government service provision and delivery arrangement choices in North Dakota
That wasn't our deal: A psychological contract perspective on employee responses to bullying
Contraction Based Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Optimal transport provision to a tourist destination: A contract theory perspective ☆
Underperformance of founder-led firms: An examination of compensation contracting theories during the executive stock options backdating scandal
Contract theory and implications for perennial energy crop contracting
Contract theory for the evolution of cooperation: The right incentives attract the right partners