Barriers to self-compassion for female survivors of childhood maltreatment: The roles of fear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The quiet virtues of sadness: A selective theoretical and interpretative appreciation of its potential contribution to wellbeing
The buffer effect of body compassion on the association between shame and body and eating difficulties
Gender differences in response to a school-based mindfulness training intervention for early adolescents
Examining the Prevalence of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Radiation Therapists Caring for Palliative Cancer Patients
Mental contamination: Relationship with psychopathology and transdiagnostic processes
Be a Mom: Formative Evaluation of a Web-Based Psychological Intervention to Prevent Postpartum Depression
Cognitive and affective empathy among adolescent siblings of children with a physical disability
The early roots of compassion: From child care arrangements to dispositional compassion in adulthood
Aplicación de un programa de mindfulness en profesionales de un servicio de medicina intensiva. Efecto sobre el burnout, la empatÃa y la autocompasión
Emotional intelligence among nursing students: Findings from a cross-sectional study
Morbidity and mortality amongst Indian Hajj pilgrims: A 3-year experience of Indian Hajj medical mission in mass-gathering medicine
Understanding and alleviating maternal postpartum distress: Perspectives from first-time mothers in Australia
The effect of organizational and personal variables on the ability to practice compassionately
Self-forgiveness, self-exoneration, and self-condemnation: Individual differences associated with three patterns of responding to interpersonal offenses
Exploring the potential contributions of mindfulness and compassion-based practices for enhancing the teaching of undergraduate ethics courses in philosophy
An investigation of the relationship between intercultural sensitivity and compassion in nurses
From competition to compassion: A caregiving approach to intervening with appearance comparisons
Professional formation through personal involvement and value integration
Occupational stress and well-being among early head start home visitors: A mixed methods study
Charting the attitudes of county child protection staff in a post-crisis environment
A survey of compassion satisfaction, burnout and compassion fatigue in nurses practicing in three oncology departments in Durban, South Africa
Communication, compassion, and computers: Adolescents' and adults' evaluations of online and face-to-face deception
Nursing leadership in academic nursing: The wisdom of development and the development of wisdom
Self-compassionate and apologetic? How and why having compassion toward the self relates to a willingness to apologize
Adapting and validating a measure of diabetes-specific self-compassion
Dealing with negative job search experiences: The beneficial role of self-compassion for job seekers' affective responses
Self-compassion is more effective than acceptance and reappraisal in decreasing depressed mood in currently and formerly depressed individuals
Child maltreatment and adult depressive symptoms: Roles of self-compassion and gratitude
The contribution of self-compassion and compassion to others to students emotions and project commitment when experiencing conflict in group projects
Examining the roles of self-compassion and resilience on health-related quality of life for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis

Does self-compassion mitigate the relationship between burnout and barriers to compassion? A cross-sectional quantitative study of 799 nurses
Clinical Faculty Preceptors and Mental Health Reflections: Learning Through Journaling
Receiving support, giving support, and self-reassurance: A daily diary test of social mentality theory
Social challenges of visible scarring after severe burn: A qualitative analysis
The effectiveness of self-compassion and self-esteem writing tasks in reducing body image concerns
Body-Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire: Its deleterious influence on binge eating and psychometric validation
The extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering among undergraduate nursing students: Implications for pedagogy in nurse education
Mindfulness practice as a teaching-learning strategy in higher education: A qualitative exploratory pilot study
Body image in emerging adults: The protective role of self-compassion
Self-compassion as a healthy attitude toward the self: Factorial and construct validity in an Italian sample
Self-compassion decreases acceptance of own immoral behaviors
Response to a mindful self-compassion intervention in teens: A within-person association of mindfulness, self-compassion, and emotional well-being outcomes
Dimensionality and gender-based measurement invariance of the Compassion Scale in a community sample
Insecure attachment and emotional distress: Fear of self-compassion and self-compassion as mediators
The Dark Triad and compassion: Psychopathy and narcissism's unique connections to observed suffering
Mindfulness is not enough: Why equanimity holds the key to compassion
Mindfulness for Novice Pediatric Nurses: Smartphone Application Versus Traditional Intervention
Finding the sweet spot: Developing, implementing and evaluating a burn out and compassion fatigue intervention for third year medical trainees
Building compassion literacy: Enabling care in primary health care nursing
Effectiveness of Mindfulness Intervention in Reducing Stress and Burnout for Mental Health Professionals in Singapore
Empathy and feelings of guilt experienced by nurses: A cross-sectional study of their role in burnout and compassion fatigue symptoms
The role of psychological factors in oncology nurses' burnout and compassion fatigue symptoms
Perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, and reactions to poor personal performances among intercollegiate athletes
Development and pilot randomized control trial of a drama program to enhance well-being among older adults
Compassion-Based Therapy for Trauma-Related Shame and Posttraumatic Stress: Initial Evaluation Using a Multiple Baseline Design
Exploring the efficacy of an acceptance, mindfulness & compassionate-based group intervention for women struggling with their weight (Kg-Free): A randomized controlled trial
Shame and eating psychopathology in Portuguese women: Exploring the roles of self-judgment and fears of receiving compassion
Estudio piloto de la influencia de una intervención basada en mindfulness y autocompasión sobre la creatividad verbal y figurativa en estudiantes universitarios
Don't be so hard on yourself! Changes in self-compassion during the first year of university are associated with changes in well-being
Context sensitive regulation of pain and emotion: Development and initial validation of a scale for context insensitive avoidance
Exploring non-cognitive predictors of mathematics achievement among 9th grade students
Accepting our weaknesses and enjoying better relationships: An initial examination of self-security
Trauma appraisals, emotion regulation difficulties, and self-compassion predict posttraumatic stress symptoms following childhood abuse
A randomized controlled trial of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for perfectionism including an investigation of outcome predictors
The learner as co-creator: A new peer review and self-assessment feedback form created by student nurses
Self-compassion directly and indirectly predicts dietary adherence and quality of life among adults with celiac disease
The physiological and emotional effects of touch: Assessing a hand-massage intervention with high self-critics
Investigation of self-compassion, self-confidence and submissive behaviors of nursing students studying in different curriculums
Associations of self-compassion and global self-esteem with positive and negative affect and stress reactivity in daily life: Findings from a smart phone study