Effects of Islamic religiosity on bilateral trust in trade: The case of Turkish exports
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Econometric Analysis of Foreign Trade Efficiency of E.U. Members Using Gravity Equations ☆
China's foreign trade and climate change: A case study of CO2 emissions
Understanding the dynamic effects of government spending on foreign trade
Factors influencing renewable energy consumption in China: An empirical analysis based on provincial panel data
Do foreign institutional traders have private information for the market index? The aspect of market microstructure
Foreign equity flows: Boon or bane to the liquidity of Malaysian stock market?
Global price discovery in the Australian dollar market and its determinants
U.S. corporate investment and foreign penetration: Imports and inward foreign direct investment
The impact of knowledge trade on sustainable development and environment-biased technical progress
The effects of aid agency independence on bilateral aid allocation decisions
Does higher openness cause more real exchange rate volatility?
Determinants of energy demand in African frontier market economies: An empirical investigation
The effect of technological factors on China's carbon intensity: New evidence from a panel threshold model
Trade reshapes the regional energy related mercury emissions: A case study on Hubei Province based on a multi-scale input-output analysis
The extensive and intensive margins of exports of firms in developing and emerging countries
The effects of government spending shocks on the trade account balance in Korea
International trade and carbon emissions: The role of Chinese institutional and policy reforms
Quality uncertainty and intermediation in international trade
Large and small firms in a global market: David vs. Goliath
US and China aid to Africa: Impact on the donor-recipient trade relations
With a little help from my friends: Multinational retailers and China's consumer market penetration
International financial market integration, asset compositions, and the falling exchange rate pass-through
International synchronization of the Mexican states business cycles: Explaining factors
Export intensity of foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises: The role of trade finance availability
Decoupling or delusion? Measuring emissions displacement in foreign trade
Asset pricing with investor sentiment: On the use of investor group behavior to forecast ASEAN markets
Competitive tax reforms in a monetary union with endogenous entry and tradability
The home bias of the poor: Foreign asset portfolios across the wealth distribution
Testing and interpreting uncovered interest parity in Russia
The impact of foreign equity flows on market volatility during politically tranquil and turbulent times: The Egyptian experience
Do locals know better? A comparison of the performance of local and foreign institutional investors
Diversification of risk exposure through country mutual funds under alternative investment opportunities
Carbon-weighted economic development performance and driving force analysis: Evidence from China
Analyst coverage network and stock return comovement in emerging markets
What's next in the U.S.-Canada softwood lumber dispute? An economic analysis of restrictive trade policy measures
Investor heterogeneity, trading account types and competing liquidity channels for Malaysian stocks
Trading of foreign investors and stock returns in an emerging market - Evidence from Vietnam
The terms of trade, the external balance, and the size of the net foreign asset position
Foreign direct investment, foreign trade and environment: New evidence from simultaneous-equation system of gravity models
A relative value trading system based on a correlation and rough set analysis for the foreign exchange futures market
Effect of multilateral trade liberalization on foreign direct investment outflows amid structural economic vulnerability in developing countries

Enhancing national innovative capacity: The impact of high-tech international trade and inward foreign direct investment
The effect of exchange rate fluctuation on intra-industry reallocation in a firm heterogeneity model with trade and foreign direct investment
Foreign exchange predictability and the carry trade: A decomposition approach
Corruptionâs impact on foreign portfolio investment
Sophistication and price impact of foreign investors in the Brazilian stock market
Trade to aid: EU's temporary tariff waivers for flood-hit Pakistan
Offshore renminbi trading: Findings from the 2013 Triennial Central Bank Survey
Services trade policy and manufacturing productivity: The role of institutions
Population growth and trade patterns in semi-endogenous growth economies
Energy use by Chinese economy: A systems cross-scale input-output analysis
Investor sentiment and country exchange traded funds: Does economic freedom matter?
Monetary and macroprudential policy with foreign currency loans
The stock market reaction to losing or gaining foreign private issuer status
El transporte internacional como factor de competitividad en el comercio exterior
Non-competitive Evolutions of the Foreign Trade in Romania ☆
Openness of the Regional Economy and its Dependence on Interregional and Foreign Trade: Case of the Republic of Tatarstan ☆
The effect of foreign trade and investment liberalization on spatial concentration of economic activity
Agrifood Competitive Performances within Romania's Foreign Trade Pattern: Evaluation and Alerts ☆
Impact of Foreign Trade on Romania's Economic Sustainability During the Pre- and Post-accession Periods ☆
Exchange Rate Volatility and Foreign Trade: The Case for Cyprus and Croatia