Fatigue strength of repaired welded connections made of very high strength steels
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Development of an improved prediction method for the yield strength of steel alloys in the Small Punch Test

Effect of copper content on tensile mechanical properties of ternary NiTiCu alloy nanowire: Molecular dynamics simulation
Forecasting multiple-term structures from interbank rates
Rheological behaviour of ultra-high performance cementitious composites containing high amounts of silica fume
Nucleation curves of methane hydrate from constant cooling ramp methods
Probabilistic maize yield prediction over East Africa using dynamic ensemble seasonal climate forecasts
Experimental and numerical behaviour of eccentrically loaded high strength concrete filled high strength square steel tube stub columns
Fatigue crack growth predictions based on damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip calculated by strip-yield procedures
Prediction of forming limit curve at fracture for sheet metal using new ductile fracture criterion
Phenol preparation from catalytic pyrolysis of palm kernel shell at low temperatures
Abnormal shapes of production function: Model interpretations
A simple analytics framework for evaluating mean escape time in different term structures with stochastic volatility
Reduced difference polynomials and self-intersection computations
Supercritical fluid extraction of Eucalyptus globulus leaves. Experimental and modelling studies of the influence of operating conditions and biomass pretreatment upon yields and kinetics
Influence of the post-necking prediction of hardening law on the theoretical forming limit curve of aluminium sheets
Predicting milk protein responses and the requirement of metabolizable protein by lactating dairy cows
Microwave-assisted fast co-pyrolysis behaviors and products between microalgae and polyvinyl chloride
Bank's interest rate risk and profitability in a prolonged environment of low interest rates
Large deformation of an auxetic structure in tension: Experiments and finite element analysis
Towards the shortest possible contact time: Droplet impact on cylindrical superhydrophobic surfaces structured with macro-scale features
Prediction of forming limit curve for pure titanium sheet
Rheological measurements for prediction of pumping and squeezing pressures of toothpaste
Optimal campaigns in end-to-end continuous pharmaceuticals manufacturing. Part 2: Dynamic optimization
Volatile and semivolatile emissions from the pyrolysis of almond shell loaded with heavy metals
Thermoluminescence response of rare earth activated zinc lithium borate glass
Identification of the plastic properties of structural steel using spherical indentation
Optimised sowing date enhances crop resilience towards size-asymmetric competition and reduces the yield difference between intercropped and sole maize
Tracking spatial variation in river load from Andean highlands to inter-Andean valleys
Fitting and forecasting yield curves with a mixed-frequency affine model: Evidence from China
Interest rate volatility, the yield curve, and the macroeconomy
A hybrid spline-based parametric model for the yield curve
Yield curve interactions with the macroeconomic factors during global financial crisis among Asian markets
On the effect of grains interface parameters on the macroscopic properties of polycrystalline materials
Energycane growth dynamics and potential early harvest penalties along the Texas Gulf Coast
In-situ electrical resistivity monitors the annealing process for Al-Mg-Mn aluminum alloy sheet
Factors of the term structure of sovereign yield spreads
Distinguishing dynamic and static yield stress of fresh cement mortars through thixotropy
Mechanical behaviors of cement systems in different conditions
Development of a critical nitrogen dilution curve based on leaf dry matter for summer maize
On the gradient of the yield plateau in structural carbon steels
Recent experiences of copper on the Shanghai futures exchange: Some lessons for warehouse monitoring
Metamorphoses of resonance curves in systems of coupled oscillators:The case of degenerate singular points
The expected real yield and inflation components of the nominal yield curve
When does the yield curve contain predictive power? Evidence from a data-rich environment
A dynamic Nelson-Siegel yield curve model with Markov switching
On the analysis of glow curves with the general order kinetics: Reliability of the computed trap parameters
Determination of mechanical properties using sharp macro-indentation method and genetic algorithm
An appraisal of procedures to determine the flow curve of cement slurries
What does the bond yield curve tell us about Tunisian economic activity?
Federal Reserve credibility and the term structure of interest rates
Mechanical properties determination of dual-phase steels using uniaxial tensile and hydraulic bulge test
Varying coefficient functional autoregressive model with application to the U.S. treasuries
The term structure of credit spreads and business cycle in Japan
Long-term presence of charcoal increases maize yield in Belgium due to increased soil water availability
Effect of yield criteria on the formability prediction of dual-phase steel sheets
Reading between the ratings: Modeling residual credit risk and yield overlap
Scenario generation for long run interest rate risk assessment
Effects of agro-pedo-meteorological conditions on dynamics of temperate rice blast epidemics and associated yield and milling losses
Estimation of nitrogen fertilizer requirement for rice crop using critical nitrogen dilution curve
Forecasting the Brazilian yield curve using forward-looking variables
The Yield Curve as a Predictor of Gross Domestic Product Growth in Nordic Countries ☆
The predictive density simulation of the yield curve with a zero lower bound
Segments of Money Market Yield Curves in a Dealers Model of Optimum Interest Rate Margin ☆
Forecasting growth and stock performance using government and corporate yield curves: Evidence from the European and Asian markets
Applying a macro-finance yield curve to UK quantitative Easing
Monetary policy regimes: implications for the yield curve and bond pricing
The Indonesian macroeconomy and the yield curve: A dynamic latent factor approach
The small open macroeconomy and the yield curve: A state-space representation
Impact of macroeconomic surprises on the Brazilian yield curve and expected inflation