We study the Markov property of processes described by generalized Fokker–Planck equations that are nonlinear with respect to probability densities such as mean field Fokker–Planck equations and Fokker–Planck equations related to generalized thermostatistics. We show that their transient solutions describe non-Markov processes. In contrast, stationary solutions can describe Markov processes. As a result, nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations can be used to model transient non-Markov processes that converge to stationary Markov processes.
In general, stochastic processes can be characterizedby means of transition probability
densities. In the trivial case, transition probability densities depend on a single
time-point and we deal with pure random processes. In the simplest, nontrivial case
transition probability densities depend on two time-points. Then, we deal with Markov
processes [1]. In view of this property, Markov processes play an important role in
the theory of stochastic processes. Moreover, it has been foundthat many stochastic
processes observedin physics andother sciences can indeedbe regardedas Markov
processes [2–5]. However, Markov processes describe an idealized situation [6]. In the general case, there is an eEect of the history of a system on its current behavior.
Such long-term memory eEects cannot be taken into account by Markov processes
and require a description in terms of non-Markov processes. Therefore, to diEerentiate
between Markov andnon-Markov processes basically means to discuss the relevance
of long-term memories of systems. Such a discussion can be carried out by means
of appropriately de,ned stochastic models. To this end, however, we need to know
whether or not the models describe Markov processes.
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in modeling stochastic processes by
means of Fokker–Planck equations that are nonlinear with respect to their probability
densities. Such processes have been used, for example, to describe synchronization
phenomena [3,7–12], muscular contractions [13,14], noise-induced phase transitions
[15,16], andnonextensive systems [17–24] (see also Ref. [25]). In spite of an increasing
number of applications, little attention has been directed towards the Markov
property of processes described by nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations. In fact, in literature
one can ,ndbrief comments on this issue. However, these comments are controversial
[26–36]. Some authors have suggestedthat nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations
describe Markov processes, others have mentioned that they describe non-Markov processes.
In addition, some authors prefer to avoid using the terms Markov or non-Markov
processes andhave calledstochastic processes describedby nonlinear Fokker–Planck
equations “nonlinear Markov processes”.