Supply-chain pricing—A new perspective on pricing in industrial markets
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Does the centralized slaughtering policy create market power for pork industry in China?
Multi-grade principal component analysis for fault detection with multiple production grades
Expanding the framework of the varieties of capitalism: Turkey as a hierarchical market economy
A means to an industrialisation end? Demand Side Management in Nigeria
Embracing globalization to promote industrialization: Insights from the development of Singapore's petrochemicals industry
Do precious and industrial metals act as hedges and safe havens for currency portfolios?
Japan's ultimately unaccursed natural resources-financed industrialization
Grid-level battery operation of chemical processes and demand-side participation in short-term electricity markets
Correlation analysis of the Korean stock market: Revisited to consider the influence of foreign exchange rate
Decoupling, decomposition and forecasting analysis of China's fossil energy consumption from industrial output
The relationship between regional industrial organizing levels and ecological economic efficiency
Rethinking health sector procurement as developmental linkages in East Africa
Supply option contracts with spot market and demand information updating
A technology delivery system for characterizing the supply side of technology emergence: Illustrated for Big Data & Analytics
An anchor-tenant approach to the synthesis of carbon-hydrogen-oxygen symbiosis networks
Governing online platforms: Competition policy in times of platformization
Case study of an industrial park toward zero carbon emission
Strategic technology policy as a supplement to renewable energy standards
Creative accounting: A critical perspective on the market-based method for reporting purchased electricity (scope 2) emissions
Factor market distortion correction, resource reallocation and potential productivity gains: An empirical study on China's heavy industry sector
Survey on humanrobot collaboration in industrial settings: Safety, intuitive interfaces and applications
Exploring the impacts of regional unbalanced carbon tax on CO2 emissions and industrial competitiveness in Liaoning province of China
Labor market segmentation by industry sectors and wage gaps between migrants and local urban residents in urban China
Multi market bidding strategies for demand side flexibility aggregators in electricity markets
Labor pooling as an agglomeration factor: Evidence from the Brazilian Northeast in the 20022014 period
Transaction costs, market structure and efficient coverage of emissions trading scheme: A microlevel study from the pilots in China
Cooperation in manure-based biogas production networks: An agent-based modeling approach
The effects of factor market distortion and technical innovation on China's electricity consumption
Suburban industrial land development in transitional China: Spatial restructuring and determinants
Event-based scheduling of industrial technical virtual power plant considering wind and market prices stochastic behaviors - A case study in Iran
Do banks and industrial companies have equal access to reputable underwriters in debt markets?
The Framework of Business Model in the Context of Industrial Internet of Things
Analysis of thermal coal pricing and the coal price distortion in China from the perspective of market forces
Does the volatility of commodity prices reflect macroeconomic uncertainty?
Dynamic analysis on market structure of China's coal industry
Spatiotemporal analysis of land development in transitional China
Economic potential of industrial demand side management in pulp and paper industry
Uruguayan fisheries under an increasingly globalized scenario: Long-term landings and bioeconomic trends
Estimation of the potential effects of offshore wind on the Spanish economy
Multiscale Shannon entropy and its application in the stock market
Regional industrial policy in the wind energy sector: The case of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Identifying regime shifts in the US electricity market based on price fluctuations
Anonymity, efficiency wages and technological progress
Energy efficiency and influencing factors analysis on Beijing industrial sectors
Persistence in industrial policy impacts: Evidence from Depression-era Mississippi
Biomass for industrial applications: The role of torrefaction
Performance of lightweight coated oxide ceramic composites for industrial high speed wood cutting tools: A step closer to market
Level, structure, and volatility of financial development and inflation targeting
Region division of China's carbon market based on the provincial/municipal carbon intensity
Characterization methodology for re-using marble slurry in industrial applications
Barriers to implementing value-based pricing in industrial markets: A micro-foundations perspective
The micro-foundations of pricing strategy in industrial markets: A case study in the European packaging industry
A comparative study of Chinese and Iranian Science & Technology, and techno-industrial development policies
An empirical investigation of herding in the U.S. stock market
The role of horizontal and vertical new product alliances in responsive and proactive market orientations and performance of industrial manufacturing firms
Clustering enterprises into eco-industrial parks: Can interfirm alliances help small and medium-sized enterprises?
Implementation of industrial waste heat to power in Southeast Asia: an outlook from the perspective of market potentials, opportunities and success catalysts
Demand side management in power grid enterprise control: A comparison of industrial & social welfare approaches
Forest-based industrial network: Case of the French timber market
Segmenting a market in the making: Industrial market segmentation as construction
Effects of collaborative communication on the development of market-relating capabilities and relational performance metrics in industrial markets
Green marketing and its impact on supply chain management in industrial markets
Brand stability as a signaling phenomenon — An empirical investigation in industrial markets
Unfolding implementation in industrial market segmentation
Managing knowledge in industrial markets: New dimensions and challenges
Information precision and asymptotic efficiency of industrial markets
The impact of the product to service shift in industrial markets and the evolution of the sales organization
Supplier and customer exchange in international industrial markets: An integrative perspective
Instrumental and interpersonal determinants of relationship satisfaction and commitment in industrial markets