A brief tale of the two faces of narcissism and the two facets of pride
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Dark triad traits and romantic relationship attachment, accommodation, and control

آینه، آینه، بر روی دیوار، کدامیک از همه مردانه تر است؟ سه گانه تاریک، مردانگی و انتخاب جفت توسط زنان
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most masculine of them all? The Dark Triad, masculinity, and women’s mate choice
Thieves of time? Procrastination and the Dark Triad of personality
How “dark” are the Dark Triad traits? Examining the perceived darkness of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy
The relationship between the Dark Tetrad and a two-dimensional view of empathy
Deception under time pressure: Conscious decision or a problem of awareness?
The lure of antagonistic social strategy in unstable socioecological environment: Residential mobility facilitates individuals' antisocial behavior
Effects of Dark Triad and HEXACO traits on reactive/proactive aggression: Exploring the gender differences
Physiological tests of the cheater hypothesis for the Dark Triad traits: Testosterone, cortisol, and a social stressor
CEO turnover in family firms: How social exchange relationships influence whether a non-family CEO stays or leaves
Triadic relationships in the context of services for animal companions
The Dark Triad of personality and infidelity intentions: The moderating role of relationship experience
Psychopathy and entertainment preferences: Clarifying the role of abnormal and normal personality in music and movie interests
Dark personality, job performance ratings, and the role of political skill: An indication of why toxic people may get ahead at work
Predicting moral decision-making with dark personalities and moral values
Psychometric parameters of an abbreviated vengeance scale across two countries
A network of dark personality traits: What lies at the heart of darkness?
Dark personalities on Facebook: Harmful online behaviors and language
Seeing the world in black or white: The Dark Triad traits and dichotomous thinking
The Dark Triad traits and views of time in three countries
Bursty spike trains of antennal thermo- and bimodal hygro-thermoreceptor neurons encode noxious heat in elaterid beetles
Agentic and communal behavioral biases in the Dark Triad traits
Is the Dark Triad common factor distinct from low Honesty-Humility?
Who is the boss? Individual recognition memory and social hierarchy formation in crayfish
Trait psychopathy, task performance, and counterproductive work behavior directed toward the organization
Childhood stress, life history, psychopathy, and sociosexuality
Exploring triad-rich substructures by graph-theoretic characterizations in complex networks
Good v. evil: Predicting sinning with dark personality traits and moral foundations
Male and female face of Machiavellianism: Opportunism or anxiety?
Cutting corners at work: An individual differences perspective
The longitudinal relationship between everyday sadism and the amount of violent video game play
The roles of personality traits and perceived threat in the attitudes of Israelis toward peace with the Palestinians
Narcissistic self-promotion is not moderated by the strength of situational cues
Machiavellianism has a dimensional latent structure: Results from taxometric analyses
False consensus in situational judgment tests: What would others do?
The impact of dark tetrad traits on political orientation and extremism: an analysis in the course of a presidential election
Modeling hypohedonia following repeated social defeat: Individual vulnerability and dopaminergic involvement
Tight focusing of radially polarized beams modulated by a fractal conical lens
Vocational interests and dark personality: Are there dark career choices?
The Dark Triad traits and individual differences in self-reported and other-rated creativity
The power of the dark side: personality, the dark triad, and political ambition
The Dark Triad and compassion: Psychopathy and narcissism's unique connections to observed suffering
Everyday sadism, the Dark Triad, personality, and disgust sensitivity
More or less than the sum of its parts? Mapping the Dark Triad of personality onto a single Dark Core
The influence of the dark triad on the relationship between entrepreneurial attitude orientation and entrepreneurial intention: A study among students in Taiwan University
No empathy for people nor for God: The relationship between the Dark Triad, religiosity and empathy
The Dark Triad and three types of jealousy: Its' relations among heterosexuals and homosexuals involved in a romantic relationship
How does chronotype mediate gender effect on Dark Triad?
Beyond good and evil: Exploring the mediating role of mental toughness on the Dark Triad of personality traits
Psychopathy rather than Machiavellianism or narcissism facilitates intimate partner violence via fast life strategy
The Assessment of Sadistic Personality: Preliminary psychometric evidence for a new measure
Who do you troll and Why: An investigation into the relationship between the Dark Triad Personalities and online trolling behaviours towards popular and less popular Facebook profiles
Personality traits and performance enhancing drugs: The Dark Triad and doping attitudes among competitive athletes
The Dark Triad, emotional expressivity and appropriateness of emotional response: Fear and sadness when one should be happy?
Angel on one shoulder: Can perceived organizational support moderate the relationship between the Dark Triad traits and counterproductive work behavior?
Facets of the Dark Triad: Utilizing the Five-Factor Model to describe Machiavellianism
Seeing through crocodile tears? Sex-specific associations between the Dark Triad traits and lie detection accuracy
The undesirable Dark Triad? Women dislike Dark Triad male faces across different mating context and socio-ecological conditions
Testosterone, cortisol and the Dark Triad: Narcissism (but not Machiavellianism or psychopathy) is positively related to basal testosterone and cortisol
How innovative is your employee? The role of employee and supervisor Dark Triad personality traits in supervisor perceptions of employee innovative behavior
Mutually attracted or repulsed? Actor–partner interdependence models of Dark Triad traits and relationship outcomes
The making of Darth Vader: Parent–child care and the Dark Triad
Positioning the Dark Triad in the interpersonal circumplex: The friendly-dominant narcissist, hostile-submissive Machiavellian, and hostile-dominant psychopath?
Dark side of impulsivity — Associations between the Dark Triad, self-report and behavioral measures of impulsivity