Who chokes under pressure? The Big Five personality traits and decision-making under pressure
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Big Five facets as predictor of job training performance: The role of specific job demands
Fluid hammer analysis with unsteady flow friction model in coiled tubing drilling
Personality biomarkers of pathological gambling: A machine learning study
Effects of Dark Triad and HEXACO traits on reactive/proactive aggression: Exploring the gender differences
Homogenous scales of narcissism: Using the psychological entitlement scale, interpersonal exploitativeness scale, and narcissistic grandiosity scale to study narcissism
Testing the generality of the general factor of personality: An exploratory bifactor approach
Finite element implementation of the coupled criterion for numerical simulations of crack initiation and propagation in brittle materials
Conscientiousness as a key to success for academic achievement among French university students enrolled in management studies
Review of the effects of Five Factor Model personality traits on network structures and perceptions of structure
Sex differences in the Big Five model personality traits: A behavior genetics exploration
Personality factors are associated with simulated driving outcomes across the driving lifespan
Resilience and Big Five personality traits: A meta-analysis
Weighted composites of personality facets: An examination of unit, rational, and mechanical weights
Understanding item parameters in personality scales: An explanatory item response modeling approach
Personality traits and facets linked with self-reported alcohol consumption and biomarkers of liver health
Static assessment of nanoscale notched silicon beams using the averaged strain energy density method
Street trees as cultural elements in the city: Understanding how perception affects ecosystem services management in Porto, Portugal

The impact of feedback valence and communication style on intrinsic motivation in middle childhood: Experimental evidence and generalization across individual differences
Representing decision-makers using styles of behavior: An approach designed for group decision support systems
Personality and espoused cultural differences in technostress creators
Explaining Unethical Business Decisions: The role of personality, environment, and states
Individualising gamification: An investigation of the impact of learning styles and personality traits on the efficacy of gamification using a prediction market
Strengthening the academic usage of social media: An exploratory study
The predictive power of personality traits on insomnia symptoms: A longitudinal study of shift workers
The structure of personality disorders within a depressed sample: Implications for personalizing treatment
Personality differences in managers who have, and have not, worked abroad
Behavioral landscapes and earth moverâs distance: A new approach for studying individual differences in density distributions
From elementary school to midlife: Childhood personality predicts behavior during cognitive testing over four decades later
Dark side correlates of job reliability and stress tolerance in two large samples
Taxometric analyses of higher-order personality domains
Life history strategy as a mediator between childhood environmental unpredictability and adulthood personality
What are other-rated scales composed of? Sources of measurement error and true trait variance in other-ratings of the Big Five
The dimensionality of workaholism and its relations with internal and external factors
Psychometric evaluation of a Farsi translation of the Big Three Perfectionism Scale
Using self-organizing maps to model turnover of sales agents in a call center
An initial understanding of how game users explore virtual environments
Adolescents' profiles of problematic Facebook use and associations with developmental variables
An examination of personality traits and how they impact on software development teams
A comprehensive benchmark of fixed-grid methods for the modeling of melting
Brothers in blood, yet strangers to global brand purchase: A four-country study of the role of consumer personality
Disintegration: A reconceptualization of psychosis proneness as a personality trait separate from the Big Five
The Five-Factor model and job performance in low complexity jobs: A quantitative synthesis
Moderator effects of job complexity on the validity of forced-choice personality inventories for predicting job performance
Development of a Five-Factor Model charisma compound and its relations to career outcomes
Relational aggression, big five and hostile attribution bias in adolescents
Callous-unemotional traits and the five factor model in adolescents
Profiles of career adaptivity and their relations with adaptability, adapting, and adaptation
In- and extra-role knowledge sharing among information technology professionals: The five-factor model perspective
Are extraversion and openness indicators of a slow life history strategy?
A person-centric investigation of personality types, job performance, and attrition
How do you feel about your friends? Understanding situational envy in online social networks
Proportional bias between dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and bioelectrical impedance analysis varies based on sex in active adults consuming high- and low-carbohydrate diets
Gray and white matter correlates of the Big Five personality traits
The power of the dark side: personality, the dark triad, and political ambition
Development of a sub-channel thermal hydraulic analysis code and its application to lead cooled fast reactor

Towards a synthesis of personality, temperament, motivation, emotion and mental health models within the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits
Computer criminal behavior is related to psychopathy and other antisocial behavior
Big Five personality traits contribute to prosocial responses to others’ pain
Big Five personality and academic dishonesty: A meta-analytic review
Can the Big Five explain the criterion validity of Sense of Coherence for mental health, life satisfaction, and personal distress?
Big five personality factors and cigarette smoking: A 10-year study among US adults
Trait emotional intelligence anchored within the Big Five, Big Two and Big One frameworks
A comparison of self-other agreement in personal values versus the Big Five personality traits
The relative importance of Big Five Facets in the prediction of emotional exhaustion
The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits
Achievement-relevant personality: Relations with the Big Five and validation of an efficient instrument
Age, the Big Five, and time-of-day preference: A mediational model
Parental antipathy and neglect: Relations with Big Five personality traits, cross-context trait variability and authenticity