Nursing students' perceived stress, coping strategies, health and supervisory approaches in clinical practice: A Slovak and Czech perspective
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Is that disgust I see? Political ideology and biased visual attention
Juvenile social defeat stress exposure persistently impairs social behaviors and neurogenesis
Repeated social stress leads to contrasting patterns of structural plasticity in the amygdala and hippocampus
To mirror or not to mirror upon mutual gaze, oxytocin can pave the way: A cross-over randomized placebo-controlled trial
A collective motion model based on two-layer relationship mechanism for bi-direction pedestrian flow simulation
Adolescent Social Stress Increases Anxiety-like Behavior and Alters Synaptic Transmission, Without Influencing Nicotine Responses, in a Sex-Dependent Manner

Do clinically anxious children cluster according to their expression of factors that maintain child anxiety?
National culture and financial systems: The conditioning role of political context
Born to be asocial: newly hatched tortoises avoid unfamiliar individuals
Oral health in children investigated by Social services on suspicion of child abuse and neglect
Mechanisms underlying weight status and healthcare avoidance in women: A study of weight stigma, body-related shame and guilt, and healthcare stress
Experiential avoidance, eating expectancies, and binge eating: A preliminary test of an adaption of the Acquired Preparedness model of eating disorder risk
Increased sensitivity to positive social stimuli in monozygotic twins at risk of bipolar vs. unipolar disorder
Contextual determinants of psychopathology. The singularity of attachment as a predictor of mental dysfunction
Comparison of adults who stutter with and without social anxiety disorder
A reinforcement sensitivity theory explanation of antisocial behaviour
The Vaccination Kuznets Curve: Do vaccination rates rise and fall with income?
Dispositional and experimentally primed attachment security reduced cyber aggression after cyber ostracism
Anterior cingulate activation to implicit threat before and after treatment for pediatric anxiety disorders
Self-esteem vulnerabilities are associated with cued attentional biases toward rejection
Delta-beta correlation as a candidate endophenotype of social anxiety: A two-generation family study
To purchase or not? Why consumers make economically (non-)sustainable consumption choices
Virtual-reality-based cognitive behavioural therapy versus waiting list control for paranoid ideation and social avoidance in patients with psychotic disorders: a single-blind randomised controlled trial
Drinking to cope with depression mediates the relationship between social avoidance and alcohol problems: A 3-wave, 18-month longitudinal study
Predicting tax avoidance by means of social network analytics
A collision avoidance scheme for autonomous vehicles inspired by human social norms
Meeting others virtually in a day-to-day setting: Investigating social avoidance and prosocial behavior towards avatars and agents
Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine prevent increased pain sensitivity without altering neuroimmune activation following repeated social defeat stress
The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation: A meta-analysis of resource orchestration and cultural contingencies
Evaluation of an aversion-based program designed to reduce predation of native birds by dogs: An analysis of training records for 1156 dogs
Social trust environment and firm tax avoidance: Evidence from China
Synergistic effects of pain intensity and experiential avoidance in relation to anxiety symptoms and disorders among economically disadvantaged latinos in a community-based primary care setting
Social stress contagion in rats: Behavioural, autonomic and neuroendocrine correlates
Bupropion induces social anxiety in adolescent mice: Influence of housing conditions
Prevalence of nonsuicidal self-injury and its risk and protective factors among adolescents in Taiwan
Increased risk of developing schizophrenia in animals exposed to cigarette smoke during the gestational period
Perceived workplace discrimination, coping and psychological distress among unskilled Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia
The effects of news consumption via social media and news information overload on perceptions of journalistic norms and practices
Modeling Avoidance in Mood and Anxiety Disorders Using Reinforcement Learning
From face to hand: Attentional bias towards expressive hands in social anxiety
Belief in a just world for oneself versus others, social goals, and subjective well-being
Exogenous testosterone affects early threat processing in socially anxious and healthy women
Genes, environments and their interaction: song and mate choice in canaries
Innate food aversions and culturally transmitted food taboos in pregnant women in rural southwest India: Separate systems to protect the fetus?
Assessment of social behavior directed toward sick partners and its relation to central cytokine expression in rats
Animal to human translational paradigms relevant for approach avoidance conflict decision making
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling plays a role in resilience to stress promoted by isoquinoline in defeated mice
Problem Presentation of Echo Phenomenon on Social Listening and Proposal of Avoidance Method for It
Avoidant individuals may have muted responses to social warmth after all: An attempted replication of MacDonald and Borsook (2010)
Corporate Social Responsibility, Institutional Environments, and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from a Subnational Comparison in China
Consumer avoidance of specially priced items during social coupon redemption
Moral fixations: The role of moral integrity and social anxiety in the selective avoidance of social threat
Public speaking avoidance as a treatment moderator for social anxiety disorder
Guilt in the eyes: Eye movement and physiological evidence for guilt-induced social avoidance
An acute social defeat stressor in early puberty increases susceptibility to social defeat in adulthood
Attachment orientations and dispositional gratitude: The mediating roles of perceived social support and self-esteem
Threatening events theme of cognitive biases mediates the relationship between fear of social situations and delusionâlike experiences among healthy adults
The influence of perceived ad relevance on social media advertising: An empirical examination of a mediating role of privacy concern
Is therapist evaluation of Social Anxiety/Avoidance traits associated with patient-reported attachment style?
The structure of vulnerabilities for social anxiety disorder
Social exclusion, self-affirmation, and health information avoidance
Oxytocin reduces amygdala responses during threat approach
Implications of the gut microbiota in vulnerability to the social avoidance effects of chronic social defeat in male mice
Online support groups for mental health: A space for challenging self-stigma or a means of social avoidance?
Alexithymia, a compounding factor for eating and social avoidance symptoms in anorexia nervosa
Imipramine attenuates neuroinflammatory signaling and reverses stress-induced social avoidance
Increasing social approach and decreasing social avoidance in children with autism spectrum disorder during discrete trial training
Developmental pathways of social avoidance across adolescence: The role of social anxiety and negative cognition ☆
Alleviating social avoidance: Effects of single dose testosterone administration on approach–avoidance action
Are valence and social avoidance associated with the memory conformity effect? ☆☆☆