The contribution of mindfulness to predicting burnout in the workplace
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Life stress as potential risk factor for depression and burnout
Psychometric properties and scales of the Granada Burnout Questionnaire applied to nurses
Work stress and turnover intentions among hospital physicians: The mediating role of burnout and work satisfaction
Burnout, work engagement and workaholism among highly educated employees: Profiles, antecedents and outcomes
Burnout, Moral Distress, WorkLife Balance, and Career Satisfaction among Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Professionals
Burnout and Stress Among US Surgery Residents: Psychological Distress and Resilience
Motivational profiles and burnout in elite athletes: A person-centered approach
Hotel employee job crafting, burnout, and satisfaction: The moderating role of perceived organizational support
Perfectionism, coping, and burnout among intercollegiate varsity athletes: A person-oriented investigation of group differences and mediation
Consequences of parental burnout: Its specific effect on child neglect and violence
Educational ArticleInvestigating validity evidence of the Malay translation of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory
How to mobilize social support against workload and burnout: The role of organizational identification
Burnout and posttraumatic stress in paediatric critical care personnel: Prediction from resilience and coping styles
A survey of compassion satisfaction, burnout and compassion fatigue in nurses practicing in three oncology departments in Durban, South Africa
Burnout Among Chinese Adult Reconstructive Surgeons: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Relationship With Intraoperative Irritability
Examining the Prevalence of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Radiation Therapists Caring for Palliative Cancer Patients
Exploring the relationships among personality traits, burnout dimensions and stigma in a sample of mental health professionals
Novel technique for assessing the burnout potential of pulverized coals/coal blends for blast furnace injection
Impact of Coping and Communication Skills Program on Physician Burnout, Quality of Life, and Emotional Flooding
Prevalence and correlates of burnout in health professionals in Ecuador
Burnout Study of Clinical Nurses in Vietnam: Development of Job Burnout Model Based on Leiter and Maslach's Theory
The association between spiritual well-being and burnout in intensive care unit nurses: A descriptive study
Understanding the experience of burnout in first-episode psychosis carers
Burnout Syndrome: Global Medicine Volunteering as a Possible Treatment Strategy
Serial multiple mediation of organizational commitment and job burnout in the relationship between psychological capital and anxiety in Chinese female nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey

Does self-compassion mitigate the relationship between burnout and barriers to compassion? A cross-sectional quantitative study of 799 nurses
Maintaining the Fire but Avoiding Burnout: Implementation and Evaluation of a Resident Well-Being Program
Assessment of relationships between work stress, work-family conflict, burnout and firefighter safety behavior outcomes
Narratives of burnout and recovery from an agency perspective: A two-year longitudinal study
Examining the role of cynicism in the relationships between burnout and employee behavior
Not if, but how they differ: A meta-analytic test of the nomological networks of burnout and engagement
Effect of Nurses' Emotional Labor on Customer Orientation and Service Delivery: The Mediating Effects of Work Engagement and Burnout
Special ArticleAddressing Palliative Care Clinician Burnout in Organizations: A Workforce Necessity, an Ethical Imperative
Study engagement and burnout profiles among Finnish higher education students
ORIGINAL BREVEÃtem único de burnout en estudiantes de educación superior: estudio de validez de contenidoSingle-item burnout in higher education students: Content validity study
Perception of economic crisis among Spanish nursing students: Its relation to burnout and engagement
Burnout After Patient Death: Challenges for Direct Care Workers
Statewide improvement approach to clinician burnout: Findings from the baseline year
Teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder across various educational settings: The factors involved in burnout
Comparison of Nurses in Two Different Cultures: Who Experiences More Burnout
Is caseload midwifery a healthy work-form? A survey of burnout among midwives in Denmark
School burnout, depressive symptoms and engagement: Their combined effect on student achievement
Relationships between study habits, burnout, and general surgery resident performance on the American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination

Effect of personal and work stress on burnout, job satisfaction and general health of hospital nurses in South Africa
Self-efficacy and burnout in teachers of students with autism spectrum disorder
Are burnout prevention programs for hospital physicians needed?
Emotion regulation and academic underperformance: The role of school burnout
Burnout is associated with changes in error and feedback processing
Surgeon Burnout among American Pediatric Urologists
Burnout and its relationship with personality factors in oncology nurses
Organisational change and employee burnout: The moderating effects of support and job control
Effects of altruism and burnout on driving behavior of bus drivers
Job burnout of construction project managers in China: A cross-sectional analysis
Burnout and engagement: Identical twins or just close relatives?
Occupational burnout among radiation therapists in Australia: Findings from a mixed methods study
School burnout and intimate partner violence: The role of self-control
Burnout and health among critical care professionals: The mediational role of resilience
Burnout en estudiantes de enfermerÃa de una universidad privada
The relationship between sluggish cognitive tempo and burnout symptoms in psychiatrists with different therapeutic approaches
Emotional intelligence and teacher burnout: A systematic review
Original research articlePersonality predictors and their impact on coping with burnout among students preparing for the nursing and midwifery profession
Effectiveness of Mindfulness Intervention in Reducing Stress and Burnout for Mental Health Professionals in Singapore
The impact of physician burnout on clinical and academic productivity of gynecologic oncologists: A decision analysis
Active Intervention Can Decrease Burnout In Ed Nurses
The effects of personality traits on academic burnout in Korean medical students
No fit, no fun: The effect of motive incongruence on job burnout and the mediating role of intrinsic motivation
Interaction of athletes' resilience and coaches' social support on the stress-burnout relationship: A conjunctive moderation perspective
Getting better, but not well: A 1.5 year follow-up of cognitive performance and cortisol levels in clinical and non-Clinical burnout