Present paper presents the results of strategic diagnostic performed in the case of a SME active in the field of distributive trades for automotive, with a significant presence in regional automotive business sector. Using functional diagnostic method an internal diagnostic was realized, leading to the revelation of strengths and weaknesses related to the internal environment of the firm. External diagnostic performed, based on Porter's Five forces model, allow us to assess the competitive position of the firm inside its business sector. Conclusions are based on a complex analyze that combines the results of internal and external diagnostics, using SWOT method and David's Grand strategy matrix.
The sector of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is the most dynamic in the Romanian economy. In 2008 the share of SMEs in the total number of enterprises from industry, construction, trade and other was 99,6 %,Eurostat, 2011. Looking deeper in the structure, in the total number of SMEs, the micro-enterprises represent 88,9 %, such a situation being similar to the one from the European Union, Eurostat, 2011, Lavric, 2010. In the particular sector of distributive trades the share of SME in the total number of enterprises was 99,9 % for EU-27 countries, Eurostat, 2011. The number of these companies was 6,1 million.In 2009, due to the financial and economic crisis, there was a fall in absolute figures of the number of SMEs
registered in Romania, for the first time after four years of continuous growth. Thus, on December 2009, the number of SMEs registered at the Trade Register was 625458 enterprises compared to 662024 at the same time of the year 2008, Szabo, 2011. In 2011 Kosmidis reported: enterprises, with 99,7 % of them being SMEs providing 68,1 % of total country employment (with micro enterprises accounting for 88,5 % of them and providing 24,4 % of the country employment). The average density of Romanian SME (number of SMEs per 1000 inhabitants) is well below EU average indicating a Kosmidis, 2011.Nevertheless, for those SMEs that identify the changes in the market and react promptly, this period may
prove favorable. In times of crisis, SMEs have the advantage of greater flexibility, being able to implement new
services and launch new products more easily. They can make decisions more easily and thus become much
more efficient based on prompt action and solutions adjusted to market circumstances, Hodorogel, 2009. For
this reason, the management of analyzed SME asks for a research on how its business can be preserved or even
improved during the years of economic crisis. The study was made and its results are presented in the present
Consequently to internal and external diagnostic the SWOT analyze (not shown here in details) leads us to the conclusion that the proper strategy for the analyzed firm is diversification. This means to remain in the same business sector, were the firm has a relatively strong position, and to benefit from opportunities by at least two ways: diversification of services (the firm can profit from introduction, starting with 2011, of legal necessity of winter envelopes on all automotives in Romania) and diversification of clients (the firm has to find new clients, especially in the institutional and governmental market). The firm has to minimize its weaknesses and to avoid the threats by improving its financial status and by giving up on a series of clients with bad payment behavior. This conclusion is consistent with the analyze made using Grand strategy matrix. In 2011 the management of the SME followed the strategy that was suggested based on present study. The preliminary observations allow us to say that there are good financial and economical results. SME diversified
its business by introducing new services (for envelopes and car batteries) and established new business relation with one big governmental client and with other institutional ones. A research on the process of implementation of strategic directions resulted from present study is in progress and the results will be published in the nearest future.