Within-Session and Between-Session Reliability, Construct Validity, and Comparison Between Individuals With and Without Neck Pain of Four Neck Muscle Tests
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Prospective Evaluation of an Opioid Reduction Protocol in Hand Surgery
Pain, Please: An Investigation of Sampling Bias in Pain Research
Development and Persistence of Suspected Neuropathic Pain After Total Knee Arthroplasty in Individuals With Osteoarthritis
The effect of wearing a lumbar belt on biomechanical and psychological outcomes related to maximal flexion-extension motion and manual material handling
Hypnosis Enhances the Effects of Pain Education in Patients with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Feeling the Pressure to Be Perfect: Effect on Pain-Related Distress and Dysfunction in Youth With Chronic Pain
Neuropathic pain in end-stage hip and knee osteoarthritis: differential associations with patient-reported pain at rest and pain on activity
Depression and Coping Behaviors Are Key Factors in Understanding Pain in Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome
An Online Cross-Sectional Comparison of Women With Symptoms of Persistent Genital Arousal, Painful Persistent Genital Arousal, and Chronic Vulvar Pain
Association Between Symptoms of Central Sensitization and Cognitive Behavioral Factors in People With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Cross-sectional Study
Impact of Family History of Substance Abuse on Admission Opioid Dose, Depressive Symptoms, and Pain Catastrophizing in Patients with Chronic Pain
Randomized open-labbel non-inferiority trial of acetaminophen or loxoprofen for patients with acute low back pain
Psychological Features and Their Relationship to Movement-Based Subgroups in People Living With Low Back Pain
Pain Neurophysiology Education and Therapeutic Exercise for Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Association of Pain Catastrophizing With Static Balance, Mobility, or Functional Capacity in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Blind Cross-sectional Study
Associations of nocturnal sleep with experimental pain and pain catastrophizing in healthy volunteers
Change in pain catastrophizing in patients with lumbar spinal surgery
Associations between pain intensity and urge to smoke: Testing the role of negative affect and pain catastrophizing
Electrodiagnostic Grade and Carpal Tunnel Release Outcomes: A Prospective Analysis
Pain cognition versus pain intensity in patients with endometriosis: toward personalized treatment
Beliefs About Pharmaceutical Medicines and Natural Remedies Explain Individual Variation in Placebo Analgesia
Biopsychosocial influence on shoulder pain: Rationale and protocol for a pre-clinical trial

Exercise induced hypoalgesia is elicited by isometric, but not aerobic exercise in individuals with chronic whiplash associated disorders
Using text to predict psychological and physical health: A comparison of human raters and computerized text analysis
Associations between clinical diagnostic criteria and pretreatment patient-reported outcomes measures in a prospective observational cohort of patients with neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome
Medical cannabis use among patients with chronic pain in an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program: Characterization and treatment outcomes
Chronic low back pain and the transdiagnostic process: How do cognitive and emotional dysregulations contribute to the intensity of risk factors and pain?
Psychological Characteristics and Pain Frequency Are Associated With Experimental Pain Sensitivity in Pediatric Patients With Sickle Cell Disease
The association between pain catastrophising and kinesiophobia with pain and function in people with plantar heel pain

The experience of pain severity and pain interference in vulvodynia patients: The role of cognitive-behavioural factors, psychological distress and fatigue
Taking a break in response to pain. An experimental investigation of the effects of interruptions by pain on subsequent activity resumption
Pain characteristics as important contributing factors to upper limb dysfunctions in breast cancer survivors at long term
The relationship between chronic musculoskeletal pain, anxiety and mindfulness: Adjustments to the Fear-Avoidance Model of Chronic Pain
Short-term outcomes of patients being treated for chronic intractable pain at a liaison clinic and exacerbating factors of prolonged pain after treatment
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for headache pain: An evaluation of the long-term maintenance of effects
A longitudinal exploration of pain tolerance and participation in contact sports
Context sensitive regulation of pain and emotion: Development and initial validation of a scale for context insensitive avoidance
Characteristics of pain, psychological aspects, quality of life and coping strategies in patients with chronic back pain in a city of Colombia
Analysis of follow-up data from an outpatient pain management program for refractory chronic pain
Psychotherapy for Medically Unexplained Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
Effects of Aversive Classical Conditioning on Sexual Response in Women With Dyspareunia and Sexually Functional Controls
Unpredictable pain timings lead to greater pain when people are highly intolerant of uncertainty
Immediate Effects of Mirror Therapy in Patients With Shoulder Pain and Decreased Range of Motion
Development and Validation of a Daily Pain Catastrophizing Scale
Linguistic Indicators of Pain Catastrophizing in Patients With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Genetic Factors Explain the Association Between Pain Catastrophizing and Chronic Widespread Pain
Cognitive intrusion of pain and catastrophic thinking independently explain interference of pain in the activities of daily living
Pain catastrophizing, perceived injustice, and pain intensity impair life satisfaction through differential patterns of physical and psychological disruption
Repositioning error, pressure pain threshold, catastrophizing and anxiety in adolescents with chronic idiopathic neck pain
State Versus Trait: Validating State Assessment of Child and Parental Catastrophic Thinking About Children's Acute Pain

Pain Catastrophizing and Negative Mood States After Spinal Cord Injury: Transitioning From Inpatient Rehabilitation Into the Community
The Effect of Pain Catastrophizing on Outcomes: A Developmental Perspective Across Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Chronic Pain
Can people catastrophize barriers? An exploratory analysis of the association between pain catastrophizing and perceptions of environmental factors
Pain Catastrophizing, rather than Vital Signs, Associated with Pain Intensity in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department for Pain
Psychometric properties of the Japanese version of short forms of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale in participants with musculoskeletal pain: A cross-sectional study
Effects of validating communication on recall during a pain-task in healthy participants
Hypoalgesic effects of three different manual therapy techniques on cervical spine and psychological interaction: A randomized clinical trial
The effects of psychopathic traits on fear of pain, anxiety, and stress
Development of an Interdisciplinary Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Program
Coping with pain in intimate situations: Applying the avoidance-endurance model to women with vulvovaginal pain
Beyond Negative Pain-Related Psychological Factors: Resilience Is Related to Lower Pain Affect in Healthy Adults
Behavioral inhibition, maladaptive pain cognitions, and function in patients with chronic pain
Pain Anxiety and Its Association With Pain Congruence Trajectories During the Cold Pressor Task
Predictors of Acute Postsurgical Pain After Inguinal Hernioplasty
The association of pre-operative body pain diagram scores with pain outcomes following total knee arthroplasty
Pain-Related Rumination, But Not Magnification or Helplessness, Mediates Race and Sex Differences in Experimental Pain
Pain catastrophizing moderates changes in spinal control in response to noxiously induced low back pain
Changes in depression, health anxiety and pain catastrophizing between enrollment and 1 month after a radius fracture
Positive traits linked to less pain through lower pain catastrophizing
Low mindfulness predicts pain catastrophizing in a fear-avoidance model of chronic pain
Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of the German version of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale
Pain catastrophizing mediates the relationship between worry and pain suffering in patients with irritable bowel syndrome