Usefulness of the American Heart Association's Life Simple 7 to Predict the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation (from the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke [REGARDS] Study)
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Maximum nondiffracting propagation distance of aperture-truncated Airy beams
Challenges of Multidimensional Outcome Reporting after Suburethral Mid Urethral Sling Removal
Fluctuations in non-ideal pion gas with dynamically fixed particle number
A nonrestrictive, weight loss diet focused on fiber and lean protein increase
Father's physique influences mate preferences but not the actual choice of male somatotype in heterosexual women and homosexual men
Whatâs up with the self-employed? A cross-national perspective on the self-employedâs work-related mental well-being
On social sensitivity to either zealot or independent minorities
Use of weather forecast for increasing the self-consumption rate of home solar systems: An Italian case study
Structural relationships between second-language future self-image and the reading achievement of young Chinese language learners in Hong Kong
Physical self-concept and body dissatisfaction among Special Olympics athletes: A comparison between sex, weight status, and culture
Retrospective case studies of successful Chinese learners of English: Continuity and change in self-identities over time and across contexts
Beyond Low-Rank Representations: Orthogonal clustering basis reconstruction with optimized graph structure for multi-view spectral clustering
Courage to care for our United States veterans: A constructivist way of teaching and learning for future nurses
Self-esteem and narcissism: An item response theory analysis of curvilinearity
Experimental validation of tape springs to be used as thin-walled space structures
Similarity solutions for unsteady flow behind an exponential shock in a self-gravitating non-ideal gas with azimuthal magnetic field
Investigation of electronic transport through a ladder-like graphene nanoribbon including random distributed impurities
Click here to look clever: Self-presentation via selective sharing of music and film on social media
Clarifying the perfectionism-procrastination relationship using a 7-day, 14-occasion daily diary study
Clinical Faculty Preceptors and Mental Health Reflections: Learning Through Journaling
Why do audiences choose to keep watching on live video streaming platforms? An explanation of dual identification framework
Optimization of self-fermented period of waste coconut endosperm destined to feed black soldier fly larvae in enhancing the lipid and protein yields
Performance comparison of ideal and defected bilayer graphene nanoribbon FETs
Microscopic characterization of amino acid ionic liquids - water mixtures
Your post is embarrassing me: Face threats, identity, and the audience on Facebook
Development and validation of a destination personality scale for mainland Chinese travelers
Understanding travelers' intentions to visit a short versus long-haul emerging vacation destination: The case of Chile
You and me: Investigating the role of self-evaluative emotion in preschool prosociality
Exploration of body perception and body dissatisfaction in young adults with intellectual disability
Flow behind magnetogasdynamic exponential shock wave in self-gravitating gas
The search for spirituality in tourism: Toward a conceptual framework for spiritual tourism
Biofabrication of genipin-crosslinked peptide hydrogels and their use in the controlled delivery of naproxen
Multiscale-structuring of rapid response shape memory polymers based on self-assembly reverse micelles
An intelligent gel designed to control the spontaneous combustion of coal: Fire prevention and extinguishing properties
Body image, impulse buying, and the mediating role of negative affect

Self-report and behavioural measures of impulsivity as predictors of impulsive behaviour and psychopathology in male prisoners
The Actual and Ideal Sexual Self Concept in the Context of Genital Pain Using Implicit and Explicit Measures
The effect of interpersonal rejection on attentional biases regarding thin-ideal and non-thin images: The moderating role of body weight- and shape-based self-worth
Rapid Response Diagnosis of Multi-stage Assembly Process with Compliant non-ideal Parts using Self-evolving Measurement System
Leadership and the everyday practice of Consultant Radiographers in the UK: Transformational ideals and the generation of self-efficacy
The woman who wasn't there: Converging evidence that subliminal social comparison affects self-evaluation
Who we are and how we feel: Self-discrepancy theory and specific affective states
Factor, factor, on the whole, who's the best fitting of all?
Body Image Self-Discrepancy and Depressive Symptoms Among Early Adolescents
The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation of the prefrontal cortex on implicit self-esteem is mediated by rumination after criticism
A pilot study of body image perceptions, and attitudes toward obesity in hospitalized psychotic and non-psychotic patients
Awareness of low self-control: Theory and evidence from a homeless shelter
Affect-based stock investment decision: The role of affective self-affinity
Australian women's complex engagement with the yummy mummy discourse and the bodily ideals of good motherhood
A flexible and transparent thin film heater based on a carbon fiber /heat-resistant cellulose composite
Beauty in the eye of the beholder: Using facial electromyography to examine the association between eating disorder symptoms and perceptions of emaciation among undergraduate women
The High Cost of Epinephrine Autoinjectors and Possible Alternatives
Utilization of self-powered electrochemical systems: Metallic nanoparticle synthesis and lactate detection
Actual and ideal self-congruity affecting consumers’ emotional and behavioral responses toward an online store
Weight-related actual and ideal self-states, discrepancies, and shame, guilt, and pride: Examining associations within the process model of self-conscious emotions
Visualizing ideal self vs. actual self through avatars: Impact on preventive health outcomes
Regulatory focus and the Michelangelo Phenomenon: How close partners promote one another's ideal selves
Self-Consciousness and Cognitive Prototypes of the Ideal Self