A genetic algorithm for two-dimensional bin packing with due dates
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Genetic algorithms for single machine scheduling with time-dependent deterioration and rate-modifying activities
Unit commitment problem with ramp rate constraint using a binary-real-coded genetic algorithm
Genetic algorithm optimized distribution sampling test for M-QAM modulation classification
A fuzzy clustering-based genetic algorithm approach for time–cost–quality trade-off problems: A case study of highway construction project
Inverse prediction and optimization of flow control conditions for confined spaces using a CFD-based genetic algorithm
Estimating discretionary accruals using a grouping genetic algorithm
A hybrid method for imputation of missing values using optimized fuzzy c-means with support vector regression and a genetic algorithm
A nondominated sorting genetic algorithm for bi-objective network coding based multicast routing problems
A self-adaptive multi-objective genetic algorithm for the QoS based routing and wavelength allocation problem in WDM network
A general indirect representation for optimization of generative design systems by genetic algorithms: Application to a shape grammar-based design system
A genetic algorithm based exact approach for lifetime maximization of directional sensor networks
A genetic algorithm to refine input data selection for air temperature prediction using artificial neural networks
Genetic programming through bi-objective genetic algorithms with a study of a simulated moving bed process involving multiple objectives
Convergence of nomadic genetic algorithm on benchmark mathematical functions
A chaotic non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for the multi-objective automatic test task scheduling problem
Hardware implementation of the elitist compact Genetic Algorithm using Cellular Automata pseudo-random number generator
A multi-objective genetic algorithm for mixed-model assembly line rebalancing
Hybrid genetic algorithm approach for precedence-constrained sequencing problem
Fast optimization of nano-CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator using polynomial regression and genetic algorithm
Automatic generation control of multi-area power system using multi-objective non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II
Combined heat and power economic emission dispatch using nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II
Pareto process optimization of product development project using bi-objective hybrid genetic algorithm
Multi-objective simulation optimization using data envelopment analysis and genetic algorithm: Specific application to determining optimal resource levels in surgical services
A non dominated ranking Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm and electre method for unequal area facility layout problems
A rough penalty genetic algorithm for constrained optimization
A genetic algorithm approach for a single hoist scheduling problem with time windows constraints
A maximum-margin genetic algorithm for misclassification cost minimizing feature selection problem
Optimization of electronic nose sensor array by genetic algorithms in Xihu-Longjing Tea quality analysis
Elasto-plastic analysis based truss optimization using Genetic Algorithm
Optical model of porous glasses using genetic algorithms
Genetic algorithm based wireless vibration control of multiple modal for a beam by using photostrictive actuators
A hybrid model based on ANFIS and adaptive expectation genetic algorithm to forecast TAIEX
Exchange rates determination based on genetic algorithms using Mendel’s principles: Investigation and estimation under uncertainty
Application of a genetic algorithm to n-K power system security assessment
Optimization of low-loss and wide-band sharp photonic crystal waveguide bends using the genetic algorithm
Iris Image Reconstruction from Binary Templates: An Efficient Probabilistic Approach Based on Genetic Algorithms
Methodology for shape optimization of ultrasonic amplifier using genetic algorithms and simplex method
Application of multi-objective genetic algorithms to the mechatronic design of a four bar system with continuous and discrete variables
Utilizing artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms to build an algo-trading model for intra-day foreign exchange speculation
Parametric analysis for genetic algorithms handling parameters
Acoustic horns optimization using finite elements and genetic algorithm
Inventory based two-objective job shop scheduling model and its hybrid genetic algorithm
A hybrid descent method with genetic algorithm for microphone array placement design

Reliability-based robust geotechnical design of spread foundations using multi-objective genetic algorithm
A genetic algorithm model based on artificial neural network for prediction of the axillary lymph node status in breastcancer
Dynamic genetic algorithms for the dynamic load balanced clustering problem in mobile ad hoc networks
Application of genetic algorithm in optimization of unified power flow controller parameters and its location in the power system network
Solder joint inspection based on neural network combined with genetic algorithm
Automatic segmentation of dermoscopy images using self-generating neural networks seeded by genetic algorithm
Constrained optimization of the shape of a wave energy collector by genetic algorithm

A genetic algorithm approach to a neural-network-based inverse kinematics solution of robotic manipulators based on error minimization
A modified DNA genetic algorithm for parameter estimation of the 2-Chlorophenol oxidation in supercritical water
A production inventory model with fuzzy production and demand using fuzzy differential equation: An interval compared genetic algorithm approach
Integrated optimization of structural topology and control for piezoelectric smart plate based on genetic algorithm
A genetic algorithm based on the edge window decoder technique to optimize power distribution systems reconfiguration
Dynamic Fault-Tolerant three-dimensional cellular genetic algorithms
A methodology for the geometric design of heat recovery steam generators applying genetic algorithms
An effective layer pattern optimization model for multi-stream plate-fin heat exchanger using genetic algorithm
Ensemble classifier generation using non-uniform layered clustering and Genetic Algorithm
A biased random key genetic algorithm for 2D and 3D bin packing problems
Optimization of astronaut landing position based on micro multi-objective genetic algorithms
CFD modeling and multi-objective optimization of cyclone geometry using desirability function, artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms
Performance investigations of genetic algorithms on graphics cards
Application of the non-outranked sorting genetic algorithm to public project portfolio selection
Genetic algorithm to the machine repair problem with two removable servers operating under the triadic (0, Q, N, M) policy
A comparative study of genetic algorithms for the multi-objective optimization of composite stringers under compression loads
Multi-level genetic algorithm for the resource-constrained re-entrant scheduling problem in the flow shop
Multi-objective optimization of laser-welded steel sandwich panels for static loads using a genetic algorithm
Robust manufacturing system design using multi objective genetic algorithms, Petri nets and Bayesian uncertainty representation
Optimal design of electromagnetic devices: Development of an efficient optimization tool based on smart mutation operations implemented in a genetic algorithm
Fuzzy genetic algorithm approach for optimization of surge tanks
Thermal analysis of washer-on-disk wear test by micro-genetic algorithm
Real-coded Genetic Algorithm for system identification and tuning of a modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller for a hybrid tank system