Minimizing total tardiness in a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with availability constraint on the first machine
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Optimal maintenance strategy under renewable warranty with repair time threshold
Joint optimization of design, warranty and price for products sold with maintenance service contracts
Numerical study of inventory management under various maintenance policies
Multiple linear regression and fuzzy logic models applied to the functional service life prediction of cultural heritage
Generalized geometric process and its application in maintenance problems

Optimization of the dependability and performance measures of a generic model for multi-state deteriorating systems under maintenance
On reliability improvement program for second-hand products sold with a two-dimensional warranty
Discrete maintenance optimization of complex multi-component systems
Automatic generation of interlock designs using genetic algorithms
Opportunistic maintenance for wind turbines considering imperfect, reliability-based maintenance
Strategic maintenance scheduling in an islanded microgrid with distributed energy resources
Maintenance analysis of a two-component load-sharing system
Maintenance strategy selection in electric power distribution systems
Joint optimization of lot sizing and condition-based maintenance for multi-component production systems
Measuring dynamic efficiency of highway maintenance operations ☆
Integrated production planning and preventive maintenance in deteriorating production systems
Preventive maintenance scheduling of multi-component systems with interval costs
Optimum preventive maintenance policies for systems subject to random working times, replacement, and minimal repair
A preventive maintenance model with a two-level inspection policy based on a three-stage failure process
A production model for deteriorating items with stochastic preventive maintenance time and rework process with FIFO rule
A model for the preventive maintenance scheduling of power plants including wind farms
Optimal spares and preventive maintenance frequencies for constrained industrial systems
Optimization of preventive maintenance through a combined maintenance-production simulation model

Reusable rocket engine preventive maintenance scheduling using genetic algorithm
Application of infrared thermography for predictive/preventive maintenance of thermal defect in electrical equipment
Assessing maintenance contracts when preventive maintenance is outsourced
Stress-reducing preventive maintenance model for a unit under stressful environment
Optimum policy for a production system with major repair and preventive maintenance

Joint redundancy and imperfect preventive maintenance optimization for series–parallel multi-state degraded systems
Optimization of preventive maintenance schedule and production lot size
Joint optimal production control/preventive maintenance policy for imperfect process manufacturing cell
Integrating noncyclical preventive maintenance scheduling and production planning for a single machine
Simultaneous control of production, repair/replacement and preventive maintenance of deteriorating manufacturing systems
Joint determination of lease period and preventive maintenance policy for leased equipment with residual value
Improved particle swarm optimization to minimize periodic preventive maintenance cost for series-parallel systems
Age-based preventive maintenance for passive components submitted to stress corrosion cracking
Anomaly detection in monitoring sensor data for preventive maintenance
Preventive-maintenance policy for leased products under various maintenance costs
On a general periodic preventive maintenance policy incorporating warranty contracts and system ageing losses
Control-limit preventive maintenance policies for components subject to imperfect preventive maintenance and variable operational conditions
A two-stage preventive maintenance policy for a multi-state deterioration system
Improved joint preventive maintenance and hedging point policy
On a two-unit cold standby system considering hardware, human error failures and preventive maintenance
Performance evaluation of multi-state degraded systems with minimal repairs and imperfect preventive maintenance
Production and preventive maintenance control in a stochastic manufacturing system
Opportunistic policy for optimal preventive maintenance of a multi-component system in continuous operating units
Optimal preventive maintenance policy for leased equipment using failure rate reduction
Option model for joint production and preventive maintenance system
Opportunistic preventive maintenance scheduling for a multi-unit series system based on dynamic programming
A number-dependent replacement policy for a system with continuous preventive maintenance and random lead times
An exact algorithm for preventive maintenance planning of series–parallel systems
Modelling and optimizing sequential imperfect preventive maintenance
Optimization of preventive maintenance and spare part provision for machine tools based on variable operational conditions
Method for effects evaluation of some forms of power transformers preventive maintenance
Integrated production planning and preventive maintenance in deteriorating production systems
Extended great deluge algorithm for the imperfect preventive maintenance optimization of multi-state systems
The investment model in preventive maintenance in multi-level production systems
Preventive maintenance and upgrade system: Optimizing the whole performance system by components’ replacement or rearrangement
Effect of inspection errors and preventive maintenance on a two-stage production inventory system
Heat exchanger fouling model and preventive maintenance scheduling tool
Optimal threshold value of failure-rate for leased products with preventive maintenance actions
Optimal safety stocks and preventive maintenance periods in unreliable manufacturing systems
Optimal periodic preventive maintenance policy for leased equipment
A model for preventive maintenance planning by genetic algorithms based in cost and reliability
Periodic imperfect preventive maintenance with two categories of competing failure modes
Development and implementation of preventive-maintenance practices in Nigerian industries
Reducing the cost of preventive maintenance (PM) through adopting a proactive reliability-focused culture
Preventive maintenance scheduling by variable dimension evolutionary algorithms
Optimization of the preventive maintenance plan of a series components system
Designing a Bayesian network for preventive maintenance from expert opinions in a rapid and reliable way
Preventive maintenance models with random maintenance quality
New methods to minimize the preventive maintenance cost of series–parallel systems using ant colony optimization
Genetic algorithms for integrated preventive maintenance planning and production scheduling for a single machine

A cost/benefit model for investments in inventory and preventive maintenance in an imperfect production system