Emotional intelligence and financial decision making: Are we talking about a paradigmatic shift or a change in practices?
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Fragmentation uncertainties in hadronic observables for top-quark mass measurements
Unconscious retinotopic motion processing affects non-retinotopic motion perception
Perfect transmission invisibility for waveguides with sound hard walls
From benign unconstitutionality to delegated legislation: Analysis on the ways for legal reform of China rural collective construction land circulation
Distribution of individual status in the invisibility similarity network of new social strata in Shanghai
Design of a plasmonic absorber based on the nonlinear arrangement of nanodisk for surface cloak
Effect of interaction between attention focusing capability and visual factors on road traffic noise annoyance
Cascading vulnerability scenarios in the management of groundwater depletion and salinization in semi-arid areas
Gender myths in energy poverty literature: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Experience the future in full-scale: Technological background relations and visions of the good society at the World's Columbian Exposition

Damage investigation of ultra high performance concrete under direct tensile test using acoustic emission techniques
Scattering cross section in a cylindrical anisotropic layered metamaterial
An exploratory study of blending the virtual world and the laboratory experience in secondary chemistry classrooms
Comparison of chemical, color stability, and phenolic composition from pericarp of nine colored corn unique varieties in a beverage model
University culture and sustainability: Designing and implementing an enabling framework
Powerful knowledge, technology and education in the future-focused good society
The character of the Atlantic oak woods of the Great Hungarian Plain
Can perceptual grouping unfold in the absence of awareness? Comparing grouping during continuous flash suppression and sandwich masking
Scattering of electromagnetic waves by a graphene-coated thin cylinder of left-handed metamaterial
Reexamining unconscious response priming: A liminal-prime paradigm
A social semiotics analysis of Islamic State's use of beheadings: Images of power, masculinity, spectacle and propaganda
Utilitarianism and knowledge growth during status seeking: Evidence from text mining of online reviews
The limits of ethical consumption in the sex industry: An analysis of online brothel reviews
The lights are on but no (men) are home. The effect of traditional gender roles on perceptions of energy in Kenya
From the banality of evil to the complicity of indifference: The effects on intergroup relationships
Generation mechanism of large-size invisible defects on Si epitaxial wafers
The chronology of the radiographic visibility of the periodontal ligament and the root pulp in the lower third molars
Invisible own- and other-race faces presented under continuous flash suppression produce affective response biases
A forest of dreams: Ontological multiplicity and the fantasies of environmental government in the Philippines
Enacted support and golf-putting performance: The role of support type and support visibility
A combined watermarking approach for securing biometric data
Remote data possession checking with privacy-preserving authenticators for cloud storage
Evaluation of a visual tool co-developed for training hospital staff on the prevention and control of the spread of healthcare associated infections
Region-based dual bank register allocation for reduced instruction encoding Architectures
Social dynamics in emergency evacuations: Disentangling crowdâs attraction and repulsion effects
From personalized exchange towards anonymous trade: A field experiment on the workings of the invisible hand
Perception of risk and coping capacity: A study in Jiadhal Basin, India
A data processing methodology for infrared thermography images of concrete bridges
A user-friendly technical set-up for infrared photography of forensic findings
Invisible challenges: the next step in behavioural biometrics?
Unconscious integration of multisensory bodily inputs in the peripersonal space shapes bodily self-consciousness
Face alignment using a deep neural network with local feature learning and recurrent regression
Merging video coaching and an anthropologic approach to understand health care provider behavior toward hand hygiene protocols
Monitoring the “invisible” hand of market discipline: Capital adequacy revisited ☆
Watchdogs of the Invisible Hand: NGO monitoring and industry equilibrium ☆
Strong or invisible hands? – Managerial involvement in the knowledge sharing process of globally dispersed knowledge groups
Darwin's invisible hand: Market competition, evolution and the firm
Econophysical visualization of Adam Smith’s invisible hand
Identification of Pareto-improving policies: Information as the real invisible hand
Physical energy cost serves as the “invisible hand” governing economic valuation: Direct evidence from biogeochemical data and the U.S. metal market
A Nozick–Buchanan contractarian governance as solution to some Invisible Hand failures
Invisible hand effect in an evolutionary minority game model
Adam Smith's invisible hand is unstable: physics and dynamics reasoning applied to economic theorizing