Measuring monetary policy for a small open economy: Turkey
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Optimal monetary policy in a small open economy: The case of Korea
S&P 500 implied volatility and monetary policy announcements
Global monetary policy shocks in the G5: A SVAR approach
External shocks, U.S. monetary policy and macroeconomic fluctuations in emerging markets
Optimal monetary policy in the presence of pricing-to-market
Coordination of fiscal and monetary policy in CIS-countries: A theory of optimum fiscal area?
Data revisions and the identification of monetary policy shocks
Monetary policy at the zero interest bound: A model comparison exercise
Monetary policy under a liquidity trap: Simulation evidence for the euro area
Effectiveness of state-contingent monetary policy under a liquidity trap
The Bank of Japan's operating procedures and the identification of monetary policy shocks: A reexamination using the Bernanke–Mihov approach
Evaluating monetary policy when nominal interest rates are almost zero
Security markets and the information content of monetary policy turning points
Short-run and long-run effects of monetary policy in a general equilibrium model with bank reserves
Expected versus unexpected monetary policy impulses and interest rate pass-through in euro-zone retail banking markets
Excess reserves and the implementation of monetary policy of the ECB
Currency mismatches and monetary policy: A tale of two equilibria
Monetary policies for developing countries: The role of institutional quality
Optimal monetary policy in a regime-switching economy: The response to abrupt shifts in exchange rate dynamics
Optimal fiscal and monetary policy with sticky wages and sticky prices
Estimating monetary policy effects when interest rates are close to zero
Policy instrument choice and non-coordinated monetary policy in interdependent economies
Managed floating as a strategy to achieve selected monetary policy objectives
Opportunistic monetary policy: An alternative rationalization
Bank loan supply and monetary policy transmission in Germany: An assessment based on matching impulse responses
Estimation of a forward-looking monetary policy rule: A time-varying parameter model using ex post data
Monetary policy signaling and movements in the term structure of interest rates
Deficits, debt financing, monetary policy and inflation in developing countries: Internal or external factors?: Evidence from Iran
Monetary policy design and transmission asymmetry in EMU: Does uncertainty matter?
Hungary's entry into the euro area: Lessons for prospective members from a monetary policy perspective
One monetary policy and 18 central bankers: The European monetary policy as a game of strategic delegation
Variations in effects of monetary policy on stock market returns in the past four decades
Bank capital and loan asymmetry in the transmission of monetary policy
Access to external finance: Theory and evidence on the impact of monetary policy and firm-specific characteristics
The effects of monetary policy changes on market interest rates in Greece: An event study approach
International interdependence and the welfare effects of monetary policy
Cross-country differences in monetary policy execution and money market rates’ volatility
Monetary policy determines the long-run Phillips curve: An OLG model of production with cash-in-advance constraints
Financial structure and monetary policy transmission in transition countries
Trade credit, bank lending and monetary policy transmission
Has the transmission mechanism of European monetary policy changed in the run-up to EMU?
Does fiscal policy influence monetary policy? The case of Spain, 1874–1935
Designing targeting rules for international monetary policy cooperation
Adaptive learning, forecast-based instrument rules and monetary policy
Monetary policy and forward bias for foreign exchange revisited: Empirical evidence from the US–UK exchange rate
Data uncertainty and the role of money as an information variable for monetary policy
Active and passive monetary policy in an overlapping generations model
Endogenous objectives and the evaluation of targeting rules for monetary policy
Comment on: “Using a long-term interest rate as the monetary policy instrument”
Using a long-term interest rate as the monetary policy instrument
From the Great Depression to the Great Inflation: Path dependence and monetary policy
Does money matter in the CIS? Effects of monetary policy on output and prices
The role of expectations in economic fluctuations and the efficacy of monetary policy
Endogenous monetary policy with unobserved potential output
GDP data revisions and forward-looking monetary policy in Switzerland
Real-time data for Norway: Challenges for monetary policy
How the Bundesbank really conducted monetary policy
Customer anger at price increases, changes in the frequency of price adjustment and monetary policy