The exposure of microfinance institutions to financial risk
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Synthesis, properties and mechanism of the ion exchange resins based on 2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine and divinylbenzene in the catalytic disproportionation of trichlorosilane
Managing exchange rate exposure with hedging activities: New approach and evidence
Operational and financial hedging: Evidence from export and import behavior
(How) do credit market conditions affect firms' post-hedging outcomes? Evidence from bank lending standards and firms' currency exposure

Bond market evidence of time variation in exposures to global risk factors and the role of US monetary policy
Ambient soil cation exchange capacity inversely associates with infectious and parasitic disease risk in regional Australia
Sensitivity to ocean acidification differs between populations of the Sydney rock oyster: Role of filtration and ion-regulatory capacities
Interaction of yttrium disilicate environmental barrier coatings with calcium-magnesium-iron alumino-silicate melts
Does internationalisation increase exchange rate exposure? -Evidence from Chinese financial firms
Ozone reaction with human surfaces: Influences of surface reaction probability and indoor air flow condition
A distributed computational model for estimating room air level of constituents due to aerosol emission from e-vapor product use
Low-cost measurement techniques to characterize the influence of home heating fuel on carbon monoxide in Navajo homes
Contributions of indoor and outdoor sources to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons indoors
Soil microbial communities and glyphosate decay in soils with different herbicide application history
Does Gold act as a Safe haven against Exchange Rate Fluctuations? The case of Pakistan Rupee
Formation, physicochemical and interfacial study of carbamate surfactants
U.S. corporate investment and foreign penetration: Imports and inward foreign direct investment
Numerical investigation of hydrogen absorption in a stackable metal hydride reactor utilizing compartmentalization
Nitric oxide alleviates wheat yield reduction by protecting photosynthetic system from oxidation of ozone pollution
A microfluidic gradient generator to simulate the oxygen microenvironment in cancer cell culture
An empirical analysis of corporate currency risk management policies and practices
Protecting the photosynthetic performance of snap bean under free air ozone exposure
Ozone exposure- and flux-based response relationships with photosynthesis of winter wheat under fully open air condition
The benefit of kitchen exhaust fan use after cooking - An experimental assessment
Contrasting seasonal morphological and physio-biochemical responses to UV radiation and reduced rainfall of two mature naturally growing Mediterranean shrubs in the context of climate change
Effect of fiber material on ozone removal and carbonyl production from carpets
Thermoregulatory responses of Holstein cows exposed to experimentally induced heat stress
Derivatives-hedging, risk allocation and the cost of debt: Evidence from bank holding companies
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in effluent-dominated Saudi Arabian coastal waters of the Red Sea
High-temperature tube corrosion upon the interaction with Victorian brown coal fly ash under the oxy-fuel combustion condition
Exposure assessment of children to particulate matter and gaseous species in school environments of Pune, India
Soil as a reservoir for road salt retention leading to its gradual release to groundwater
The effect of natural ventilation strategy on indoor air quality in schools
The cessation of breathing in the chicken embryo during cold-hypometabolism
Influence of exchangeable oxygen on biogenic silica oxygen isotope data
Spatio-temporal measurement of indoor particulate matter concentrations using a wireless network of low-cost sensors in households using solid fuels
Plant location and inventory level decisions in global supply chains: Evidence from Korean firms
Indoor formaldehyde concentrations in urban China: Preliminary study of some important influencing factors
Developing ozone critical levels for multi-species canopies of Mediterranean annual pastures
Do air quality targets really represent safe limits for lung cancer risk?
A revisit to economic exposure of U.S. multinational corporations
International portfolio optimisation with integrated currency overlay costs and constraints
Nano-sized emission from commercially available paints used for indoor surfaces during drying
Balance sheet effects on monetary and financial spillovers: The East Asian crisis plus 20
The pollutant removal capacity of urban street canyons as quantified by the pollutant exchange velocity
Unemployment fluctuations and the predictability of currency returns
Asymmetric foreign exchange cash flow exposure: A firm-level analysis
Do managerial risk-taking incentives influence firms' exchange rate exposure?
Measurement of Exchange Rate Exposure: Capital Market Approach versus Cash Flow Approach ☆
Exchange rate exposure at the firm and industry levels: Evidence from Turkey
Hot money effect or foreign exchange exposure? Investigation of the exchange rate exposures of Taiwanese industries
Time-varying exchange rate exposure and exchange rate risk pricing in the Canadian Equity Market
Exchange rate exposure and the use of foreign currency derivatives in the Australian resources sector
Resolving the exposure puzzle: The many facets of exchange rate exposure
A three-factor model investigation of foreign exchange-rate exposure
Derivative activities and Asia-Pacific banks’ interest rate and exchange rate exposures
Exchange rate exposure of sectoral returns and volatilities: Evidence from Japanese industrial sectors
What lies beneath: Foreign exchange rate exposure, hedging and cash flows
Foreign exchange rate exposure and risk premium in international investments: Evidence from American depositary receipts
When is a lower exchange rate pass-through associated with greater exchange rate exposure?
Exchange rate exposure, foreign currency derivatives and the introduction of the euro: French evidence
Measuring the economic importance of exchange rate exposure