Electrification: The nexus between consumer behavior and public policy
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Is state-dependent valuation more adaptive than simpler rules?
Using behavioral economics to predict opioid use during prescription opioid dependence treatment
Education As Public Good: Behavioral Economics Approach ☆
Cigarette tax rates, behavioral disengagement, and quit ratios among daily smokers
Urban residents' response to and evaluation of low-carbon travel policies: Evidence from a survey of five eastern cities in China
When Cleaning Too Much Pollution Can Be a Bad Thing: A Field Experiment of Consumer Demand for Oysters
Shall we pay all? An experimental test of Random Incentivized Systems
A mechanistic model of erythroblast growth inhibition providing a framework for optimisation of cell therapy manufacturing
Fuzzy model of residential energy decision-making considering behavioral economic concepts
Psychological momentum in contests: The case of scoring before half-time in football
The quotient of normal random variables and application to asset price fat tails
Examination of approach and avoidance inclinations on the reinforcing value of alcohol
Simulating heterogeneous behaviours in complex systems on GPUs
Observational and reinforcement pattern-learning: An exploratory study
Alternation bias and sums of identically distributed monetary lotteries
Differential use of danger and safety signals in an animal model of anxiety vulnerability: The behavioral economics of avoidance
An exploration of individual, social and material factors influencing water pollution mitigation behaviours within the farming community
Economics literature on joint production of minerals: A survey
Design, implementation, and evaluation of an inverted (flipped) classroom model economics for sustainable education course
Be careful what you calibrate for: Social discounting in general equilibrium
The value of information as a verification and regret-preventing mechanism in algorithmic search environments
Two factor model of consumer satisfaction: International tourism research
How present bias forestalls energy efficiency upgrades: A study of household appliance purchases in India
Experimental methods: Measuring effort in economics experiments
Social decision making in narcissism: Reduced generosity and increased retaliation are driven by alterations in perspective-taking and anger
A conceptual framework for the analysis of the effect of institutions on biofuel supply chains
Institutional determinants of power sector reform in Pakistan
On the relationship of emotional abilities and prosocial behavior
Impacts and Determinants of Health Levels in Low-Income Countries
Ten questions concerning sustainable domestic thermal retrofit policy research
On a unified theory of development: New institutional economics & the charismatic leader
The Impact of Fairness on Side Payments and Cost-Effectiveness in Agglomeration Payments for Biodiversity Conservation
Managing capacity at a service facility: An experimental approach
Exploring path dependence, policy interactions, and actor behavior in the German biodiesel supply chain
The heterogeneous level of life quality across Chilean regions
Lignocentric analysis of a carbohydrate-producing lignocellulosic biorefinery process
The divisive and disruptive effect of a weight-based waste fee
Myopic loss aversion in the response of electric vehicle owners to the scheduling and pricing of vehicle charging
Are consumers willing to switch to smart time of use electricity tariffs? The importance of loss-aversion and electric vehicle ownership
Coupled autocatalytic reactions: Interconversion and extinction of species
When experienced and decision utility concur: The case of income comparisons
To choose or not to choose: An experiment in hedging strategies and risk preferences
Estimation of game-level attendance in major league soccer: Outcome uncertainty and absolute quality considerations
Growth, behavior, and economics of group-fed dairy calves fed once or twice daily in an organic production system
On the behavioural relevance of optional and mandatory impure public goods
What about nudges in the process industry? Exploring a new safety management tool
Painting the fence: Social norms as economic incentives to non-automotive travel behavior
Interaction of reasoning ability and distributional preferences in a social dilemma
Are income poverty and perceptions of financial difficulties dynamically interrelated?
Integrating Behavioral Economics into Nutrition Education Research and Practice
How does happiness relate to economic behaviour? A review of the literature
Actors behaving badly: Exploring the modelling of non-optimal behaviour in energy transitions
Relational contracting and the myth of trust: Control in a co-opetitive setting
What is the status of food literacy in Australian high schools? Perceptions of home economics teachers
Does Pricing Nature Reduce Monetary Support for Conservation?: Evidence From Donation Behavior in an Online Experiment
Using behavioral insights to make firms more energy efficient: A field experiment on the effects of improved communication
The importance of peers for compliance with norms of fair sharing
Risk aversion and religious behaviour: Analysis using a sample of Danish twins

Emergence of cooperation and a fair system optimum in road networks: A game-theoretic and agent-based modelling approach
The dual effects of perceived unfairness on opportunism in channel relationships
The use of action functionals within the quantum-like paradigm
Behavioral economic substitution between conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes differs as a function of the frequency of e-cigarette use
Experimental methods: When and why contextual instructions are important