در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The motivational pull of video game feedback, rules, and social interaction: Another self-determination theory approach
Testing a bi-factor model to disentangle general and specific factors of motivation in self-determination theory ☆☆☆
Perspectives of youth in foster care on essential ingredients for promoting self-determination and successful transition to adult life: My life model
Electrochemical characterization of in situ functionalized gold organosulfur self-assembled monolayer with conducting polymer and carbon nanotubes for determination of rutin
Psychological need satisfaction and well-being in first-person shooter clans: Investigating underlying factors
Relationships between health literacy, motivation and diet and physical activity in people with type 2 diabetes participating in peer-led support groups
Understanding the role of competition in video gameplay satisfaction
Beware of your teaching style: A school-year long investigation of controlling teaching and student motivational experiences
A new method for determination of dynamic stability of self-consolidating concrete: 3-Compartment sieve test
Does teacher evaluation based on student performance predict motivation, well-being, and ill-being?
Feeling good, being good and looking good: Motivations for, and benefits from, project management certification
Lack of Preparedness for Pediatric to Adult-Oriented Health Care Transition in Hospitalized Adolescents and Young Adults
Assessment of Self-Determination in Adolescents with Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy
Motivational profiles and burnout in elite athletes: A person-centered approach
Spinal Cord Injury Peer Mentorship: Applying Self-Determination Theory to Explain Quality of Life and Participation
Studies on the effects of structure in the context of autonomy-supportive or controlling teacher behavior on students' intrinsic motivation
Freedom and responsibility go together: Personality, experimental, and cultural demonstrations
The concept of control from the perspective of social work clients
Determination of control rod positions during fuel life-cycle using fixed in-core Self-Powered Neutron Detectors of Tehran Research Reactor
Women's motivation, perception and experience of complementary and alternative medicine in pregnancy: A meta-synthesis

Examination of a therapeutic-recreation based clinical placement for undergraduate nursing students: A self-determined perspective
Career readiness programming for youth in foster care
Ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing: Exploring dual-mediation paths
Using outdoor adventure to enhance intrinsic motivation and engagement in science and physical activity: An exploratory study
Rapid Determination of the Fatigue Limit by the Simulation of Self-Heating Test by the Collaborative Model Based On the Fractional Derivative Approach
Science-writing in the blogosphere as a tool to promote autonomous motivation in education
Development and measurement properties of the Chinese breastfeeding self-regulation questionnaire
Effects of health empowerment intervention on resilience of adolescents in a tribal area: A study using the Solomon four-groups design
Self-determined travel facilitation with mental construal priming
Performance grading and motivational functioning and fear in physical education: A self-determination theory perspective
Explaining consumer brand-related activities on social media: An investigation of the different roles of self-expression and socializing motivations
Longitudinal examination of social and environmental influences on motivation for physical activity
The working alliance between homeless young adults and workers: A dyadic approach
Overprotective social support leads to increased cardiovascular and subjective stress reactivity
Treatment motivation among caregivers and adolescents with substance use disorders
Validation of a motivation survey tool for pharmacy students: Exploring a link to professional identity development
The Role of Gamification in Enhancing Intrinsic Motivation to Use a Loyalty Program
Classroom social climate, self-determined motivation, willingness to communicate, and achievement: A study of structural relationships in instructed second language settings
Effects of oxygen supply on low-temperature oxidation of coal: A case study of Jurassic coal in Yima, China
Applying self-determination theory to the blood donation context: The blood donor competence, autonomy, and relatedness enhancement (Blood Donor CARE) trial
Autonomy and morality: A Self-Determination Theory discussion of ethics
Understanding makerspace continuance: A self-determination perspective
The built environment, travel attitude, and travel behavior: Residential self-selection or residential determination?
Self-determination theory and the role of political interest in adolescents' sociopolitical development
Motivational processes in the coach-athlete relationship: A multi-cultural self-determination approach
Why do women engage in fat talk? Examining fat talk using Self-Determination Theory as an explanatory framework
A mobile phone-based analyzer for quantitative determination of urinary albumin using self-calibration approach
Motivating users toward continued usage of information systems: Self-determination theory perspective
Employee participation, performance metrics, and job performance: A survey study based on self-determination theory
A self-referenced optical colorimetric sensor based on silver and gold nanoparticles for quantitative determination of hydrogen peroxide
Can community-based governance strengthen citizenship in support of climate change adaptation? Testing insights from Self-Determination Theory
Improving student relatedness through an online discussion intervention: The application of self-determination theory in synchronous hybrid programs
Electrochemical determination of fisetin using gold electrodes modified with thiol self-assembled monolayers
Longitudinal changes in academic motivation in Japan: Self-determination theory and East Asian cultures
Theoretical determination of gamma spectrometry systems efficiency based on probability functions. Application to self-attenuation correction factors
The effect of a mobile-application tool on biology students' motivation and achievement in species identification: A Self-Determination Theory perspective
Applied electrochemical biosensor based on covalently self assembled monolayer at gold surface for determination of epinephrine in the presence of Ascorbic acid
Mobile-Based Assessment: Integrating acceptance and motivational factors into a combined model of Self-Determination Theory and Technology Acceptance
Using self-determination theory to understand motivation for walking: Instrument development and model testing using Bayesian structural equation modelling
Using self-determination theory to promote adolescent girls' physical activity: Exploring the theoretical fidelity of the Bristol Girls Dance Project
Dropping out of high school: The role of parent and teacher self-determination support, reciprocal friendships and academic motivation
Fluctuating capacity and advance decision-making in Bipolar Affective Disorder — Self-binding directives and self-determination
Motivos de los ciudadanos para realizar ejercicio físico: un estudio desde la teoría de la autodeterminación
Creative writers’ experience of self-determination: An examination within the grounded theory framework
Internalizing emotions: Self-determination as an antecedent of emotional intelligence
Autodeterminación y calidad de vida: Un programa para la mejora de personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual
Do portrayals of women in action convey another ideal that women with little self-determination feel obligated to live up to? Viewing effects on body image evaluations and eating behaviors
A model of contextual and personal motivations in creativity: How do the classroom goal structures influence creativity via self-determination motivations?
Motivational characteristics of obese adolescents toward physical activity: Contribution of self-determination theory
Developmental leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: Mediating effects of self-determination, supervisor identification, and organizational identification ☆
Self-determination and first-episode psychosis: Associations with symptomatology, social and vocational functioning, and quality of life
Effects of three training types on vitality among older adults: A self-determination theory perspective