The roles of informational unfairness and political climate in the relationship between dispositional envy and job performance in Pakistani organizations
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Developing a Healing Environment for Broken Souls of Patients With Life-Threatening Illnesses and Their Caregivers
How perceptions of one's organization can affect perceptions of the self: Membership in a stable organization can sustain individuals' sense of control
Mind maps and network analysis to evaluate conceptualization of complex issues: A case example evaluating systems science workshops for childhood obesity prevention
Motivating the selfish to stop idling: Self-interest cues can improve environmentally relevant driver behaviour
The potential of dance: Reducing fashion consumption through movement therapy
Flexible value creation: Conceptual prerequisites and empirical explorations in open workshops
Outcome of the solution-focused self-efficacy enhancement group intervention for adolescents in foster care setting
Arts-based initiatives in museums: Creating value for sustainable development
We cannot change the past, but we can change its meaning. A randomized controlled trial on the effects of self-help imagery rescripting on depression
Transdiagnostic vs. disorder-focused perspective in children and adolescents with eating disorders: Findings from a large multisite exploratory study
Psychological need satisfaction and well-being in first-person shooter clans: Investigating underlying factors
Shifts in subjective well-being of different status groups: A longitudinal case-study during declining income inequality
Engagement, resilience and empathy in nursing assistants
Inclusive leadership: Realizing positive outcomes through belongingness and being valued for uniqueness
Foster care, recognition and transitions to adulthood for unaccompanied asylum seeking young people in England and Ireland
Anxiety profiles and protective factors: A latent profile analysis in children
Understanding the temporary appropriation in relationship to social sustainability
Crisis communication within a community: Bonding, coping, and making sense together
Neighborhood conditions and trajectories of alcohol use and misuse across the early life course
When corporate social responsibility motivates employee citizenship behavior: The sensitizing role of task significance
Career decisions of immigrants: Role of identity and social embeddedness
Is psychosis caused by defective dissociation? An artificial life model for schizophrenia
The Psychology of Intergroup Conflict: A Review of Theories and Measures
The professional identity, career commitment and subjective well-being of art therapy students
Psychological variables implied in the therapeutic effect of ayahuasca: A contextual approach
Two faces of social comparison on Facebook: The interplay between social comparison orientation, emotions, and psychological well-being
Obesity, body image, and its impact on children's eating and exercise behaviors in China: A nationwide longitudinal study
Trajectories of self-esteem in extremely low birth weight survivors through adulthood
Face and identity in interaction: A focus on Tunisian Arabic
Identity conflict and the paradox of embedded agency in the management accounting profession: Adding a new piece to the theoretical jigsaw
A brief cognitive therapy intervention for internalised stigma in acute inpatients who experience psychosis: A feasibility randomised controlled trial

Perceived discrimination, language proficiencies, and adaptation: Comparisons between refugee and non-refugee immigrant youth in Australia
Coolness as a trait and its relations to the Big Five, self-esteem, social desirability, and action orientation
Being in the Social: A cross-cultural and cross-generational study on identity processes related to Facebook use

A microscopic dot on a microscopic dot: Self-esteem buffers the negative effects of exposure to the enormity of the universe
Big-Five personality and aspects of the self-concept: Variable- and person-centered approaches
Psychometric properties and validation of the sexual sensation seeking scale in Spanish adolescents: Brief screening method for use in research and clinical practice
Motivational capacities after prolonged interpersonal childhood trauma in institutional settings in a sample of Austrian adult survivors
Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists
Framing advantageous inequity with a focus on others: A catalyst for equity restoration
Accepting our weaknesses and enjoying better relationships: An initial examination of self-security
Resilience and psychopathology among victimized youth in residential care
Understanding farmer co-operation: Exploring practices of social relatedness and emergent affects
Cognitive-behavioral correlates of proxy reports on cognitive capabilities in pediatric patients with epilepsy
Me, myself, and Ikea: Qualifying generic self-referencing effects in brand judgment
Body mass index, depression, and suicidality: The role of self-esteem in bariatric surgery candidates
Affective labour and alienation: Spinoza's materialism and the sad passions of post-Fordist work
Individual and family factors associated with self-esteem in young people with epilepsy: A multiple mediation analysis
Sleep and mental health: the moderating role of perceived adolescent-parent attachment
Why men and women continue to use social networking sites: The role of gender differences
Gender differences in risk factors for cigarette smoking initiation in childhood
Attitudes about race predict individual differences in face adaptation aftereffects
What is the role of place identity in older farming couples' retirement considerations?
Midwivesâ lived experience of caring for new mothers with initial breastfeeding difficulties: A phenomenological study
The impact of ingroup favoritism on self-esteem: A normative perspective
Revisiting face and identity: Insights from Tunisian culture

Positive emotions, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships and social support as mediators between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction
Benefits of Walking on Menopausal Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes among Chinese Postmenopausal Women
Common identity and the voluntary provision of public goods: An experimental investigation
Individual indicators of self-reported victimization among elementary school-age students: A latent class analysis
Longitudinal Latent Cognitive Profiles and Psychosocial Well-being in Early Adolescence
The reliability and validity of the Temporal Focus Scale in young Japanese adults
A social identity perspective on aspirational advertising: Implicit threats to collective self-esteem and strategies to overcome them
Linking collective self-esteem to well-being indicators of arts therapies students and practitioners: Meaning and engagement as mediators
Political affiliation, collective self-esteem and perceived employability of immigrants: Inducing national identity polarizes host-nation employers
Music therapists’ job satisfaction, collective self-esteem, and burnout
Collective self-esteem and the onset of chronic conditions and reduced activity in a longitudinal study of aging ☆