Cross-cultural differences in the Parent Rated Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS)? Evaluation of the Finnish version among high-functioning school aged males with and without autism spectrum disorder
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Delineating a method to study cross-cultural differences with experimental control: The voice effect and countercultural contexts regarding power distance
The relationship between conceptions of learning and academic outcomes in middle school students according to gender differences
Differences that matter: Boundary experiences in student teachers intercultural learning
Country, climate change adaptation and colonisation: insights from an Indigenous adaptation planning process, Australia
The changing face of academic nursing: Nurturing diversity, inclusivity, and equity
Seeing odors in color: Cross-modal associations in children and adults from two cultural environments
Does language matter? A cross-national comparison of the moderating effect of language on website information-processing
How store service quality affects attitude toward store brands in emerging countries: Effects of brand cues and the cultural context
Capital market consequences of cultural influences on earnings: The case of cross-listed firms in the U.S. stock market
Diversity of historical ancestry and personality traits across 56 cultures
National context and teacher characteristics: Exploring the critical non-cognitive attributes of novice teachers in four countries
Within- and between-person and group variance in behavior and beliefs in cross-cultural longitudinal data
National culture and financial systems: The conditioning role of political context
Expatriatesâ international opportunity recognition and innovativeness: The role of metacognitive and cognitive cultural intelligence
The interplay of cultural intolerance and action-assortativity for the emergence of cooperation and homophily
Investigating links between cultural orientation and culture outcomes: Immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel and Germany
What is lost in translation: A cross-cultural study to compare the concept of nuttiness and its perception in soymilk among Korean, Chinese, and Western groups
Stigma associated with autism among college students in Japan and the United States: An online training study
Images and chocolate stimuli affect physiological and affective responses of consumers: A cross-cultural study

Cross-country determinants of ownership choices in cross-border acquisitions: Evidence from emerging markets
A cross-national comparison in assessment of urban park soundscapes in France, Korea, and Sweden through laboratory experiments

The globalmindedness of graduating seniors by gender and ethnicity in six North Florida public high schools
How preschoolers react to norm violations is associated with culture
Cultural diversification of communicative gestures through early childhood: A comparison of children in English-, German-, and Chinese- speaking families
Medical Students Rate Black Female Peers as Less Socially Connected
The compositional analysis of hunter-gatherer pottery from the Kuril Islands
Linguistic distance and mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from China
The effect of culture on the fertility decisions of immigrant women in the United States
Pre-departure preparation and co-curricular activities for Students' intercultural exchange: A mixed-methods study
Street trees as cultural elements in the city: Understanding how perception affects ecosystem services management in Porto, Portugal

Perceived discrimination, language proficiencies, and adaptation: Comparisons between refugee and non-refugee immigrant youth in Australia
Boundaries and hybrid blends: How one multilingual narrator displays symbolic competence in a college writing class
Internationalization pattern of creative-cultural events: Two cases from Canada
Cultural differences in preferences for facial coloration
Differences in sleep problems between Japanese and Chinese preschoolers: a cross-cultural comparison within the Asian region
Vocational interests and career indecision in Switzerland and Burkina Faso: Cross-cultural similarities and differences
Dis/Integrating cultural difference in practice and communication: A qualitative study of host and migrant Registered Nurse perspectives from New Zealand
When same is (not) the aim: A treatise on organizational cultural fit and knowledge transfer
Do cultural norms affect social network behavior inappropriateness? A global study
Designing and implementing a test for measuring cultural dimensions in primary school
Costly culture: differences in nut-cracking efficiency between wild chimpanzee groups
Marine recreational ecosystem service value estimation: A meta-analysis with cultural considerations
Methodological issues in cross-cultural sensory and consumer research
General public reactions to carbon capture and storage: Does culture matter?
Low health literacy and healthcare utilization among immigrants and non-immigrants in Switzerland
Examining cross-cultural differences in autism spectrum disorder: A multinational comparison from Greece, Italy, Japan, Poland, and the United States
Empirical studyGeneralizability of achievement goal profiles across five cultural groups: More similarities than differences
Modelling social influence and cultural variation in global low-carbon vehicle transitions
Intersecting identities of elite female boxers: Stories of cultural difference and marginalization in sport
A cross-cultural comparison of Croatian and American social network sites: Exploring cultural differences in motives for Instagram use
Cross-cultural differences in the neural correlates of specific and general recognition
Personality and espoused cultural differences in technostress creators
Building influence as an outsider: A theoretical approach to cross-cultural impression management
Cross-cultural dimensions influence on business internationalization by soft computing technique
Neural processes underlying cultural differences in cognitive persistence
Cultural differences in the imitation and transmission of inefficient actions
Clash of civilizations and the impact of cultural differences on trade
Feminization of arts participation and extracurricular activities? Gender differences in cultural capital and bullying victimization
See food diet? Cultural differences in estimating fullness and intake as a function of plate size
Dignity and autonomy in the care for patients with dementia: Differences among formal caretakers of varied cultural backgrounds and their meaning
The importance of cultural dimensions in the design process of the vernacular societies
Cultural differences in attention: Eye movement evidence from a comparative visual search task
How well does terroir travel? Illuminating cultural translation using a comparative wine case study

A large-scale study of cultural differences using urban data about eating and drinking preferences
Exploring the ontological dimension of dialogic education through an evaluation of the impact of Internet mediated dialogue across cultural difference
Does stealing thunder always work? A content analysis of crisis communication practice under different cultural settings
Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Africa-China JVs: Interplay between Informalities, Culture, and Social Capital
Cross-cultural and gender associations with anxiety about electronic data hacking
The role of culture in long-term care arrangement decisions
Investment motive as a moderator of cultural-distance and relative knowledge relationships with foreign subsidiary ownership structure
Use of stakeholder engagement to support policy transfer: A case of contaminated land management in Nigeria