The main objective of this paper is to examine the relationships between value as a multidimensional construct and its consequences namely satisfaction and loyalty, in the context of the Romanian organizational market. The relationships are tested using Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS on data collected through an online survey from 229 Romanian SME organizations. The results confirm the hypothesized relationships between the constructs considered, this study being the first of this kind in Romania. Also, the theoretical implications of the findings are discussed and directions for future research are proposed.
Companies are increasingly recognizing the role value plays as a key factor in strategic management Spiteri & Dion, 2004. Slater 1997:166 asserts that the reason why a company exists and is successful relies upon its capacity to create and offer value to consumers.effect of the global economic crisis, which started in the last trimester of 2008. The private sector in Romania reacted to it by considerable personnel
layoffs, development investments ceasing and by a general reduction in activity. Considering the aforementioned, the main objective of this paper emerges, namely that of examining the relationship between
value and consequences like satisfaction and loyalty, within the organizations market of Romania. The paper is structured in six sections: introduction, the proposed conceptual framework, research methodology and results,discussion and conclusions, limitations and future directions of research.
The results obtained are in total or partial agreement Whittaker et al., 2007 with other results obtained in the value literature Spiteri & Dion, 2004; Faroughian et al., 2012 in the field of organizational marketing. In the case of the study of Whittaker et al. 2007 the results obtained by him regarding the impact of benefits and sacrifices over satisfaction are confirmed in whole by the results obtained in this study. Thus, in both studies Whittaker et al. 2007 and this study benefits functional, social, and emotional in this study have a direct and positive impact on the perceptions of satisfaction while sacrifices functional, social, and emotional in this study have a direct and negative impact on the same perceptions.In contrast, the results obtained by Spiteri and Dion 2004, respectively Faroughian et al. 2012 confirm the existence of a significant relationship only between benefits and satisfaction, since the existence of the relationship between sacrifices and satisfaction is not confirmed by them. Therefore, compared to these last two
studies, the results obtained in this paper confirm the relationship between benefits and sacrifices and infirm the non-existence of the relationship between sacrifices and satisfaction. This difference between results can be explained by the method of operationalisation of sacrifices in the three studies. Thus, in this study the sacrifices
were operationalised depending on the type of value that is wanted to be researched functional, social,emotional, while in the other two studies the sacrifices were operationalised at an aggregate level.
The last causality relation tested in the proposed structural model is the one between satisfaction and loyalty.The results obtained regarding this relationship confirm the direct and negative impact of satisfaction on loyalty intention to switch, being in agreement with the results reported by Lam et al. 2004 and Bontis et al. 2007. Thus, the hypothesis H4 is validated in whole within this study, as satisfaction has a negative influence on the intention to switch the supplier. Taking into consideration the results obtained, this study brings the following contributions to the knowledge of the concept of value. Even if the research is carried out in the context of the organizational market in Romania, this paper is one of the first that examines the relationships between the different types of value functional, social, and emotional and the perceptions of satisfaction in the wider field of organizational
marketing. The different behavior of benefits and sacrifices in relation to satisfaction, offers arguments in favor of those Spiteri & Dion, 2004; Whittaker et al., 2007; Faroughian et al., 2012 that adopt an approach at the components level of the concept of value and at the same time questions the results obtained in studies that treat this concept from a single dimension perspective or as a multi-dimensional construct with a high level of abstractisation.Even if it is necessary to carry out supplementary research in order to support the results obtained, this study justifies the concerns expressed by Edwards 2001 regarding the lack of clarity and confusion when constructs with a high level of abstractisation are used. In the end, this study supports the results obtained by Lam et al. 2004 and Faroughian et al. 2012 regarding the role of mediator variable played by satisfaction, of the relation between value and loyalty the intention to change.