در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Multiple policy interest rates and economic performance in a multiple monetary-policy-tool environment
Federal reserve's policy, global equity markets, and the local monetary policy stance
Interest on reserves, settlement, and the effectiveness of monetary policy
Monetary policy transparency in a forward-looking market: Evidence from the United States
Monetary policy, cash holding and corporate investment: Evidence from China
Capital inflows, monetary policy, and financial imbalances
Circumventing the zero lower bound with monetary policy rules based on money
Wavelet-based monetary and fiscal policy in the Euro area
Declined effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies faced with aging population in Japan
Addressing household indebtedness: Monetary, fiscal or macroprudential policy?
Japans quantitative monetary easing policy: Effect on the level and volatility of yield spreads
The impact of US policy uncertainty on the monetary effectiveness in the Euro area
Asset price bubbles and monetary policy in a small open economy ☆
Relación entre política monetaria y estabilidad financiera: un análisis aplicado para Colombia ☆
Measuring monetary policy with empirically grounded restrictions: An application to Thailand
Macroprudential rules and monetary policy when financial frictions matter
A non-standard monetary policy shock: The ECB's 3-year LTROs and the shift in credit supply ☆
Zero lower bound, unconventional monetary policy and indicator properties of interest rate spreads ☆
Monetary policy and dynamic adjustment of corporate investment: A policy transmission channel perspective
Monetary policy, bond returns and debt dynamics ⋆
Optimal monetary policy in an economy with vertical production and trade: An analysis based on the perspective of local currency pricing
Optimal fiscal and monetary policy action in a closed economy
Monetary policy rule in inflation targeting emerging European countries: A discrete choice approach
Duration of bankruptcy proceedings and monetary policy effectiveness ☆
Monetary policy, the tax code, and the real effects of energy shocks ☆
Changes in the transmission of monetary policy during crisis episodes: Evidence from the euro area and the U.S.
Optimal monetary policy under Calvo pricing with Bertrand competition ☆
U.S. unconventional monetary policy and transmission to emerging market economies ☆
Response of Spanish stock market to ECB monetary policy during financial crisis
Risk aversion and monetary policy in a global context
Monetary policy and financial stability in a banking economy: Transmission mechanism and policy tradeoffs
The association between aggregated and disaggregated stock prices with monetary policy using asymmetric cointegration and error-correction modeling approaches
Fiscal limits and monetary policy: default vs. inflation
The conduct of monetary policy in the Eurozone before and after the financial crisis ☆
Optimal monetary policy with heterogeneous money holdings ☆
Optimal monetary policy with the cost channel and monopolistically-competitive banks
The impact of conventional and unconventional monetary policy on investor sentiment
Uncertainty and fiscal policy in a monetary union: Why does monetary policy transmission matter? ☆
Monetary policy objectives and Money’s role in U.S. business cycles
A financial CGE model analysis: Oil price shocks and monetary policy responses in China
Have minutes helped markets to predict the MPC's monetary policy decisions? ☆
Monetary policy and stock prices – Cross-country evidence from cointegrated VAR models
The impact of unconventional monetary policy on the tail risks of stock markets between U.S. and Japan
Optimal monetary policy in a currency union with interest rate spreads
The effects of U.S. monetary policy on Colombia and Panama (2002–2007)
Macroprudential and monetary policies: Implications for financial stability and welfare
Monetary policy and the first- and second-moment exchange rate change during the global financial crisis: Evidence from Thailand
Asymmetric monetary policy towards the stock market: A DSGE approach
Monetary Policy and Banks in the Euro Area: The Tale of Two Crises
Assessing the effectiveness of monetary policy in Kenya: Evidence from a macroeconomic model
Asymmetric effects in the Polish monetary policy rule
The effects of monetary policy on stock returns: Financing constraints and “informative” and “uninformative” FOMC statements
Monetary policy for rationally inattentive economies with staggered price setting
Monetary policy, global liquidity and commodity price dynamics
The effect of monetary policy interventions on interbank markets, equity indices and G-SIFIs during financial crisis
Monetary policy and the Dutch disease effect in an oil exporting economy
Expansive monetary policy in a portfolio model with endogenous asset supply
The differential impact of monetary policy announcements and explanatory minutes releases on the Australian interest rate futures market
The role of foreign banks in monetary policy transmission: Evidence from Asia during the crisis of 2008–9
Nominal rigidities, asset returns, and monetary policy
Home production and sticky price models: Implications for monetary policy
The credibility of monetary policy announcements: Empirical evidence for OECD countries since the 1960s
Inflation dynamics and monetary policy transmission in Vietnam and emerging Asia
Stock prices and monetary policy shocks: A general equilibrium approach